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Kurt's Corner

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Please help! Advice needed!

I do not know what to do. My best friends, A (she) and K (he) are married to each

other, and they have a one year old daughter. I have been friends with

her for 5 years and with him for about 2. They got married in August.


I love all three of them very much. Last week A told me that she is in

love with one of their mutual friends, M. She only loves K as a best

friend now. He is totally in love with her, and he has no idea.


Now, she keeps texting me and telling me how much she likes M. I feel

so guilty. K does not deseve that and neither does the baby.


This may make me sound weak, but I decided not to do anything about

it, to not get involved. I think K deserves to know, but I am not sure

that it is my place to tell him. But then I feel like a bad friend.


A has not had sex or kissed M, she is, in her words, only cheating on

K emotionally. Because that makes it so much better!


However, tonight A texted me saying 'if anyone asks, I am at your



She is with M. This happened after she told me that we couldn't hang

out tonight because they were going to a friends house to see her new

kitten. I got ditched for a kitten. :D Or did I really get ditched so

she could go see M?


I DO NOT want her to use me so she can cheat on her husband, my friend.


This pisses me of and it confuses me to no end!


I really do not know what I should do?


Do I tell him? I would want to know. But then I would probably loose her as a friend.


Do I keep quiet? It probably is not my place to tell. But, when he does find out and

if he finds out that I knew, I might loose him as a friend.


Sounds like a no win to me.




Edit to add: She had sex with him tonight...


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if you're going to lose one or both friends in the process you might as well do the right thing... and by the right thing is... do what your gut/heart tells you to do. Take action in a way that five years from now you'll be able to live with.




but thats just my opinion



Tough situation Kurt. I tend to agree with you that it's not your place to tell K. However, I'd tell A that you're friends with K now too and that she can't use you like this.


And you may want to tell A that you don't want to hear anything else about her cheating as you care too much about her baby and her husband.



Your gut instinct is usually a good choice.


I hope it works out for the best for you and your friends.

John Galaor


It looks like the plot for a novel.

John Galaor

old bob


Bring them together with you. Tell them that you know they have a problem (dont say which one! ). Dont talk about the problem itself but ask them to let you out of it.

In the same time, tell them that they have to deal themselves with the problem and that you dont want to loose either of them as friend . ("Salomon's judgment !)



Huh... It looks you're going to lose one friend...



Wow...that sucks! and the fact they went all the way further complicates things.


I can't tell you what to do, just what I would do.


I personally couldn't be in that position and would tell her that she has to stop using me as an excuse and that if he asks I wouldn't lie about her 'not being with me'. In terms of telling him, I don't feel that would be my place, however if they continued to see each other (and escalate it like they did) and I continued to hear about it, I would strongly encourage her to tell him/break it off because I couldn't look him in the face knowing all this.


Sorry you are in this shitty position...it is a no win.





this is a lose-lose situation.


it is only a matter of time before it explodes.


back away from it slowly before it goes off in your face.






This is a terrible situation!


I would ask A if she is cheating on her husband and tell her that under no circumstances will you lie for her since that puts you in an awkward position.


I don't know whether you should tell K. This depends on the depth of the relationship you have with both of them. I mean if you and A are like totally BFF's then I would protect her, but if not I would tell.


I hope you figure out what to do.









Cruddy situation.


I agree that it's not your place to tell the husband. Nor is it your place to cover for the adulterous wife. Basically, she has two honourable options: she can suck it up and make her marriage work, or she can end it with her husband and make a go of it with her affair or simply by herself. What isn't an honourable option is screwing around, regardless of the circumstances. I'd tell her that you are not going to cover for her and further encourage her to come clean with her husband and/or end her affair for good. If she refuses to do that then I'd make it clear that you're not going to cover for her. I wouldn't tell her husband, but if he asks I'd encourage him to direct his queries toward his wife.


DON'T GET INVOLVED! Stay as far away from the situation as possible.


Eh, just my advice. It is a cruddy situation and there is no good answer. Someone, probably multiple someones are going to get hurt.


Good luck,



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