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Interacial Dating

Prince Duchess

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It shouldn't be a big deal, Yet with some family or persons think that their children should only date a catholic or another Jewish person they bring up it should just be with them. and again shouldn't be a big deal at all.


, and I think we discussed it here before, not exactly what you mean, but pretty close.


Racial attraction

Edited by Drewbie
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It should not be an issue at all....that being said there is still racisim out there, and many ethnic groups like to remain within those groups. Same thing with some religious beliefs.


My best friend was born in the UAE, of indian ethnicity and he is marrying a Czech (white) girl. Its no big deal to any of us....except her mother, who apparantly is racist. She is at least keeping those opinions to herself right now.



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Roger Ebert has been happily married to chaz for 17 years.


I have seen my first interracial couple with their new born.

When I was 6 or 7 - thats like 40 years ago.

I was fine by it then - and - I'm still am.


btw, my internet bf sports an excellent tan - he's fillipino.

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It should not be an issue at all....that being said there is still racisim out there, and many ethnic groups like to remain within those groups. Same thing with some religious beliefs.


My best friend was born in the UAE, of indian ethnicity and he is marrying a Czech (white) girl. Its no big deal to any of us....except her mother, who apparantly is racist. She is at least keeping those opinions to herself right now.





I agree, its not so much a taboo as it is a racist/religious centered opinion.

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The way I see it is....When we cut ourselves, what color comes out?

I'm hispanic and married to a cherokee/choktaw/irish man. My ancestry is English (don't know exactly from where in England though) Spaniel (Canary Islands), African (have no clue there either) and of course, Taino Indian which were the natives in the island. So, that said, I'm a good ol' Heinz 57! LOL! All in all, we all bleed the same. It's not what's on the outside, it's what's inside each and every one of us that should count.

Nuff said.


Love and Light ~ Rush~

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I completely agree with the posts up there :P


My first bf was Japanese, my second was Jewish and my third was Irish American lol. I think what counts in dating is the DATING part, not the colour of one's skin, which is kinda superfluous to me.


I used to have not much of a problem with my first ex-bf but my third ex-bf dumped me for reasons undefined. I hated to think it was because of all the name callings he got for dating me.

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My first kiss was with an African American. I've never been racist, but I live around a bunch of racist people. >:0


Personally, both of my parents are Italian (my dad is half), and I'm pale, but my friend Chris is also Italian and he has dark features and tan skin. Once we were walking through a store and some redneck yelled out, "Speak some spanish to me, Mexican!" You can imagine how weird that is...... Not ONLY were they wrong about his ethnicity (dummy) but he was very racist.


It's just silly to be racist.

Edited by ArpeGGio
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There's nothing wrong with interracial dating. And guys, just because we are a minority group does not mean that there isn't any racism among us. It does exist. However, I think most people in general are okay with interracial dating.

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My first kiss was with an African American. I've never been racist, but I live around a bunch of racist people. >:0


Personally, both of my parents are Italian (my dad is half), and I'm pale, but my friend Chris is also Italian and he has dark features and tan skin. Once we were walking through a store and some redneck yelled out, "Speak some spanish to me, Mexican!" You can imagine how weird that is...... Not ONLY were they wrong about his ethnicity (dummy) but he was very racist.


It's just silly to be racist.


When I was in 5th grade, I had a huge crush for my best friend.

He was Japanese and str8.


Looking back with 20/20 hind site - there were few things strange but connected.


One, he was dark skin. His parents and sister are fair skin. I think he was adopted. But the funny thing - I didn't mind and my parents didn't mind.


Second, he wasn't nice to other Japanese fair skins students that went to my school.

Well I am glad he's wasn't belligerent but he was short of that.


Third, I still treated people he didn't like with respect. It may have case a small rift but all in all - he didn't force me to make friends like he does.


So - I can't be sure if was a racists with the ranks of the Japanese.

But maybe it was a phase for him. and he had to accept others in order to co-exist.


So looking back - it was silly - but it was life.

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Given that I'm an ethnic minority, I should hope people aren't against interracial dating... Otherwise my sea will have drastically shrunk. Meh.

Well, you have nothing to fear. I'd date you. :wub:

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I don't like children that much, find it stressful being around them all that long rather than I don't like them. but my favourite ever is a little boy called joel, he's adorable, hh5 you reminded me of him with your talk of kids, I haven't seen him in a year, but yeah his dad is black and from South America and his mum white (my mums best friend). he is the sweetest, cutest, most intelligent little boy ever, and his favourite colour is pink. I think interracial dating can become an issue in a place where there isn't much racial diversity, it depends where you live and the people, but some places it can then become an issue, less that I think they are racist (well they are) but due to they aren't used to seeing it so it stands out. from reading your comments and just generally hearing about america it seems like there is a lot of racial diversity, whereas here in the UK it depends very much where you are. there are certain parts of the country where there is a big mix, London for example but most places are very white. or then there is quite apparent segregation within cities or towns in terms of where people live, not everywhere but it is quite prominent.



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I don't even really label myself a Race, though if i absolutly have to then i am French & English with Portugese. ( I like to call myself a French Porch) I've had racist people call me a Porch Monkey.

I consider myself like that Kt Tunstall song "Suddenly I See" that im a Map of the world.


My mother is french & Portugese with English. She was adopted to my grandparents and grandma is French,English, a bit of Irish & Some Welsh. My grandpa was French though he NEVER would admit it, Danish, Metis, and when i was doing a family tree thing we found out his grandmother was German... Funny side note my grandfather hated the germans.


On my dads side everyone is french & english though my Grandmere is part Iroqious. It's cool because only me and my Uncle Denis got dark skin like my Grandmere. In the summer i get really tanned its great :)


Were i live its a small town we only have maybe 9 chinese people, 4 African Canadians, ALOT of Native Americans (theres an Ojibway Tribe here) and soooo many people cannot stand the natives which is just really sad. My father is the biggest racist you will ever meet and growing up would tell me that i couldn't be friends with anyone unless they were White & French. Mom was all like "Jacques the kids go to school with people they can't help who they become friends with" Somewhere i became friends with everyone who was any color race religion prolly just to piss off dad. But you learn that people are people no matter what and we got good people and bad people but we all bleed the same color. My dad told me that if i ever had a baby that wasn't white that my baby wouldnt be his grandkid. i think thats where all the bullshit reasons agianst inter racial dating starts. I often joke that when i do bring a guy too meet my father ONLY if this wonderful guy absolutly has to meet him and when the meeting goes to shit that i can say "Well dad at least he's french" Though i personally don't care what nationality people are. Same with religion i went through a phase were i was changing religions every month to impress people. Another cool thing is i'm not afraid to go to Pow Wow's and what not and eat other nationalities foods and do there ceremonies and that. When i lived in the city i had people hate me because i was french and i lived in this Italian Neighbourhood so i pretended to be italian. I met a really nice guy named Jonaldo and his parents really liked me and that but they hated that i was french it was funny. Whenever i go to the city too with my mother i always pretend to be Italian i lived there for a year and a half and for that year i was italian. Though my name is SUPER SUPER SUPER FRENCH. But thats Ok i went as Matteo lol.


So really moral of the story is be yourself! and don't worry about what other people think of you, Your you & if your not you then who is gonna be you?

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Actually if anything, I find interracial relationships hot :P . No seriously. How many times have you guys/girls thought about that mysterious person from the far away lands? That person who comes along and sweeps you off your feet? Yeah, more than once I bet.


I'm not just talking about the physical differences either. Sometimes there's the differences in culture, maybe even in Language. I think that added layer of mystery puts a special twist in the romance of the relationship.


And that can only be a beautiful thing.

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I was going to mention interspecies, but I thought that would be pushing it. :D


Only "Jadzia Dax" if you want broken bones. :P


Just don't play connect the DOTS on her skin :P:D:lol::worship:

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