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Your perfect guy


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Don't know if you're all familiar with the series...

Anyhow, this thread made me think about a certain scene...


Smack The Pony


Enjoy :P

That was very funny! :lmao:


To grossly pervert the words of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in his concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964)


I shall not today attempt to define the kinds of attributes I understand to be embraced within the shorthand description of "my perfect guy"; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But
I'll know him when I meet him, and I haven't met him yet.

Don't you ever worry you won't know him when you meet him? *shrug*

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- 35-45years old, brown hair, light skin, thin, nerdy/geeky looking.

- Someone who smiles a lot, but can also do the pouty thing.

- Financially independent and is good with money (i.e. someone with a decent credit score who doesn't welch on their debts).

- Should like cycling, rollerblading, and hiking

- Someone who likes to go out ocassionally and enjoys quiet dinners at home. An early bird who likes big breakfasts.

- Someone who's clean but doesn't OCD over it.

- And generally a good person.


That's mine 0:)


P.S. - They must either like reading online gay fiction or would tolerate it. :P

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P.S. - They must either like reading online gay fiction or would tolerate it. :P

Perhaps this makes me sound selfish, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to share that hobby with him. He could read my stories, in fact I'd want and expect him to, but as a way to share that part of me with him. I wouldn't want him lurking around GA every time I turn around :unsure:


I believe in couples having some hobbies they share and some they partake in separately, and yeah I'm pretty sure this would be one I'd like to do separately.


On the other hand it'd be really cool if he shared my hobby for partnership card games. I know this probably sounds odd to someone who doesn't play them, but I always felt really connected to my regular partners and the way we could read each other felt really intimate...I'd like to share that with him.




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Perhaps this makes me sound selfish, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to share that hobby with him. He could read my stories, in fact I'd want and expect him to, but as a way to share that part of me with him. I wouldn't want him lurking around GA every time I turn around :unsure:


I believe in couples having some hobbies they share and some they partake in separately, and yeah I'm pretty sure this would be one I'd like to do separately.


On the other hand it'd be really cool if he shared my hobby for partnership card games. I know this probably sounds odd to someone who doesn't play them, but I always felt really connected to my regular partners and the way we could read each other felt really intimate...I'd like to share that with him.




I think I definitely want him to read my stories. I wouldn't have a problem with the idea of being in chat together or whatever. Remember, we do have a resident couple, and they tend to be online around the same time. I think it's cute. :P

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I think I definitely want him to read my stories. I wouldn't have a problem with the idea of being in chat together or whatever. Remember, we do have a resident couple, and they tend to be online around the same time. I think it's cute. :P

Oh it definitely works wonderfully for some couples; I just have a feeling it's not what I'd want for myself.


Also, the couples here mostly seem to have met here or both been members prior to being coupled. That makes for a different dynamic than introducing your boyfriend to the place. I could be wrong but I get the impression most members who have boyfriends don't have them here at the site and probably prefer that. Although I'm just speculating, maybe they do wish the bf would join.

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Don't you ever worry you won't know him when you meet him? *shrug*

Note that you said "perfect", I wouldn't have any trouble knowing that when I met him. The real problem is identifying the "not perfect" ones when I meet them

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Perhaps this makes me sound selfish, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to share that hobby with him. He could read my stories, in fact I'd want and expect him to, but as a way to share that part of me with him. I wouldn't want him lurking around GA every time I turn around :unsure:


Hmmm, I hadn't thought about that. I think I was looking at things from the perspective of -


'I don't understand why you're spending so much time on the internet.'

'Why are you laughing?'

'Why are you swearing up and down about this Aaron fellow?'



Good thought though. Maybe I wouldn't want so share everything :unsure: . Mr. Perfect just has to be accepting of this hobby of mine.

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Above all, he is honest. With himself and with me.

He has to be intelligent. He has to be able to hold interesting conversation.

He has to be stable. I can be pretty unstable sometimes. A balance is needed.

He has to be passionate about something. Something that shows he actually has interests.

He should be someone I can learn something from. Ideas, places and things.

He should be outgoing and affectionate and fun and cute. Thats about it.

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Hmmm, I hadn't thought about that. I think I was looking at things from the perspective of -


'I don't understand why you're spending so much time on the internet.'

'Why are you laughing?'

'Why are you swearing up and down about this Aaron fellow?'



Good thought though. Maybe I wouldn't want so share everything :unsure: . Mr. Perfect just has to be accepting of this hobby of mine.



Above all, he is honest. With himself and with me.

He has to be intelligent. He has to be able to hold interesting conversation.

He has to be stable. I can be pretty unstable sometimes. A balance is needed.

He has to be passionate about something. Something that shows he actually has interests.

He should be someone I can learn something from. Ideas, places and things.

He should be outgoing and affectionate and fun and cute. Thats about it.

That does sound good :D


This one. :P




Hands off. He's been mine for over five years now.

Awwww :wub:

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Hmm... the perfect guy... that's a tough one to figure out... but i'll give it a shot...


He has to be honest, never willing to lie

He has to be there for me as much as I'm there for him

He has to have a brain that he can use

He needs to be able to keep up with me

I need to be able to challenge him at every turn of the road

We need to share in different hobbies and intrests

I need to accept him for who he is

He needs to accept me for who I am


....also he can't be a playa or a cheater

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I once made a list of My Perfect Guy when i swore off dating after being burnt a few times...My friends found this list in my journal once and said to me "You have way to high standards" my response was that i was looking for someone who thought i was perfect. Now i realized i made the list so high and wonderful because no one would ever fill that list.


Now a days my list is rather small & like that Sheryl Crow song "Are you strong enough?"


Basically they just have to take me for me. Accept me for who i am. Be strong emotionally and physically. Let me have space. In 1 book im reading the man and the woman don't always get along because they are so different. But she calls there love life as Practical Romance. They dont do all the mushy stuff but it works for them. I thought that was the coolest thing Practical Romance.

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My idea of the perfact man is just that.' A man, preferably a gentle man/gentleman, and he would posess a well developed sense of humor. Without the ability to laugh one cannot participate in a well-rounded conversation, appreciate the acts of love in its many forms, feel compassion upon seeing or sensing an injustice and the ability to sit quietly knowing the love of his life is near and feeling the same contentment. This definition requires the general meanings of humor, but fits the individual seen and heard in my mind.

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He has to be honest, never willing to lie

Eh, my boy can tell me sweet little lies occasionally if he likes :wub:


In all seriousness I value kindness and loyalty more than strict honesty. A diplomatic tongue is a major boon, even if it does come with the beginnings of a tine here or there. ;)

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I think I should just clone myself. That might be the best way to go about it, because only a big ball of crazy could understand a big ball of crazy. :D

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I've been reading this thread and contemplating writing an actual post for quite a while now. Ever since it was started, I guess. My views on the perfect guy are more extensive than this, but it is a general overview.


My perfect man is younger than I.

He has shaggy dark hair. Delicate features, slightly feminine. Glasses are a plus.

He should be himself, no matter what. Even if I don't like it.

He wants to cuddle with me when watching movies.

He has reasonable table manners and is otherwise polite.

Intelligence is welcome, preferably above average.

He doesn't have to be interested in sex, but kissing is good.

Oh forget it. I don't know what I want in a man.


I just want to know that when I find it, it is right.


Perhaps we should describe an ideal relationship instead.

Edited by Tarin
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I don't know... I can't really answer this one as for me, nobody is perfect. ANd I can't have the perfect guy, if he doesn't exist.


That is part of the charm i see in a relationship....learning to live with your S/O's flaws and weaknesses and in fact growing to love them.


I would need all night to think about my perfect guy/gal. But to some it all up, I think he/she should be a good human being and also loving and caring.


I think these three qualities include all other qualities that I can think of. :)


BeaStKid :devil:

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The first picture I've seen of you smiling! B)


You guys are cute together!

It was an evil smirk and me thinking how to kill him posing like a real drag queen with me. I hate it when he poses like that in the photos. Not his normal posture. :P


Great observation, James!


I think we've now discovered the one person who can melt our Frosty B)

He can melt my skin, but never my cold heart. :P

Edited by Jack Frost
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i'm one of those suckers for multilingual people. that'd be a plus.

reads a lot, obviously.

i think i need him to be entertained by simple things: walking, sitting around and having comfy time during jeopardy, cooking.

we can go on adventures.

makes me want to improve myself. probably means someone who accomplishes a lot and makes me feel like i need to catch up.

doesn't remind me of a high school girl.


physically, i'd like 5'7-5'11, skinny to medium build, sharp features. i tend to like dark hair.

however there have been people who don't fit that description at all whom i've drooled after.


you wouldn't think someone who partially fits this would be hard to find...

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i'm one of those suckers for multilingual people. that'd be a plus.

reads a lot, obviously.

i think i need him to be entertained by simple things: walking, sitting around and having comfy time during jeopardy, cooking.

we can go on adventures.

makes me want to improve myself. probably means someone who accomplishes a lot and makes me feel like i need to catch up.

doesn't remind me of a high school girl.

All those qualities sound like something I would want as well. Especially the multilingual thing. Another thing I'm a sucker for is artistic or musical guys.


you wouldn't think someone who partially fits this would be hard to find...

No, but there are all sorts of other things you'd probably like, or actively dislike, which didn't make the list. I suspect these missing (or present) features make the people who posses the ones specifically mentioned seem less attractive.


For example what if the guy has all those features but absolutely refuses to use deodorant? Of may he has all those qualities but also happens to enjoy extreme S&M...I suspect those things might make him seem less charming even though they didn't warrant mentioning on your list ;)

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The perfect guy for me is my boyfriend, whom I have been dating for 1 year, 3 months and 21 days (22 in 18 minutes).

Haha that probably sounds really pathetic that I know that... but I remember tiny insignificant things like this.


But yeah, he's definitely not perfect, because well, nobody is. But I love him, so he fits in the category for me I think. :wub:

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