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My first week of 'freedom' :)


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It's a bittersweet feeling, honestly. Because I reall do miss you guys terribly. So I don't want you to get the wrong impression with this post. But, in all honesty...this past week has been f**king INCREDIBLE!!!! Omigod! I feel SO good right now! You have no idea! And this is just ONE week since being away! Imagine how I'll feel after a month! ::Giggles::


I hardly did anything at ALL online this week! And instead of feeling extremely guilty about it, I just smiled and let out a sigh of relief. So many things that I take for granted...getting a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning, watching tv after work, catching up with friends on the phone...I'm enjoying them again. My muscles feel much more relaxed, my room is clean again, I've actually been going to SLEEP at night before sunrise, I have energy...it's amazing. My mind feels free of a lot of extra clutter, and the air just...smells a little bit sweeter outside. (Even in 95*+ heat!!! ::huff puff: :) People around me in real life actually notice an actual physical 'difference' in me already. One girl at work asked if I had gotten laid. (Psh!) They must think I'm on drugs. :) And that's just what it feels like. There are literally times, when I have a quiet moment, and I kid you not...I close my eyes and just enjoy it to the fullest. My whole body tingles. I have nowhere to be, nothing that HAS to be done, nothing HAS to be worked on or solved or straightened out, no sudden emergencies, no rushing through stories, no huge looming responsibilities, no hectic crusades to catch up...just me and a perfect silence. I can't describe it. It's been at least five years since I've felt this kind of peace. I wish I could bottle it and send to every one of you. I never thought one week would make such a difference in how I felt.


I miss you all, and I'll definitely post more stories soon. But...I wanted you guys to know that I'm *HAPPY* right now. Not just 'trying to be happy to keep from bringing anybody else into the muck with me', and not just 'being able to laugh despite the weight of the world', and not 'just happy enough to smile'...but completely, physically, emotionally, spiritually...*HAPPY*. I'm enjoying myself a ton. Even checked out the Taste of Chicago! (SOOOO MANY HOT GUYS AT THE TASTE!!! From ages 14 to 35...ALL GORGEOUS!!! MMMMMM!!! If only they had ticket prices on their asses like everything else! I saw a set of Australian Twins, about 19 years old, that nearly made me drop to my knees and Thank GOD for my gay tendencies! Hehehe!) I didn't get to go to the gay pride parade because I had to work, but the 'show' on the train ride home was a blessed one, believe me.


Anyway, that's all. Life is paradise, and I get to 'enjoy' it this time. I love you guys lots, and I hope life is great!


With sound mind, and completely sober...



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:2thumbs: It seems you have been having the time of your life. Like most of us wished you do have, but there are the others. 0:) Its good that you finally can breathe and relax. :great:


Well i hope that you keep having a good life.


I wish you good helath in your new journey of life.


Julian "Jules" Alexander

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I'm so glad that you are having fun, the pressure is off and that things are going well for you.


This little piece of news made my whole month!


I miss you all, and I'll definitely post more stories soon.


I'm SO glad that you aren't going into complete exile.


My cat thinks that I've lost it, with me typing and dancing a jig at the same time. Well, he's probably right. :lmao:


I hope that life continues to treat you well. If it doesn't, just send me the address and I'll kneecap the bum. Fuggetaboutit.

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Com, I have to say I wasn't expecting to see a post from you, at least not this soon. It was definitely a welcome surprise. It sounds like you've rediscovered life, and I'm so glad to hear that you're happy. You deserve to put yourself first every now and then.



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Nice to know you're enjoying yourself com. Makes me feel good and less guilty knowing that at least you're relaxing. I know we have been such a slave driver (especially a few weeks after you promised Nights eternal) and that we tend to be demanding and unthoughtful of your own personal life. Sorry for that, it's just that... you're stories are so damn good!


Anyway, catch up on some sleep. Travel, experience, and (get laid). Think of yourself for now, there is more to life than pleasing the fans (I'm being selfless here, although my heart's breaking). Gather new ideas and find more inspiration.


I Miss you and my day lack luster without you! (But don't think of it as an emotional blackmail). After all, some kid in a hospital dying with cancer may die without reading more form you, but that's tough for them huh? WHat do we care? Hehe. :P

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How awesome for you! I'm guessing that for someone like you, a popular and excellent author, your internet life and personal life must constantly vie for attention. How nice that you're restoring your balance.


Personally, I can't stand to be around the same person constantly, even someone I love. I need a break every now, if for no other reason but to process all that person's inputs.


Enjoy your vacation, however long you decide it will last.

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I'm glad your happy. I'm happy for you ;) .


Peace, love, and hapiness is all I'll ever wish you Comsie, may your fate find you happy, and who knows maybe in a few years you'll have somthing you wanna share with us...

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