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I'm an INFP - Introverted Intuitive Feeling Percieving...


Basically means I'm an idealist dreamer. :*)


EDIT: I forgot the strength %:


56 25 25 78


I am:


* moderately expressed introvert

* moderately expressed intuitive personality

* moderately expressed feeling personality

* very expressed perceiving personality

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I'm an ISTJ

Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging


Strength of the preferences %

89 25 50 67


Reading the description, it's pretty accurate and agrees with other personality tests I've taken in the past. :) Essentialy, an introverted thinker -- the quiet guy in the corner who just gets the job done :D

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I'm INTJ and it is almost frightening how well it describes me.



B) .........My score indicated that I was ENFJ


You are:


  • slightly expressed extravert 11%
  • slightly expressed intuitive personality 12%
  • slightly expressed feeling personality 12%
  • moderately expressed judging personality 56%

well at least I'm not a serial killer <_<

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Well, I'm an INTJ - Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

56 50 12 67



moderately expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

distinctively expressed judging personality


The information on personality type fits and I'm even in one of the suggested careers.



Menzo and I should get along but only if we can plan it that way... :P



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I'm a ISFJ - Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging


67 25 38 33


distinctively expressed introvert


moderately expressed sensing personality


moderately expressed feeling personality


moderately expressed judging personality


Description says that I have the same personality as to Mother Teresa, Queen Elizabeth II and Bloody Mary. All hail the new Emperor! ^_^


That's me - shy at the first day, friendly next-door boy one year later... :)

Edited by Rakuten06
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Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

11% 62% 50% 33%




....... okay so it's kind of accurate.... damn it. I don't have to be the center of attention!!!! I AM NOT AN ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!!!! So, d'you guys think I'm an attention whore? I mean, I'm not, am I? And I don't really have to have other people's constant approval and recognition to make me feel like a good person... do I? :P Hahaha, yay. :D


Yes, I procrastinate like crazy. I also get bored EXTREMELY quickly. That's something I've been working on for years now. I get bored with everything... classes, projects, interests, even people. I don't like getting bored with people, it makes me feel bad for not being as interested in them as I once was. Thankfully I've sort of balanced that one out with my wonderfully empathetic and caring side (DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH!).


And oh jeebus, they are so right on this one. I LOATHE bureaucracy so much there aren't words for it.


YAY I HAVE A "SILLY SWITCH"!!! :P You know, I never would've noticed if they hadn't told me.... ~rolls eyes~


Well, this was a nice test and it mainly describes me quite accurately. I think it kind of understated the one thing about me that throws all of this a bit wonky; a nice dash of spontaneity means that none of those characteristics are absolutely, without any doubt, concretely solid in all situations. I change my mind lots, so things that normally would apply sometimes don't. :D

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Your Type is ISTJ

Introverte: 11%

Sensing: 12%

Thinking: 12%

Judging: 11%


You are:

  • slightly expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality


I'm an average sort of person really.

Edited by Jeebus
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* slightly expressed extravert

* distinctively expressed intuitive personality

* slightly expressed feeling personality

* slightly expressed judging personality


They call us the teachers. I'm so honored to be among the likes of Oprah! :D

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LMAO Tiger


As a practical industrial consultant, with experiences in Jung's psychology, I'm happy and thankful to Hylas for this opportunity.


You're welcome. :)


One of my sisters actually has a masters in psychology. :P


INFP's are the Mystic Healers. :D Anyone want a check-up? :whistle:

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