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Hi Dalmatia,


I am from the USA, specificaly from the state of California. I love it here. I can not speak for the rest of the country but in my area the weather is great. Its almost always warm (desert climate). There is plenty to do and see where I live. My home is Los Angeles county but not in the middle of the city. It is on the edge of the suburbs. That makes for quiet nights and my neighbors are not party animals so its almost to peacefull sometimes. I am a short drive from the famous/infamous Hollywood. The ocean is not far away either. In some mountain areas there is also snow in the winter. In all I would not want to live anywhere else. :D

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Hi, Dalmatia,


I enjoyed Wales when I was living in England. I was staying near the border and made a number of weekend trips into Wales, sightseeing :) I can appreciate why you wouldn't want to move.


I'm from Victoria, Australia. I live on the fringes of Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria and get to experience both urban and rural life as a consequence. My intention is to retire in the house we're currently living in -- I love this area that much.


Australia isn't perfect, but overall, I don't think I'd want to live permanently anywhere else. I had a year living in the UK, which I enjoyed, but it was still a novelty at the end. I've spent some time in the USA on business trips, and again, I think it would be a nice place to live, but I prefer the fewer people, the wider open spaces and the more relaxed atmosphere of Australia. The main problem with this place is that it's physically so isolated from the rest of the world. Communication-wise, we're close (as witnessed by this post), but travelling anywhere is so expensive....

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Hey jfalkon. It sounds so nice there in sunny California, I defiantly plan to visit California when I make my trip over to the US! :2thumbs:


And yay to Graeme not only does he know where Wales is, he's been there too :D I think I

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U.S., down here in good ole Mississippi. It's not bad here... it's just hot as hell. And humid. And we get hurricanes every now and then. Oh and uh, bunch of crazies and whatnot. But generally it's a pretty fun place. It just depends on where you are exactly and what you're doing and all that stuff. I mean, it's Mississippi... what can you expect?


I'd like to move some day, but I want to be in a place where I have people I care about around me, so that means I probably won't be moving way away any time soon. :)

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I live in the South Puget Sound region of Washington State, about 40 miles south of Seattle. We're a little drier here than Seattle because we don't have to contend with the dreaded Convergence Zone, which is caused when weather systems coming in from the Pacific Ocean are diverted around the Olympic Mountains and converge over Seattle and its northern suburbs increasing their chance of a good downpour. We're famous for our rain, but it mostly drizzles and we get a thick mist, which totally defeats an umbrella.


Surprisingly, my mother's side of the family is mostly from Wales. They all came over in the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries, so whatever ties to the old country they might have had were broken many, many decades ago. Wales kind of intrigues me, but if I ended up, for whatever reason, living on that island, I think I'd prefer Scotland. I can't say why, other than I'd probably have a better chance of seeing snow more often. If you grow up with snow capped peaks around, you get to where you expect to see snow on mountains.


My father was the son of Swedish immigrants, but my grandfather changed his name at Ellis Island, so the ties to that country were severed early.


As far as living somewhere else in the US? Well, I'd like to live in Seattle, but can't afford it. I'd like to live somewhere I didn't have to put up with the gray drearies in winter and the constant damp, but I haven't found that place yet, though a small town in Ohio came awfully close.

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hi Razor, yeah mississippi sounds.... um... fun, but maybe i'll miss it out when i visit the states hehe...he


And CarlHoliday, nice to hear you have some connection to good old wales, but i have to say if you dont like gray drearies in winter and the constant damp then i dont think you'd enjoy wales very much :lol:

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Hi dude :)


I currently live in Houston, Texas. I'm definitely enjoying it and plan to hang around for a few more years, but I doubt very seriously that I'll still be here in 10 or 15 years. It's very hot and humid, and it's been awfully rainy lately. This is of course nothing new to me having grown up in Louisiana, but I'd quite like to escape the jungle like humidity someday :P


I shall probably either move to New York City, New York, or else somewhere in California (probably L.A.) within the next 8 or 9 years, and whichever one I don't move to will be next on my list ;)


There are far too many places I want to live in to think about permanently settling down in any of the above mentioned places. Oh it could happen under the right circumstances I imagine, I'm not completely closed to the idea of settling down in one of those places for good, but mostly I don't see it happening. After I live in both New York and LA - and thus will have lived in a large city on either side as well as the middle of the country - I think I'd like to spend extended time on the British Isles (yes, including Wales), and Australia. I'd also like to visit various parts of Europe and the Orient, but I'd probably prefer to visit there verses staying so long it would be classified as living there (although I certainly hope to be alive whilst doing it :blink: ).


Anyway, if all that goes more or less according to plan I'd like to finish out my days in Canada. I love the Canadians!


Still, I realize any of the places between here and Canada might "rope me in" and make me stay. So I guess we'll just see where I end up :)


Have an awesome day all,


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I live in the United States, in the state of Kentucky. It's a typical southern state, a healthy mixture of closed-minded as well as open-minded people. You just have to know where to look.. lol. The shopping isn't the best compared to the larger cities.. lol, but I'm still able to find everything that I want. The weather is nice, we have a spring, summer, fall, and winter all of which could be pleasant and extreme..


Let's see the people are for the most part nice at face value. I live in a small town so everyone knows who I am and I know everyone else as well. So secrets are hardly ever kept for too long. lol.



As for living in other places, I'll try other States of the US first. I've always found, Montana, Alaska, Connecticut, and Tennessee interesting and different from Kentucky. As for other places beyond the US: Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, and England are on my places to visit and I'd have to pick later when I've visited all those places to see which I enjoyed the most. As for right now, Italy is most appealing. :)




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I live in Canada (the national capital to be specific) in the province of Ontario which is in the middle of the country. It's a big mix of dense urban areas in the south along the US border and big forests in the north. And here's a useless bit of trivia for you... 90% of the population of Canada lives within 100KM (62 miles) of the US border. The summer's are nice but can get very hot and the winter can get "chipping your dog off the fire hydrant" cold! :D


If I could, I'd live on the Canadian atlantic coast (I'm going there for 2 weeks on Friday... ) but I've always want to visit the UK, Scandanvia, France and the Aussie's (if I thought I could survive the 17+ hours flight). When I get around to doing that I might change my mind on the "if I could live anywhere" part...



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I currently live in Irvine, California (see: safest city in the nation. yayuh) which is right by Newport Beach, which is great. I've always lived in California, and have always thought I'd always want to live here.


I'm entertaining thoughts of moving to New York for a bit, or perhaps England would be fun. Not really sure yet, but California's awesome, so I think I'll eventually return and settle down here.

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Representing the East Coast here! Specifically New Jersey. The state has it's ups and downs (no sales tax on clothing, but property taxes are astronomical! we also pay one of the lowest prices for gas in the country and don't have to get out of the car! but car insurance rates are astronomical... trade-off to everything i suppose). If I have to move, it's either to follow my career or to get the HELL OUT OF NEW JERSEY! If I had to choose what state I wanted to live in... California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina. I love the south, can you tell? Comes with being a Florida cracker!


As for country, the only countries I could ever live in are pre-dominantly english speaking countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.) but none of those interest me in the least. Least of all the idiots driving on the left side of the road! I would rather live in Southern France, Italy, Greece, Germany, etc. The trouble with these countries is that English is a lot harder to come by (though not at all impossible) and I hate learning languages. I got sick of Spanish after three years of it.


One big reason that I would be eager to leave the USA is because her government sucks the big one. Not to get political on your asses, but the Bush administration has made so many wrong turns, knowing how it would so badly affect the people, just for its own gain! Not to mention that Bush intends on making the war infinitesimally worse than it already is before he leaves office, which will only serve to turn the entire world against us, specifically Iran, Russia, China, and Pakistan... all nuclear states.

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I live in the USA, in California, in central Contra Costa County which is east of San Francisco. Our weather here is VERY different than San Francisco. It's a lot hotter here in the summer, and a lot colder here in the winter, even though we're only 23 miles from downtown San Francisco. I live in a small-to-medium size city of about 64,000 people, in a heavily populated suburban area where you can't tell where one city ends and the next starts. Our advantage is that we have a huge amount of open space and parks in the city and surrounding area. I'm an outdoors kind of person, and this is the perfect place for me to live. Unless it's raining, I try to walk and hike at least 30 to 50 miles each week. I can do that without having to get in a car or on public transit. I can walk directly from my home in almost any direction and be in open countryside in about a half hour.


If I had to move to some other country, it would be to Canada, British Columbia specifically, preferably to North Vancouver, or perhaps to Vancouver itself.



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Coming from the World's Largest Democracy and the second most populous country in the world. The second fastest growing GDP, the 7th largest country in size and hopefully a de-facto nuclear power by the end of this year.


I think you might've guessed that I'm a proud Indian. If you haven't, try visiting the thread about the Indian independence in the Lounge!


I'm a proud Indian and I feel honoured to a citizen of a county with such a great heritage dating to pre-historic times. I live in Chandigarh---The capital of two states (Punjab and Haryana) and also a Centrally Governed Territory as well as my birthplace.


It's the most well planned city in this country and one of the wealthiest too. It contains a varied strata of people from Below Poverty Line to Filthy rich.


Let's just say that the beauty of this country can only be seen and not told!!


Come visit us and me if you find the time... ;)


The BeaStKid



i would like to live in U.S or Australia but it would not be indefinitely and would surely return!!

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I'm from Bavaria, Germany (that's in the south part of Germany). I cannot complain about my country and I absolutly love my town (some people call it "The northest town of Italy). I lived in England for eight months and while it's nice there, it's always nicer at home :D I don't know where I will end up in a few years, but I wouldn't mind spending a few months in another country again.



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Wow go to bed for a few hours and everyone posts... I blame the time difference :lol:


Hey everyone! Nice to hear where you are all from, have got a few things to say to some people...


Are young men from Wales so humble? Have the English beaten up on the Welsh as they did the Irish, the Lord's chosen people?



It might have been better had you said.......


I'm from Wales, which is the country holding up England and Scotland. :2thumbs:




Well I would say that, but I know full well thats a lie :lol: I dont think Wales would still be here if it wasnt for the English, and if it was it'd have a population of about 5 and they'd all be related :P


As for country, the only countries I could ever live in are pre-dominantly english speaking countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.) but none of those interest me in the least. Least of all the idiots driving on the left side of the road! I would rather live in Southern France, Italy, Greece, Germany, etc. The trouble with these countries is that English is a lot harder to come by (though not at all impossible) and I hate learning languages. I got sick of Spanish after three years of it.


How dare you! :o I'll have you know that driving on the left is the correct side to drive on and that it is in fact all you who drive on the wrong side of the road :P


I'm from england, The country stoping wales from floating into ireland. :D


I quite like wales, I regularly went rock-climbing in the snowdonia area.


Good to see some one from the good old Britain here, and nice to see you've found a use for wales, other then sheep :D


Let's just say that the beauty of this country can only be seen and not told!!


Come visit us and me if you find the time... ;)


The BeaStKid


Don't worry I will visit, India is another country on my list to see, I'm already going to Bangladesh with my friend so its not that far really :P

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I'm from Mauritius! yeah, most of you don't even know what it is. It's a small island found in Indian Ocean. It's a real melting pot. We got all kind of religions in here- Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Budhism... Unfortunately, it's a quite conservative.


You can find some pics here.


Take care,

Ieshwar :)

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Why do I get the feeling no ones going to post


Why you thought that? :o In fact, thanks for this topic! :)


And if I have to go to some other countries, I would say Canada or Australia. I would really like living in these countries.



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