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Hug A Gay Day!


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I was perusing Facebook today and noticed from my news feed that my friend and neighbor, Debbie, joined a Facebook group called, "Hug A Gay Day!" According to the description, you're supposed to find a GLBT person you know and love and hug them on February 2nd. Out of curiousity I typed the name of the group into Facebook's search engine and found about four pages of related groups. Some of the groups were titled, "Anti Hug A Gay Day," and, "Laugh At A Gay Day." Neither of these were discriminatory groups since they were made and supported by gay people who detest the special treatment that gay people get just because of their sexuality. The general consensus is that they feel that gay people too often try to be different when they really should try blend in with society in order to get the rights that we all strive for.


Have any of you heard of this day?


What are your thoughts on the dissenters?


Are you hugging a gay on February second, not including yourself? :P



The first Pride Alliance meeting for the Spring 2008 semester is on Wednesday so I might bring this up and see if anyone there has heard of this "holiday."

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Have any of you heard of this day?


What are your thoughts on the dissenters?


Are you hugging a gay on February second, not including yourself? :P



The first Pride Alliance meeting for the Spring 2008 semester is on Wednesday so I might bring this up and see if anyone there has heard of this "holiday."


In fact, I had never heard of that "Hug a Gay day" thing. To be honest, i don't know what to think about that. I won't say that it's a bad thing, but I don't see it as a really interesting idea to promote the gay "culture".


If I'm gonna hug a gay? well I can't say, I'd hope so, but if I do, it won't be because of that "hug a gay" thing.

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There are some areas/cultures where this is a good thing, because it is raising awareness. In others, though, it is counter productive for the reasons the dissenters specify -- it gives the appearance of trying to make gay people "special", rather than just ordinary men and women who just happen to be attracted to people of the same sex.


There is nothing wrong with the "gay culture" that we hear so much about, but there are many, many gay and lesbian people who are not part of that culture and have no interest in being part of that culture (eg. myself). For this later group, we just wanted to be treated as normal people -- nothing special.


If you try to apply the same idea to other groups, I think you can get a better feel for how this idea can sometimes be a good idea, but other times is counter productive:


Hug a Black Person Day

Hug a Deaf Person Day

Hug an Amputee Day

Hug a Veteran Day

Hug a Politician Day

Hug a Catholic Day


Personally, no, I won't be hugging a gay person on 2nd February.

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There are some areas/cultures where this is a good thing, because it is raising awareness. In others, though, it is counter productive for the reasons the dissenters specify -- it gives the appearance of trying to make gay people "special", rather than just ordinary men and women who just happen to be attracted to people of the same sex.


There is nothing wrong with the "gay culture" that we hear so much about, but there are many, many gay and lesbian people who are not part of that culture and have no interest in being part of that culture (eg. myself). For this later group, we just wanted to be treated as normal people -- nothing special.


If you try to apply the same idea to other groups, I think you can get a better feel for how this idea can sometimes be a good idea, but other times is counter productive:


Hug a Black Person Day

Hug a Deaf Person Day

Hug an Amputee Day

Hug a Veteran Day

Hug a Politician Day

Hug a Catholic Day


Personally, no, I won't be hugging a gay person on 2nd February.


This is exactly why, I don't really like those gay event. I feel, at least here where I live, It just make gay stand out as special, different, out of the ordinary, where we should push to give the feeling that gay and lesbians are just as normal as any others.


But I'll agree that in some place it can be good as it raises awareness .

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I think it is a ridiculous day, but one that was meant with every intention of being goodhearted. My co-workers have all informed me that I will be getting a deluge of hugs, and to be honest, it doesn't particularly bother me. I'll be hugging all the gay guys I know, whether they like it or not! It's just silliness and to those out there who take offense, I have this to say: Lighten up.



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Have any of you heard of this day?

Can't say that I have until now


What are your thoughts on the dissenters?


Very similar to Graeme's:


There are some areas/cultures where this is a good thing, because it is raising awareness. In others, though, it is counter productive for the reasons the dissenters specify -- it gives the appearance of trying to make gay people "special", rather than just ordinary men and women who just happen to be attracted to people of the same sex.


There is nothing wrong with the "gay culture" that we hear so much about, but there are many, many gay and lesbian people who are not part of that culture and have no interest in being part of that culture (eg. myself). For this later group, we just wanted to be treated as normal people -- nothing special.


If you try to apply the same idea to other groups, I think you can get a better feel for how this idea can sometimes be a good idea, but other times is counter productive:


Hug a Black Person Day

Hug a Deaf Person Day

Hug an Amputee Day

Hug a Veteran Day

Hug a Politician Day

Hug a Catholic Day

Are you hugging a gay on February second, not including yourself? :P


I'll be hugging all the gay guys I know, whether they like it or not! It's just silliness and to those out there who take offense, I have this to say: Lighten up.

My friends and I have that 'hug as a greeting and as a goodbye' thing that's so popular in the gay culture going. We also tend to put our arms around each other spontaneously for other reasons ranging from silliness, emotional support, or "oh I was just kidding with that last joke", as well as of course just plain affection. So yes, considering that Feb 2nd is a Saturday and I'll more than likely see a few of my friends I'm sure I'll hug several gay people. It's unlikely to be for this reason though, unless I (or them) bring this hitherto unknown holiday up.





I have no one to hug.


I'll just hug all of you instead! :hug:


Awwwww :hug::hug::hug:



Very interesting stuff though! Thanks for mentioning it, Robbie. BTW, I'm very proud of you, and would give you a hug ;)



Take care all,


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Hmmmm this sounds like a weird holiday & i know exactly what gay guy i will hug.(if i see him) he has made my life hell and i try to avoid any contact with him. So if i see him i'll hug him and say "Happy gay day" and walk away. Obvoisly im not celebrating this day for the reason it was intended.


But i will make sure to hug the gay guy too who works at the coffee shop they have been a real good friend to me lately and so yeah.


I should try and get straight people to hug me on this day when im hanging out with mom and be like "Mom did you know its hug a gay person day" maybe that will make coming out to her easier.

They prolly picked febuary cuz of valentines day.(another really dumb day if you love a person tell them everday not just valentines).

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I don't think this is necessary. we already have the day of silence.


But when straights complain about us (example gay pride parades), every day is straight day. they can hold hands and kiss in public and not be frowned on.

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Drewbie makes an excellent point. Every day is straight people day, and it'll be that way till the world gets nice and accustomed to gays holding hands, hugging, kissing, and generally acting like normal couples in public. I tend to not give a damn about people who stare nowadays. :)


And as for this holiday, lol....


Like I really need an excuse to hug anyone! I hug people constantly! I intend to maintain my habit of giving as many hugs as possible. It's the one thing that costs nothing and makes everyone feel good. Hugs rock, period. ~nods~

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Interesting replies and interesting points! I agree with all of them, especially Drewbies comment that everyday is straight day. It just sounds silly have a day called, "Hug A Gay Day."


BTW, I'm very proud of you

*scratches head* What for? I must have missed something somewhere in this thread... oh well.

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This is exactly why, I don't really like those gay event. I feel, at least here where I live, It just make gay stand out as special, different, out of the ordinary, where we should push to give the feeling that gay and lesbians are just as normal as any others.


But I'll agree that in some place it can be good as it raises awareness .


I know exactly where you're comming from. I myself have similar feelings, but at the same time we should express our individuality and celebrate our culture. We should let it be known(not in a forceful matter) that its ok if your a freak. :P

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Hug a gay day... interesting idea if it is to raise awareness in countries that need to accept gays as who they are.... but at the same time it is a double-edged sword... it can be seen as oh they need attention and they are total slut.


So it can be a good thing and at the same time a bad thing,,, I guess it will all depend if the medias get involved or not and if they do what kind of coverage they will decide to say abou it


will I be hugging a gay just because it is a special day ? No, but I might hug someone on feb 2nd just because I want too :)

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/me hugs Ieshwar. :hug:


Hey why're you guys so serious about this? It's not like 'Hug A Gay Day' is a pride festival or something. It's just fun! :) And what could ever be wrong with a HUG?! :lol:






/me breaks Will's bubble with ninja skillz and :hug:

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I should try and get straight people to hug me on this day when im hanging out with mom and be like "Mom did you know its hug a gay person day" maybe that will make coming out to her easier.

That'd be awesome! :great:

They prolly picked febuary cuz of valentines day.(another really dumb day if you love a person tell them everday not just valentines).

Amen to that!


Drewbie makes an excellent point. Every day is straight people day, and it'll be that way till the world gets nice and accustomed to gays holding hands, hugging, kissing, and generally acting like normal couples in public. I tend to not give a damn about people who stare nowadays. :)


And as for this holiday, lol....


Like I really need an excuse to hug anyone! I hug people constantly! I intend to maintain my habit of giving as many hugs as possible. It's the one thing that costs nothing and makes everyone feel good. Hugs rock, period. ~nods~

Well said, Jamie!! :D:hug:


I confess I forgot about it, just as I assumed I would when I first heard about it :*)


But, I spent the evening with my two best friends and I hugged them.



So, just a quick little follow up, who did hug or get hugged on this day?


Did you guys remember it?

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I was hugged by a couple people, and I hugged all my straight male friends for the hell of it.


well I huggged someone a lot and he hugged me a lot too... :P but we justforgot it was the hug a gay day... we had more things to do...


should we have a kiss a gay day too ? now that should really freak some people :P


and next it'll be have sex with a gay day... that would be fun to say to my str8 friends :P

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well I huggged someone a lot and he hugged me a lot too... :P but we justforgot it was the hug a gay day... we had more things to do...


should we have a kiss a gay day too ? now that should really freak some people :P


and next it'll be have sex with a gay day... that would be fun to say to my str8 friends :P


I've resolved to keep my hands (and tongue) off of my breeder boys. Last time we went out, I had a little too much to drink and, well, lets just say that my fingerprints are all over them now. I normally know better than to drink tequila, 'cuz I'm a touchy drunk and I know it. Alas, a female friend showed up with a bunch of tequila she didn't want.


Menzo (who's fortunate to have understanding friends)

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LMAO! Menzo, you dirty dirty dirty boy! That's actually one reason I'm really glad I don't have any straight guy friends... I dunno if I could keep my hands off them if something weird happened (like me imbibing much too much tequila and deciding after the fourth one that they're the floor... 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, grope every boy within a mile radius just doesn't have the same ring to it).


And pfft, Will, you're not allowed to have a bubble. And besides, hugs don't really count as bubble violation. Bubble violation only occurs when malicious intent, or disastrously accidental oddness, is present.


You know, I think I'll make today a hug everyone day. I'm kind of in a foul mood, especially if I start the day in this mood, so I shall counteract it! HUGS TO YOU ALL, BWAHA!

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well I huggged someone a lot and he hugged me a lot too... :P but we justforgot it was the hug a gay day... we had more things to do...


should we have a kiss a gay day too ? now that should really freak some people :P


and next it'll be have sex with a gay day... that would be fun to say to my str8 friends :P


I completely forgot that it was the hug gay day too,, mind had prolly other things to think about...(or maybe just too tired from the night before) :P


kiss a gay day, LOL um, that would deff freak some people,,,

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I like my bubble....

Respect my bubble!

Please no... NO...

I have a fork and I'm not afraid to use it!


*pokes bubble, hugs and skips away*

Anyways, I hugged someone on Gay Day. My cousin, who is gay. I'm bi, so...yeah...

But like some have said, this day is a double edged sword. It can be bad and good, but it just drives me nuts when they do something like this. Like most of us don't get enough *insert naughty word since I can't say it nor come up with something else to discribe it* about being bi or gay and a day like this can just draw more of that negative attention along with the good.

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I didn't hug anyone... though the GSA president and my downstairs neighbor (also in the GSA) joined the same group. She (neighbor) invited me to join the group, and also sent a "Gay friends" app invite... apparently she thinks I'm gay just because I'm in Pride Alliance.

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