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2008 GA GetTogether Announcement


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The voting is pretty conclusive and so the next GA GetTogether is officially:


Dallas area (closest airport: Dallas Fort Worth DFW)

June 6-8, 2008


The thread for the UK Get-together is Here


As we have more time to organize this one, as well as lessons learned from the last one, I'm looking at more of a full weekend (Fri-night through Sun morn). Tentative rough schedule would be:


Friday night casual mingling (coffee-shop)

Saturday morning breakfast

Saturday either:

++ Six Flags Arlington or

++ free time for groups to form and go off exploring on their own

Saturday night dinner

Sunday morning brunch


That way there is some structure for those shy who wouldn't proactively mingle on their own, but also enough open spots for people who want to go off too...


So far, it looks like Myr, CJames, JSmith, Dan and myself are all planning on attending... Joe has created a private forum so those planning on attending can help plan, coordinate travel, possibly hotels, etc... So - if you are LIKELY to attend, please either post a reply here, or PM myself or Joe for access.


Attendance list (updated May 8, 2008):





JSmith + 3









Tim the Traveller





Jack Scribe


Rose Strailo


L0st Cause (not bringing cookies)




Dr. Mr. Snow Dog

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Dallas Love Field is also a close airport. It's a smaller one that's mainly Southwest airlines, but if you live in a southern state that flies there, it's usually cheaper to fly there than it is to DFW.

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Allowing for acts of god, tourists, and other synonyms for natural disasters, I plan to attend.


Mike promised me cookies at some point, so June is as good a time to collect as any.

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Allowing for acts of god, tourists, and other synonyms for natural disasters, I plan to attend.


Mike promised me cookies at some point, so June is as good a time to collect as any.



I did what???


You can't prove anything!

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lol one day a GA get together will be less than 2000 miles away from me...


seriously... next time, NY.


gay people flock there. we should be no different.


Dallas is only about 1200 miles away from Cleveland ;)


Next year will probably be NY. Since we've done the West Coast and are doing the middle this year, it only makes sense to do NY next year.


Oh... and I heard Dan will be making us Chili while he's here :P

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Dallas is only about 1200 miles away from Cleveland ;)


Next year will probably be NY. Since we've done the West Coast and are doing the middle this year, it only makes sense to do NY next year.


Oh... and I heard Dan will be making us Chili while he's here :P



In that case Im in for sure!!!


That and if i bail out now my friend in TX is going to kill me ><

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Wow, they weren't kidding about Joe getting his way in the Joe made me thread :unsure:

I'm beginning to wonder if his innocent appearances are all lies.


Still, even that tone is pitiful, at best. Come on Joey, you can be more assertive than that!


BTW I wouldn't make this one even if I had the money and time for it. I can't justify flying halfway across the country and back in a weekend. Maybe NY will be better. I was going to suggest Philly instead, but I won't be going to school in South Jersey anymore after the Spring 2008 semester... I'll be in New Brunswick instead (Central Jersey).

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At the risk of being hunted down and shot, I will say that I am a definite I dunno. I dunno if I will be employed come August 1, hence I dunno if I can afford it. Although, if I found a job in the Dallas area (yea right) then I would already be there :blink: . Not to mention that my current employer might be sending me to Genoa Italy for a conference 2 weeks after the get together --- just over a month before letting me go ... you figure it out, I can't. :wacko:


:king: Dr. Mr. Snow "Snoopy" Dog

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