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Soy makes you gay?


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Hm... I read the first bit of the article and got rather concerned... nothing in it is clearly wrong, even if it sounds like this guy's been polishing his soapbox for some time. A brief google search turned up a much more disturbing article: http://www.mothering.com/articles/growing_.../soy_story.html. The article is very well-documented, citing over a hundred sources, and provides plausible explanations for both why soy could precipitate a major health catastrophe and why we haven't heard anything about these issues (read: American corporations). It doesn't mention anything about homosexuality, but cites several effects one might associate with estrogen overload: sexual health problems for males exposed to soy at certain critical periods, and the startling statistic that one percent of (American) girls show signs of puberty before the age of three.


Food for thought.


-- Raro

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What a crock of crap.


I've never partaked in soy. I was breastfed and then milk-fed. no soy. Not when I was a kid. Not even on purpose today....

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Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.

:o:o :o ... :lol:

A serious research should be conducted to know what BAAAD foods people were fed that may cause them to wander on the WorldNetDaily site.

And sorry, Mr. Rutz (like in "stuck in a....") but come and check my testosterone level; I have very little excess estrogen from what I know. The kind of article that makes you wonder about the First Amendment allowing airheads to be unaccountable for spreading BS.

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It's odd to see a self-proclaimed "health nut" put down another widely accepted health food. Vegetarians, for example, often use soy as an alternate source of protein.


Soy extracts do appear in many "women formula" health products.


Maybe someone, like the whey protein sector, is paying this jerk to punk out soybeans. :thumbdown:


I'm a red meat lover, myself. :D



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I started to reply to this yesterday but it drifted political so i moved it to my blog- probably my most incomprehensible blog entry ever.


This soy story sounds a lot like some of the crap that religious nuts used to try to float when science trumped one of their pet superstitions... err i mean religious beliefs.


Example- in the sixties when polls showed that more than half of people believed that evolution was true, Religionists changed the name of their game to creation science. After being trounced and refused publication in any serious scientific journal, they changed it again to Intelligent Design because a focus group told them that it sounded smart.


So... in the grandest traditions of looking for a simple answer to a complex question: gay == soy !!! Does it make sense? It doesn't have to. Is it reasonable? It doesn't have to be. Does the premise use any known or even suspected scientific process, corollary, theorem, theory, hypotheses, law, suggestion or even a manufactuers reccomendation? No.


I suspect a conspiracy myself. An evil coalition of catfish farmers and corn, rice and beat farmers are trying to smear soys good name in order to gain market share.


That makes a hell of a lot more sense than soy causing anything more than gas.


Sigh... Christians were so much more fun when they argued among themselves over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

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Sigh... Christians were so much more fun when they argued among themselves over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.




Never heard this one... Will someone enlighten this poor soul?



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Never heard this one... Will someone enlighten this poor soul?




Googling finds the link: www.straightdope.com/classics/a4_132.html. Quick summary: Thomas Aquinas, arguably the greatest medieval theologian, tried to reduce theology to a science, and in the attempt tried to hack through many of the basic questions one might ask, including whether two angels can be in the same place at the same time (his answer: no). Several centuries later, after the enlightenment, this line of inquiry was mockingly characterized as asking how many angels can dance on the point of a needle... since then "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" has become a generic stand-in for any line of presumably pointless inquiry and/or navel gazing.


-- Raro

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:D I find it funny!




So did I. Even if there was something real behind it the way it is written is just silly.



I started to reply to this yesterday but it drifted political so i moved it to my blog- probably my most incomprehensible blog entry ever.


This soy story sounds a lot like some of the crap that religious nuts used to try to float when science trumped one of their pet superstitions... err i mean religious beliefs.


Example- in the sixties when polls showed that more than half of people believed that evolution was true, Religionists changed the name of their game to creation science. After being trounced and refused publication in any serious scientific journal, they changed it again to Intelligent Design because a focus group told them that it sounded smart.


So... in the grandest traditions of looking for a simple answer to a complex question: gay == soy !!! Does it make sense? It doesn't have to. Is it reasonable? It doesn't have to be. Does the premise use any known or even suspected scientific process, corollary, theorem, theory, hypotheses, law, suggestion or even a manufactuers reccomendation? No.


I suspect a conspiracy myself. An evil coalition of catfish farmers and corn, rice and beat farmers are trying to smear soys good name in order to gain market share.


That makes a hell of a lot more sense than soy causing anything more than gas.


Sigh... Christians were so much more fun when they argued among themselves over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.


Sorry to ruin your blog entry. I have to agree that there may well be a comercial intrest behind it.


As far as the real science goes, there is still much debate over soy's interaction with human hormones. The whole issue has to do with molecules called phitoestogens (may not be spelled right) or plant estrogen. They have a similar structure to estrogrn so the question is weather or not they can interfere with human sex hormones. There are two competing ideas about it. One hypothesis is that the plant estrogen may act exacly like human estrogen and may interfere with fertility sexual function etc. The other idea is that the plant estrogen may bind to estrogen receptors in the body blocking the body's ability to use estrogen.


In one case the person would become more feminine. In the other the person would become more masculine. Obviosly the effect is small if it exists at all. For a time soy was thought to help with menopause induced hot flashes but the effect was not impresive. By the way, the same plant estrogen is found in other foods as well.


Personaly, I don't worry about it. I am an omnivore in the truest sense. I will eat anything, including soy. So far no food has induced a change of sexual orientation or genital shape or size. (As beens go I think soy are a little less gassy :nuke: than most.)

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Vegetarians, for example, often use soy as an alternate source of protein.

I do. In fact many days soy and soy products are practically all I eat. It's not just a good source of protein, but also fiber.


Anyway, I'm seriously screwed if soy is found to be detrimental to one's health :(

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I didn't eat soy when I was little and growing up, soy products just weren't available. This was true through my high school years, including when I was in the 7th grade and determined that I was gay.


Now that I'm older and wiser, I eat soy, both tofu (which I love) and endamame (salted soybeans in the pod), and probably a lot of soy in common products that include soy as a filler. I guess this helps keep me gay, which is just fine by me! :great::2thumbs:



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Now that I'm older and wiser, I eat soy, both tofu (which I love) and endamame (salted soybeans in the pod), and probably a lot of soy in common products that include soy as a filler. I guess this helps keep me gay, which is just fine by me! :great::2thumbs:

Edamame is perhaps the most wonderful food on the planet, IMO! It's delicious, nutritious, and quite a bit of fun to eat! In fact I can't think of any other food that I enjoy that so perfectly balances taste with health (assuming it isn't making me a hormonal crazy person that is ;) ).

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B) ........WTF! What a load! So Soy makes you gay? :blink: Whatever is the opposite is, will it make you straight? :D I for one have never wittingly had any soy products, does soy sauce on my rice count? :(
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:o:o:o ... :lol:

but come and check my testosterone level; I have very little excess estrogen from what I know.


If there's a difference measured at all, I think gay men average higher testosterone levels than straight men. Or maybe that just happens in all-male or mostly-male environments. :P

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