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Big Brother has started (UK)


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I'm not even going to pretend that I am not going to watch it. I'm not having to be a slave to it either, I Need a summer, but maybe once a week .... :)


A decade we've had it in our lives, that's ridiculous. But yeah, its started again, will anyone else be watching, or does big brother make you want to throw things at the TV? I swing, last year I didn't even watch one episode, while others I went through a fad for a few weeks then I forgot about it or simply got frustrated with the housemates. This year the people don't seem Too bad. some that made me cringe - that girl shrieking all the way along the carpet. and so far, as expected, a high LGBT turnout. its also got a lot of nationalities this year. Brazilian, Russian, Pakistani, Indian, English, American (I think), Iranian and I've forgotten if there is any more.


so bets on who is going to get it on? or fall out? or be voted out first, or not even become a house-mate in the first place?


seems BB is going for the cruel theme again this year. The housemates all need to pass tasks to become housemates and be allowed their stuff or into the bedroom. this could stretch 3 days. Rodrigo, the Brazilian, and some girl have made it in so far. the girl agreed to have her eyebrows shaved off and glasses and a moustache drawn on to qualify. I thought it was going to definitely be one of the boys that volunteered, but she surprised me and offered really quickly. either she doesn't mind too much about 'beauty' or at least is confident with herself and that she can fix it, or she really desperately wants the show, which I suppose since she is there, why not. But I wouldn't like it, but then I would never ever entertain the idea of going on the show either.


so, to hopefully not wasting too much of my summer getting sucked in.


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I've got better things to do with my time than watch this garbage!


Besides, this is the last ever Big Brother UK. It's been axed. WOO HOO. :D


has it? I was wondering. I only heard a few days ago that it was on this year - I'd completely forgotten about it. I wasn't intending to watch this year either - but I got curious earlier, annoying my housemates no end, and who just spent the time they were hovering shouting remarks at the TV :) . so I think I'm going to watch a few over the next few days and then if they get my interest, maybe just maybe watch a little, otherwise yeah I've got better things to do :) . but I'm a sucker so far.

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I was browsing the housemates profiles, and this made me smile, or smirk, whichever :)



He has worked as a model but now works in customer service for the Job Centre, which he loves. His favourite part of the job is the people that he works with, especially when he walks in, as he says, “Good morning angels,” and they reply, “Good morning Charlie”.


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"You get what you give, you are what you eat, work hard play hard, and be yourself."


I quite like her motto on life. Beinazir. though she came across a bit differently on her video, if her profile stuff is true and more like herself she seems like a nice person.


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Mostly, Big Brother makes me want to throw the TV! Still, there is something about watching it... it's like a Sascha Cohen movie. Kinda gross but enough really bizarre stuff to keep me watching out of horrified fascination...

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Mostly, Big Brother makes me want to throw the TV! Still, there is something about watching it... it's like a Sascha Cohen movie. Kinda gross but enough really bizarre stuff to keep me watching out of horrified fascination...


Is there a canadian version, or do you watch the UK one?

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Quite frankly, who cares?

:lol: Nail on the head....apparently not the viewing public.


I really enjoyed BB when it first started, it was something different. But as it's gone on, the format I feel has got tired, and Channel 4 haven't helped themselves by making it more outrageous every year.

The death knell, IMO, came on Celebrity BB 2 years ago with the race scandal. That, without doubt, was the beginning of the end.

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:lol: Nail on the head....apparently not the viewing public.


I really enjoyed BB when it first started, it was something different. But as it's gone on, the format I feel has got tired, and Channel 4 haven't helped themselves by making it more outrageous every year.

The death knell, IMO, came on Celebrity BB 2 years ago with the race scandal. That, without doubt, was the beginning of the end.


B) ........I might have caught one episode when it first came out, found it to be uninteresting filled with cutthroats. Then again I think I caught 'Survivor' for a season or two.

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:lol: Nail on the head....apparently not the viewing public.


I really enjoyed BB when it first started, it was something different. But as it's gone on, the format I feel has got tired, and Channel 4 haven't helped themselves by making it more outrageous every year.

The death knell, IMO, came on Celebrity BB 2 years ago with the race scandal. That, without doubt, was the beginning of the end.


I was wondering what they will fill it with instead. they won't want to lose their slot over the entire summer to other channels. but then if they've already lost the public then ... they aren't losing anything. but having something run so long kind of means they have it easy in terms of making programs and ensuring some at least watch, and bring revenue for the summer months. but then they are also surrendering huge amounts of prime-time over to the same thing for 3 months.

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This is completely off topic, but that Charlie guy is hot. :P

Yeah, he is quite cute...but from what I can tell he never shuts up! Saying that, I can think of a few ways to keep him quiet. :devil:

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We get the american version over here. a canadian 1 would be interesting. I like big brother but only if there happens to be some hot house guests then i can gawk at the guys lmao. Most of the time it's pretty repetive or the twists will be stupid and predictable. Some of the houseguests are right scary like one guy destroyed a crap load of furniture and some of them are so stupid that they are entertaining. I watch the show but only if i remember it's on. But yeah i know people who get into reality tv shows and gotta plan there whole day and evening around them. Which is lame

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I've given it a chance and endured 3 days of mind numbing torture. If I watch anymore of this garbage I fear for my sanity! :lol:


you've done more than me then, I only watched the first real episode. i just wasn't in the mood to sit in front of the tv.

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