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Twitterpaited. (this has nothing to do with brief updates)



I thought this was supposed to happen in spring?


Oh its not me mind you, rather my sisters. One is all stupid for one of the guys working on the freeway, the other ... well the other is just stupid, but more on that in a moment. Im kinda happy for my older sister, she is into this construction guy, he seems to be into her, in that whenever he is in the station he watches her, no matter who he is dealing with. The two of them went to lunch yesterday, it went well, he asked if she would be working today.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her, she deserves it.


My little sister... meh she fell into one of the mechanics down the way. I dunno, there is just something about the guy I dont care for. Sure I might be doing the whole over protective brother thing, but then again disclosing that you have 4 kids should be one of the big things when first getting to know eachother. Not 6 or so weeks into the deal. On top of that little character gem, I just feel like she is settling for what is there. She can do tons better, and not have to deal with psycho baby mama's who want to kick her ass.


OH!, yeah I kinda lied... I got propositioned by a guy he is in a relationship. They are having "issues". Gee I wonder why? WTF is with that? seriously... he wasn't even good looking lol.


Sorry just the arrogence, to approach me as if drilling me into a mattress would somehow do me good... help me out. Sorry pal I don't play that way. bleh.


one more thing, I made contact with person of interest #1. The meeting didn't diminish my interest as I thought it would. Unfortunately I don't think there will be another meeting as much as I would enjoy it. As many of you would say, just not my time.


Such is life :) catch y'all on the flip side.




PS if you're curious... yes my side is still a little sore, but a vast improvement over Monday so I'm not worried about it.


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Glad you're doing better Steve.


4 kids? And he didn't say anything for 6 weeks? You're not being an overprotective brother, unless you already killed him. Simple pain is all that is required.

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worse is he admitted a kid... but conveniently forgot to mention the other 3.


I dont care for him one bit. :pissed:

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