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Favourite Soft-drink?


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Basically, what's everyone's favourite soft drink?


Mine changes over time... I seem to go through phases of drinking absolutely loads of something and then after a while I get bored and can't traste it anymore so then I move on to another drink etc :P



At the moment though its Dandelion and Burdock. Found it really cheap at the nearby Asda and had to buy it since you don't see it often and now for a few weeks I've pretty much been drinking it near constantly (really, I barely ever have a moment when I don't have a glass of the stuff in my hand... good job its only

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I'm not a huge soft drink drinker anymore, but if I do drink it, it's almost always either cherry coke or cherry Pepsi, leaning more towards the Pepsi side of it. I'll also on occasion drink regular Pepsi, but that's pretty much it for the most part.

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It's usually diet Pepsi or diet Coke for me. And sometimes Diet Dr. Pepper if I stop at a convenience store to buy it. Dr. Pepper in bottles is difficult to find in stories in this area. I prefer bottles over cans.

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It's usually diet Pepsi or diet Coke for me. And sometimes Diet Dr. Pepper if I stop at a convenience store to buy it. Dr. Pepper in bottles is difficult to find in stories in this area. I prefer bottles over cans.



B) ..........I don't really drink much soda, unsweetened Ice Tea for me, but occasionally I will have a Coke or 7-up

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I usually drink 7-up when I'm driving a very long distance. This way, I don't have to stop as often. That's the problem with caffeine, it tends to make you go more. Hence the reason they tell you to avoid caffeine in hot weather.

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At the moment though its Dandelion and Burdock.

My Grandad got me into drinking this when my Gran used to make the proper stuff from the plants - delicious. It has one of those effects that leaves you wanting more :)


She also used to make some delicious and really potent wines and 'champagnes': Rose-petal wine, Elderberry wine, Elderflower champagne, and may others. I remember hosting a party once when I was about 18 and some of my 'hard' mates thought they were serious drinkers. I let them have tumblers of Rose-petal wine. Two tumblers and they were under the table, much to their embarrasment! Me being used to it since I was 14, I think I was still on my feet after five :)


My favourite soft drink has always been freshly squeezed orange juice, closely followed by cold milk (but only if drunk from a glass bottle for some reason!). I get a fixation on some of the Tropicana fruit-juice mixes from time to time, but OJ is what I always default to. Oh yeah, when I'm driving, a jar of 'still' Oasis is pretty high up on the list, too.


My only peeve about OJ is that in pubs they often charge more for a pint of OJ than a pint of beer - bloody cheek!

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Sassperilly! Sorry, sasperilla. I was raised on the stuff since I live in the west here. I haven't been able to find it very often, but if you take the back way from Flagstaff to Sedona, theres a small store that carries it in the original style bottles. Best around. Otherwise, Root beer, or anything diet.

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When I go to Taco Bell, Mountain Dew: Baja Blast.

When I go to Burger King: Dr. Pepper or orange soda.

At work or Panera: Sierra Mist.

At restaurants, some combination of the above, depending on what they have.

At school: Dr. Pepper.

At home: It's been Coke recently, but only because that's what my mom bought. I'm not fond of drinking battery acid but it's a choice between that or Diet Coke, which just tastes nasty.

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Vitamin water!!!! I love it! Can drink several bottles a day, but then the sugar becomes overwhelming, so I have to switch it up with water sometimes.


while eating junk food (pizza, fries, burgers) soda.


Sometimes slurpees on a hot day.

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Diet Coke with Lime. I'm addicted I'd hate to say.


And you've got to watch out for your girlish figure :whistle:


Steve B)

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GIRLISH figure!!!




Yes, keeping that figure is important. But Diet drinks have a funny aftertaste. Artificial sugars.

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I rate coca-cola and pepsi just above sarsparella as my least favourite flavours.


I usually go for lemonade (which has nothing in common with what the USA calls lemonade :P ), though I'm also very partial to lemon and lime flavoured soft drinks, and Lemon, Lime & Bitters (LLB) in particular :D


For mixed drinks, I usually use dry ginger ale.

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Hmm, well I do like limonade imported from France, but it is quite expensive here.

I mostly drink Sprite at work, apart from sweet tea.

Root beer is great of course.


Though if I have a choice, 90% of the time I go for lemonade

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... though I'm also very partial to lemon and lime flavoured soft drinks, and Lemon, Lime & Bitters (LLB) in particular :D

Mmmm, you reminded me, Robinson's Lemon Barley Water as featured for many years at Wimbledon! Nothing quite like it to quench the thirst on a hot day.

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Coke Zero is my favorite. I like Classic Coke too , but it contains too many calories, so I switched to diet sodas, and Diet Coke tastes funny compared to the real thing. Actually the best stuff is kosher-for-Passover Coca Cola, which is made with cane sugar rather than corn syrup, but you can only find it in the Spring. It comes in specially marked bottles and is only sold in areas where there are a lot of observant Jews. I also love Dr. Browns (Diet) Black Cherry Soda, and ginger beer, which is like a VERY strong ginger ale. And I like Tarkhun, which is a tarragon-flavoured soda from the Caucasus (not that I can ever get it, because you have to find an importer of weird foreign things for specialized tastes).



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