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How did you meet?


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I'm always curious to see how people met their significant other. Wether that be through a friend, online, or at work. Where/Howd you meet?


*sighs with a dreamy look on his face*


I've yet to meet my better half.... Let's hope he doesn't keep me waiting....lol

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How I met Jared:


I had decided to run errands for my mother with snow on the road and i've not really learned how to drive on snow yet so I slid off the road onto the ditch probably about two miles from my house.. lol. He drove by me when I was walking back home, I didn't have any cell service to call. He asked me if the car in the ditch belonged to me and I actually thought it was a dumb question... BUT I was nice. :)


Anyway, he pulled my car out of the ditch, left his phone number on my foggy window, and I called him. :)





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Since I don't have that kind of a significant other, I'll use my best friend Trish. The first time that we met where we spoke to each other was in 7th grade science class. We sat at the same table, which was away from my then girlfriend who was in the same class LOL. That was a HORRIBLE class. For starters, we were partnered for a large project that we only got 80% completed, and I was caught cheating from her book once (I couldn't help it, I lost my damn book!). I failed that quarter, but made up for it the next quarter.


We didn't really start talking again until we had Spanish 3 together in high school, sophomore year. We became real good friends and I suppose we sorta dated the summer between sophomore and junior year. The only reason for that was because a few of the other people in the class all but MADE me ask her out. They had to, because the relationship problems I have now existed then as well. We didn't see each other at all that summer because she was always working, so it came as no surprise that when school picked up again, we decided to just let it go.


We started talking again during Senior year. I can't remember if that was because we had Physics together or if we just gravitated to each other at some point that year. We've been the best of friends since then. Our only troubles are when she drops hints that she wants to date again. I don't want to because I don't want it to interfere with my schoolwork or hers (I'm an engineer, and she wants to be a doctor). That, and I don't know what I want. It's complicated, so I won't make anyone wrap their minds around it... I prefer to just set it all aside so I can continue with what needs to be done to get my degrees.

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Gyms are definitely a great place to meet people. I met my S/O in the steam room of the West Side "Y" in New York. I had just come out and wasn't too sure about how to express interest...especially when you're sitting without a stitch of clothing on, amongst other nude men, dripping wet from the heat.


He kept trying to make eye contact and I just got more nervous...and thankfully too nervous to get physically excited. I finally got up courage and smiled when I left the steam room. We both showered (this was a busy place so it's not like we were alone) and dressed. Our lockers were at opposite sides of the room so there was no casual way to randomly chat. He walked by me on his way out and I nodded. As he left, I thought to myself, 'Another one has slipped out of my grasp.' A feeling you have after someone interesting cruises by and you do nothing. Later, you want to kick yourself.


On this beautiful fall afternoon, a parade was moving down Central Park West. It picqued my curiosity as I left the "Y" and I walked closer to the activities. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted my guy sitting on a high railing. He turned to me and flipped on a 50,000 watt grin. It took my breath away for a moment. I returned the smile and strolled over. There was no way I was going to let shyness interfere with my hunt, this time.


We introduced ourselves and started talking. Lame crap...but it got the ball rolling. One thing led to the other and we casually walked across the park. He suggested we continue to 3rd Avenue for a beer and a burger at a place he liked. Later, Chuck invited me to his nearby apartment. That started a relationship that lasted 17 years.


Oh, BTW, we always told people we had met at a dinner party. 0:) We consider each other great friends...even though we're no longer together.


Jack B)

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I met my wife at work.


I used to be the main programmer, and I was an absolute bastard. I had little in the way of social skills and I had a tendency to bite people's heads off if they asked what I considered to be a stupid question, or if they asked the same question twice.


My wife worked in the support department, and as the new girl, was the one they sent in to see me when they needed to asked a question :D


She eventually decided that she had to either make me her friend, or to quit and find another job. She decided to try the former... and I think she went a little overboard :wub:


She's also taught me some social skills and I now know how to be nice to people... most of the time ;)

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Gyms are definitely a great place to meet people. I met my S/O in the steam room of the West Side "Y" in New York. B)

For the first couple of months I thought Mark was straight because he paid no attention to my flirting, but there is always something there and you can eventually tell, I knew for sure when I saw him check me out in the shower, then he got embarrassed and blushed when I caught him lol.



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I met Mark... little did he know I was flirting the whole time. What a tard, only took him four months to get it. :D



:( I was the tard... we met at a pub night and hit it off really well. I went on in lala land for the next two weeks basically ignoring all the signals until my wife's best friend literally had to push her up to my door and tell me to start paying attention. I said ohhhh! and the rest is history.


Edited by eliotmoore
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I was born with it attached to the end of my arm.




:P Well while I have known some wonderful moments with others and enjoyed the company of my wife I must tell you that the significant other at the end of my arm has been a faithful, understanding and resourceful companion since I was a preteen. Give credit where credit is due -- I mean it quietly goes its way doing whatever needs to be done for me. It never fails to lend a hand. Never complains that I expect it to share my attention with the other hand from time to time. It is happily submissive to my every whim and just seems to read my mind. Thirty-eight years or more of faithful companionship. What more could you ask? I have only been married twenty-five (might want to factor in an extra year there too) so it is definitly my longest relationship. Fairly significant I think. Ah the stories that could be told and the places we have been together! :wub:

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I met my first BF on the streets of Chicago. I was visiting a friend at the time and Bill was lost. I gave him directions and actually walked with him a bit to get him where he needed to be. He was so grateful (being in a new city and starting Grad School there), that we agreed to get together for dinner later that week. We were together for a little more than 10 years. After an ugly breakup, we're now friends+ .


I met Mark at 24 hour family fitness in Dana Point.


Like Morganx, I've met my future BF a 24hr Fitness, unfortunately, we haven't been on a date yet.


I see him there every saturday morning and it's a special surprise when I catch him during the week. I've been working up the nerve to talk to him, but I forgot how to do this stuff.


The closest we got to talking was when we were in the locker room together. I was getting dressed facing my locker, and didn't realize he was behind me. When I turned around to sit on the bench and put on my socks, he was there taking his pants off. While lowering his pants, his cell phone (which was hooked to his belt) came flying off and landed right between my feet. I picked up the phone, said 'Oppps' and handed it to him while he was standing there with his crotch at my eye level, wearing the cutest grey boxer briefs :wub: . He giggle and thanked me. I being an idiot, didn't say another word. *sigh* He's sooooo dreamy.

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My BF moved in two blocks from me in 7th grade, that was in the spring of 2002. I saw the moving truck and walked down to see who was moving in and met Doug. It was like we'd been best friends all of our lives. Doug's Chinese, and I've always really liked Asian guys. I think they are super sexy because of their eyes and smiles and especially if they have that kinda spiky hair like he has.


From the minute I met Doug I had this huge crush on him, but there was no way I was going to tell him. I was totally freaked about coming out to him. Jeez, we were only 12 years old.


I was probably drooling all over him whenever we were together. One day during the summer between 7th and 8th grades, he stared at me and asked me if I wanted to mess around. I asked him what he meant (talk about being clueless!), and he leaned in and kissed me. That was definitely one of those "I thought I'd died and gone to heaven" moments. For me it was one of my most important life-defining moments. Beats a Kodak moment all to hell!


Anyway, the summer between 8th and 9th grades we officially became BF's. We're still together and plan on being that way for the rest of our lives. We're both 17, we graduated from high school on June 8th, and we will be freshmen at UC Berkeley in the fall.


Colin B)

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Like Morganx, I've met my future BF a 24hr Fitness, unfortunately, we haven't been on a date yet.


I see him there every saturday morning and it's a special surprise when I catch him during the week. I've been working up the nerve to talk to him, but I forgot how to do this stuff.


The closest we got to talking was when we were in the locker room together. I was getting dressed facing my locker, and didn't realize he was behind me. When I turned around to sit on the bench and put on my socks, he was there taking his pants off. While lowering his pants, his cell phone (which was hooked to his belt) came flying off and landed right between my feet. I picked up the phone, said 'Oppps' and handed it to him while he was standing there with his crotch at my eye level, wearing the cutest grey boxer briefs :wub: . He giggle and thanked me. I being an idiot, didn't say another word. *sigh* He's sooooo dreamy.


lol, just do what I did and get up the nerve and start a conversation. If he giggled that

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lol, just do what I did and get up the nerve and start a conversation. If he giggled that's a good sign :P



So i haven't meet my signifficent other yet, but there is a guy that i see everytime i go to the local pool hall in hawaii. He always hangs out with me and my friends, and i swear he's always smiling at me, but when i got the nerve to ask him for his number it didn't go to well. So i kinda of lost hope in him, but who knows maybe one day he'll do somethnig ><

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Anyway, he pulled my car out of the ditch, left his phone number on my foggy window, and I called him. :)

Awww :wub: Talk about romantic!


Oh, BTW, we always told people we had met at a dinner party. 0:) We consider each other great friends...even though we're no longer together.


Jack B)

What a great story, Jack! I'm sorry to hear you guys didn't stay together, but it's awesome that you're able to still be friends! :D


Like Morganx, I've met my future BF a 24hr Fitness, unfortunately, we haven't been on a date yet.

He is gay though, right Vic?


Anyway, the summer between 8th and 9th grades we officially became BF's. We're still together and plan on being that way for the rest of our lives. We're both 17, we graduated from high school on June 8th, and we will be freshmen at UC Berkeley in the fall.


Colin B)

Awwwww :wub: That's so sweet, Colin! Good luck to you both in college :)



As for me, well I'm not seeing anyone, but I'm optimistic :)


Take care all and have a great day!


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*removes notepad and starts jotting down* Should enroll myself at a gym (and ALWAYS take a shower of about one hour there itself :lol: ) and a pool. Start roaming on the streets or Chicago (Will Port Louis do? Don't think so. :P ) And move to areas where people who have cute sons are moving in. :wub:


After reading all this I don't know what to feel- envious that why I don't have a bf? Depressed that I got no one? Or happy that perhaps one day, i'll be like you guys?


You guys are soooo lucky. And Good Luck, Lost Cause! (You're perhaps not-so-lost-cause)



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Like Morganx, I've met my future BF a 24hr Fitness, unfortunately, we haven't been on a date yet.


He is gay though, right Vic?


I think so. His gay features are subtle, things only a fine-tuned gaydar could detect. Oh, and one time I saw him at a restaurant dining with a male companion. I dragged my hag who I'd gone out to drinks with, a little closer to get a good look (read stalking 0:) ). It was a friday night at about 9pm. Straight guys don't usually go out to dinner in twos like that during prime date time.


It was good & bad to see him on what appeared to be a gay date. Good that he seems to be gay :2thumbs: , bad that it was with a guy other than me :( .


After reading all this I don't know what to feel- envious that why I don't have a bf? Depressed that I got no one? Or happy that perhaps one day, i'll be like you guys?


I'd go with 'Be Happy!' Your time will come. You might meet Mr. Right next week, next month, next year, or in 20 years. But when you do meet him, you'll feel that all that waiting was worth it.


Take Care®,



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