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Let the Music Play, Chapter 47


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I have very mixed feelings about this:

1/ I'd be glad Helen's just asleep and recovering.

2/ I'd be quite mad at the Goat for such deception. I even shed a tear as I read this part. And my tears are not cheap (see above...)


All will be well! :2thumbs:


Trust the Goat! 0:)


It's just that I can't picture a sequel without Helen. In addition to that, if Eric has a gay part to him, he will need Helen's support if he decides to do something about it. One loose end has to be the kiss he gave Cody. :wub:



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All will be well! :2thumbs:


Trust the Goat! 0:)


:wacko: ....Are you daft man?


It's just that I can't picture a sequel without Helen. In addition to that, if Eric has a gay part to him, he will need Helen's support if he decides to do something about it. One loose end has to be the kiss he gave Cody. :wub:




B) ..........He can do a sequel without Helen, but Scar's demise surprised me as I thought he was an important part of the sequel. Good G_d! one kiss and everyone has made Eric out to be Gay, whatever happened to being curious?? Cody just got lucky, BTW did his Shadowyness cash that check for himself??

Edited by Benji
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It's just that I can't picture a sequel without Helen. In addition to that, if Eric has a gay part to him, he will need Helen's support if he decides to do something about it. One loose end has to be the kiss he gave Cody. :wub:



I think Cody is a loose end.

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His involvement with the Shadows was hinted from the beginning with his appearance and attire (pale kid wearing black trench-coat, yeah very good).


Yep, Joe's joining The Shadows was intended from the beginning. His "look" was never a good fit for Instinct, but it does fit The Shadows. :)


My only plea is that you specifically NOT tie up too many loose ends. Obviously, with a sequel coming up, you don't plan to tie everything together, but I hate it when authors feel the need to package a neat little ending to every problem. Just think about your life: when was the last time you wrapped up all the loose ends going on in your life before the next problem hit? (For that matter, when was the last time anyone wrapped up two or three loose ends in a row before a new issue came up? I can't remember the last time I did ... )


I don't know if this was unique to me, but I really liked Dimitri until the last few chapters. Maybe it was because we never really saw his evil side so much, it was just implied, and his nonchalant attitude towards sexual orientation is such a nice change of pace from most people's.


How official were Helen and Barbra? If there's much legal paperwork around her estate, the paparazzi will almost certainly figure the two out, destroying Brandon's cover ... And likely outing him in a negative ("you lied to us") light, unless they go on the offensive first, outing both couples, and taking the first shot at the media ("hey, we told you all along, they were just friends").


Edit: been away for a while, but nitpicking back (since you got me on the meters/feet thing):


While his control did indeed get looser, I doubt he voluntarily released some slack, and instead began losing his grip.


Also, Brandon's techie job started at 6AM in chapter 2, and 7AM in chapter 4.


And 9.8 m/s^2 = ~32.152231 feet, so Earth's acceleration due to gravity should round to 32 ft/s^2, not 33. badrazzzk6.gif


Not everything will be tied up in a neat package, and perhaps some things that appear to be won't be. :)


And Ooops! Thanks for the catch on Brandon's tech job! I'll fix it!


And Lol; switching loose and lose is a bad habit of mine. :)


And you are correct on the acceleration rate of terrestrial gravity at earth's surface. I rounded the wrong way. :)


BTW... on the story index page, there is a listing of the story genres. That might serve as a clue as to some of what remains to be handled in the Epilogue. :)


Great chapter, CJ. Lots of things came to a satisfactory ending. Helen's death was sad, but the end of Scar and his last two henchmen were welcome. General Bradson's forced resignation should be no surprise; happens all the time. I applaud his decision to rattle a few politicians.


One thing I wondered about:


Could this possibly mean that Jerry really was gay?


ROFL! Nah, Jerry's sexuality, as far as i know, is straight. He's just a little egotistical, and prone to theatrics. :)


Another Great Chapter CJ :2thumbs: Thank you very much.


I have to agree with everyone that it is great to see J/S finally dead. In the way only CJ could use, it was very ironic that Vlad was able to exact revenge from the grave for the person who ended his. I will unofficially declare Vladimir as the unsuspected hero of LTMP :great: .


Now I'm confused...........Help me out here please!! Helen's dead????


CJ Wrote:



The immediate image i got from the opening paragraph was the grim edifice was a hospital. Also, Eric didn't caress Helen's 'lifeless' hand, did he?


Am I mistaken or did CJ leave us with one final cliffhanger at the end of the story? Who knows if this final one will be resolved in the epilogue.


Thanks again CJ :D


Steve B)


I'll post about that scene after the epilogue. :) However... I'll say this much... It's not my fault. It can only be attributed to certain dark forces... 0:)

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B) ...............Your right, CJ did everything to imply, but never actually said that Helen was dead. Master of misdirection and now master of non-information?? Silence of the Goats.


Silence of the Goats! :lmao:


Well, actually, that fits! I am a quiet and sy lurker, after all. :ph34r:


Great story CJ, as usual ! :D

Now we have to wait, after the epilogue, on your next story :worship:

Dont let us wait too long :rolleyes:


Hi Old Bob!!


You won't have long to wait. I'm currently typing away at Chapter 5 of "Changing Lanes", the sequel to LTMP. I hope to have chapter one online in under two weeks, but Emoe will be unavailable for a while due to the passing of his father on Sunday, so I might need to delay a little (which will help me too, by giving me time to increase the buffer of written chapters).


The Epilogue should be posted soon. Due to Emoe's situation, it is unedited, but Bondwriter has used his keen eyes to catch my typos. I wrestled with the decision, but I felt it best to post the epilogue soon rather than put the story on hiatus at this point.


I LOVED this chapter! So amazing! :worship:


Btw, am I sick for laughing like a crazy person while reading the ending? :unsure: It was so fitting and well deserved.




The ending was one I planned from the start, sort of. I'd always planned for Vladimer to use a bomb to exact his revenge, and in the section where he's stealing gold it's mentioned that he's also taking explosives. However, I was unsure as to where the bomb would be until I wrote the part where The Scar was saving some of the machinery and shipping it. :)


Following Steve's and Benji's example, I'll quote:




At first read, this is a chapel or a funeral home. If it turns out to be a hospital and Helen comes back to life, this will have been an even meaner trick than the cliffhangers, worthy of contempt, scorn and spit. I'll put on my nicest rabble-rousing costume, and there will be no hill remote enough in all of Arizona to hide.


You might want to make that Southern California, given the location of the culprit. :)


I took this scene in Chapter 44 to be Helen's death scene. After that I really didn't think that there was anyway for her to be alive.



Great job CJ! Don't leave us waiting too long for the epilogue.


I won't! It should be online soon; at a minimum before the regular chapter posting day. :)


I fear saying anything at all... then again the goat will only blame me.


For good reason, oh Shady One... :P


B) ..........He can do a sequel without Helen, but Scar's demise surprised me as I thought he was an important part of the sequel. Good G_d! one kiss and everyone has made Eric out to be Gay, whatever happened to being curious?? Cody just got lucky, BTW did his Shadowyness cash that check for himself??


And here we have the true cliffhanger: what happened to that check!?!? I fear you may be right, the Shady One may have taken the funds for himself! :o


All can say is; Eric sent the check.


Okay, now is about the time when i release the name of the coming chapter... or in this case, the epilogue. It's entitled "Epilogue."


CJ :)

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