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Favorite story?


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I first started reading gay net stories on Nifty, but eventually gave up cause the hackery knew no bounds. But then someone told me about this site forever ago and...yeah. Anyway. Got some time on my hands now and I just finished my Dynasty DVDs, so if a few people wouldn't mind telling me what their favorite story on this site is, that'd be just dandy. Dunno quite where to start, so. Thanks and all that.

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I first started reading gay net stories on Nifty, but eventually gave up cause the hackery knew no bounds. But then someone told me about this site forever ago and...yeah. Anyway. Got some time on my hands now and I just finished my Dynasty DVDs, so if a few people wouldn't mind telling me what their favorite story on this site is, that'd be just dandy. Dunno quite where to start, so. Thanks and all that.


The Ordinary Us Start there. It's by Dom Luka, and it's exceptional work.


Also, check out Desert Dropping, and really all the rest of Dom's work, because it's all phenomenal.



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Asking which story is your favorite is like asking what your favorite song or movie is: unless you are 12, you probably don't have one.


The more stories that you experience, the more forms, the more genres, the more authors; the more favorites you will have.


With all due respect to this site and the powerhouse authors that are here, there is quality fiction scattered all over the web.


Here at GA, the required reading list could go on for a lot longer than I intend to type. You couldn't go wrong starting out with the Log Way or Desert Dropping by Dom Luka.


I love all of Comicality's work but my particular favorite is My Only Escape.


Christopher P. Lydon has a large body of excellent work that you can stay lost in for weeks.


Little Buddha's Some Day Out of the Blue is a lot of fun.


Vance Lista's stories are in a class by themselves.


dkstories, Jack Scribe, Luc, Nick James, Luc, Ghost Ryder- its all good.


GA has high standards and crap doesn't make it here.


Other sites you'll want to check out:


Awesomedude.com is home for EleCivil and Graeme whose Leaves & Lunatics and New Brother respectively are classics. While you are at AD, check out Freethinker's Courage & Passion and Centennial Park.


CrvBoy.org is another site rich in content. Just off the top of my head, my favorite over there is Tappings by KIT but it's also Brew Maxwell's home.


Deweywriter.com is home to the classic Brian & Pete Saga- a real classic of the genre.


www.storiesbydriver.net is home to the incomprable Driver 9 one of the best authors on the net and in print. Falling Off a Log and The Quarry are masterpieces.


Last, but not least, you can find an author called the EggMan at the Nifty Prolific Author page. His story A New Life is very popular.



Well, it's late and I'm tired. I've given you some real gems.


Enjoy and let us know what you think.

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Well, I can't speak for anyone else over the age of thirteen, but I have a favorite movie, song, CD, TV show, book, and Marx brother. ...But that's really neither here nor there.


Thanks a lot for the suggestions and stuff, guys. Appreciate it muchly. I'll get on those tonight.

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I understand what James was trying to say -- I don't have "a" favourite, I have a set of favourites.


I'll add my recommendation for Desert Dropping and the other Dom Luka stories.


Living In Surreality by Shadowgod is another good read in the romance/relationship genre.


Jake's Hand by rec and Working It Out by Don Hanratty are old classics. Too often we forget the old stories, and neither of these should be forgotten.


The Rider's Pride by dkstories is a great story set in Anne McCaffery's Pern universe.


I'm not going to try to list the rest -- there are too many in too many genres.


If you just want to sample for a while, check out the Anthologies for a collection of very varied short stories.


Happy reading! :D

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Over at awesomedude.com forums, there is a section called Best of Nifty Forums. Pinned at the top are top-story recommendations from a number of authors an editors, some of which have been cited here.


Take a look.



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Over at awesomedude.com forums, there is a section called Best of Nifty Forums. Pinned at the top are top-story recommendations from a number of authors an editors, some of which have been cited here.


Take a look.





B) ......Graeme is too modest, check out the "New Brother" it is one of my favorites http://www.codeysworld.com/graeme/

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Asking which story is your favorite is like asking what your favorite song or movie is: unless you are 12, you probably don't have one.


The more stories that you experience, the more forms, the more genres, the more authors; the more favorites you will have.

How very true, James.


I can't begin to list out the number of stories that I have read and liked so much.


CJ's For The Love

dkstories's Rich Boy and Do Over Saga

VLista's One Moment

Viv's From Behind Those Eyes

Graeme's Heart of The Tree and New Brother

Rad Steven's Fixing a Broken Heart

Myr's HP and Parliament of Dreams in the fan fic genre.

Ieshwar's Standing at Crossroads



These were just some of the stories that I could list of the back of my hand. Other authors from around the Web world include--->


Michael Phillips' Trinity Saga and City of Dreams

Sara Bell's The Magic in your Touch and The Way you Say My Name

Adrian Anderson's XXX Men in the fan-fic genre

DesertMac's Tutoring Jerry

Ryan Keith's One Life

Don Hanratty's Working it Out




Phew...I'll edit this list as and when I remember more authors and their stories....

That's all for now...And I hope you like them as much as I did...


Take Care

The BeaStKid

Edited by The BeaStKid
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Well, I can't speak for anyone else over the age of thirteen, but I have a favorite movie, song, CD, TV show, book, and Marx brother. ...But that's really neither here nor there.

WOW! I am impressed, I couldn't begin to decide which is my favourite of each of these either. I'm generally best off trying to break them down into a bunch of sub-genres, like "favourite CD by Green Day", or "favourite recent comedy". etc.


B) ......Graeme is too modest, check out the "New Brother" it is one of my favorites http://www.codeysworld.com/graeme/

I agree! "New Brother" is awesome and most assuredly one of the best stories I've read! :worship:


I won't try to list off more of my favourites because I'm sure to leave some out and we'd still be here forever! But there's a lot of talent out there! So check it out!


Welcome to the boards, Duff :)


Take care and have a terrific day all!


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Umm... :*)


He was asking about stories on this site, not stories hosted elsewhere....


Excellence isn't limited to GA... and I do believe that makes three people who suggested that New Brother is a great story. :thumbup:

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Wow!! Favourite story at GA... this is tough!! Loved all what I read so far - some were fun, some very sweet, one was kinda freaky :blink: , the rest just awesome!!


But "From Behind Those Eyes" by "Viv" will always have a special place in my heart :wub: As I've already mentioned this to her "FBTE is my fav. all-time love story"


*runs off to read the entire story all over again*

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