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Hot or Cold?


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Well, some people are more comfortable at a given temperature than others. It's impossible to have a question for every range, but I did what I could. I was wondering how people would react to different temperatures.


72°F is comfortable. 10°F is bitterly cold. 100°F is too effing hot. 48°F is not too bad. 32°F is too effing cold.

Edited by Tiger
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Since my blood pressure (BP) seems to be on the low side I tend to be chilly on temps of 70's. If the BP is way too low I could be shivering with 80 deg.!! The perfect temp. for me would be around 75. Also, I don't do heat either. When I'm working in the garden with high temps I'm totally useless for the next couple days. Heat messes me up big time!!!

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Enh, I am comfy anywhere 40's to 80's. Above or below becomes coat or shorts weather. The rest of the time I run around in jeans and a t-shirt. We mostly stay temperate here in the Pacific NW so if you don't melt in the rain, any other clothes are optional most of the year.

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Living in Mississippi, 100 degree days are fairly common in the summer.


What literally knocks them dead is our humidity. Sometimes it seems like a sauna.


There is nothing like August here. If you aren't used to it, it'll put you in the hospital.


There are a lot of construction companies here that close or work on interior finishing from the last week of July to the end of August.


It rarely goes below freezing- there's pluses and minuses to that. Winter weather here can be anywhere from the 30s to the 80s. I can remember Christmas when we played football outdoors in shorts and others when we had ice storms at the other extreme.


When we do have a hard freeze, it kills the skeeters. If it doesn't we have the little darlings all year. :pissed:

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22 oC is comfortable

38 oC is too hot usually

-12 oC is too cold

9 oC I put as not too bad, but it depends.

0 oC - too cold.


It depends on the weather so that can change. if it is really hot but there is a breeze that's better. if it is 9oC and it's raining, I hate it. it makes things miserable having to work and moveabout in the wet and the cold.

same with 0oC - snow can be nice, but if it persists then I don't like it. a little bit of fresh cold can be nice. but overall I don't like the hassle it brings of having to wear lots of layers and make sure you keep dry. etc.

prefer warm weather, but not scorching hot.

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Goodness.. I get cold in 70 degree weather even.. and I hate it. But I can't stand being too hot.. I think it depends more on humidity for me though, I hate humidity. But I'm usually pretty comfortable in 80 degree weather. But also, after a stretch of 40's and 50's.. even sixty degree weather feels fine in small doses..

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10F, cold.


32F, technically freezing but not that bad.


48F, not too bad.


72F, too warm, but ok. Chose too hot, but reconsidering. 68F is ideal.


100F, hot.





I tend to agree except that 100F is way way way to effing hot

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Lemme see... It would easier to do it in C scale because it varies too much here. :P


40C/104F - Too f**king hot. Only exists as humidity index temperatures­. I hate it passionately.

30C/86F - Too f**king warm. I hate it.

20C/68F - Comfortable t-shirt/shorts weather.

10C/50F - Below 10C, hoodies come on. Still considered nice.

0C/32F - Light winter coat (not thick). A wintry heatwave if this occurs in January. Still comfortable. :P

-10C/14F - Stuff the hoodie inside my winter coat. Put on the toque, scarf, and mitts. Nippy temperature. This is a normal average for Montreal winters.

-20C/-4F - Quite cold.

-30C/-22F - Bittery cold.

-40C/-40F - Only exist as wind chill temperatures. f**king cold.


I am known not to be bothered putting on my coat when I want to smoke on the balcony when it's -20C at night. Hell, I could even do it shirtless and in jammies.


And a scale to give you an idea.



Edited by Jack Frost
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It has to be pretty cold to start bothering me. I have funky bio-chemistry or something so I actually produce heat like a furnace. I know that sounds out there but my cousins and my ex boyfriend can testify to the reality of it.


I'm good between 75 to 80 F and I don't get cold COLD unless it hits the low 40s to uper 30F



My cousin Katie hates being in car with me when the weather is cold because I cause the windows to fog up when I get in, just by sitting there doing nothing lol.

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HAHA! Glad I wasn't the only one who went to Katy Perry in my head.


Lemme see... It would easier to do it in C scale because it varies too much here. :P


40C/104F - Too f**king hot. Only exists as humidity index temperatures

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Hehehe... that's part of the reason I chose this name for the topic. However, if we all just go on talking about this song instead of weather further... :off:


And btw Jack, 104 does happen in some parts of the world. It has been known to be that hot here. That's the record high in Houston actually. Also, the record high in Dallas is even hotter than that. Then again, the humidity is much worse there. I think someone said it's 90% in the summer... Houston is definitely not a summer spot for me. :ph34r:


And Kevin, a hoodie in July? Yikes! I was feeling like I was about to die last summer. I'm so glad it's over. I'm so not used to the summers here, and yet, I'm already to the point where I think the 50's and 60's are a bit nippy. :P

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Does anyone experience temperature changes when tired? The second I get sleepy I start putting off massive btu's. I have actually had people move away from with me cause I was too hot. Course I feel like I am freezing when that happens.

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Hehe... You're lucky to include Celcius in this cus I probably would've put this along with my answer


(Wheres the celcius you insensitive clod!?!) <- Slashdot Joke :P lol



Anywho i actually LOVE 50F/10C weather. Anything above that is warm to me, anything below that is cold (I'm weird lol).



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Right now it's about 32 degrees C here which I suppose is over 100 in F, and it's pretty much ideal. I'd say I cannot tolerate anything under 15 without breaking into shivers which is around 60 F.


For me anywhere around 22-32 is ideal, although 35 is tolerable (not at first but)


Change to Celcius already you miserable bastards, 100+ degrees sounds ridiculous tongue.gif

Edited by Zapp
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depends on humidity with heat here, though i can deal with anything up to about 40c without to much sufferance,

also fine with the cold which i think i ultimately prefer though thats just cos i love snuggling up and the snow


got really shitted off this year it got to 32c in august which just is ridiculous

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