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[Nephylim] Weeping Lily

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHANA :) Late as usual but Meh :)



Loving the snuggled but dont think that means you are going to influence the story in any way. I am going to put up the next chapter tonight so you might ALL want to get the vodka in.



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Well....we tried :P



(At least the snuggling was nice :) )


I wouldn't know I got neglected, left, abandoned, forgotten, disposed of, tossed to the side like yesterdays pizza :( hehe


Anyway im ready for it I got the vodka in, infact im preparing myself with one now got my tea planned and i have cake and or chocolate on standby

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I wouldn't know I got neglected, left, abandoned, forgotten, disposed of, tossed to the side like yesterdays pizza :( hehe


Anyway im ready for it I got the vodka in, infact im preparing myself with one now got my tea planned and i have cake and or chocolate on standby



You didnt get snuggled! :o

I'm so sorry Ara, here :hug: :hug:


Hope that makes up for it somewhat.

We're sorry :(

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What an evil mind can come up with is constantly AMAZING me!!


So there WAS a rescue attempt! Yes! But was anyone rescued? Oh just tease us some more---PLEASE???


OK! The old neighbor is guarding Kelly (who SHOULD be the hell dead!)

Cal is screaming!

Ashton is yaking!

Jayden is......?

Luc is........?

Jeff is........?


How the Hell am I supposed to narrow it down to TWO? I KNOW that there are two bodies on the floor, ok? But did you look carefully? You might have missed another one. There just might be a third body if this messy situation doesn't sort itself out pretty soon, if you get my 'drift'! :angry:


By association with Kelly, I'm praying that it was Luc. Cal should have ripped his goddamn head OFF while they were in the car!!!


I need a drink--BIG time! (pish-posh indeed!) grrrrr

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You haven't been paying attention. Tut Tut.



If you read more carefully you will be able to narrow it down to one of two. You'll have to wait until the weekend to know for sure which one it is.



I can assure you that there are only two bodies on the floor... so far :)



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Jeff grabbed her after the stabbing so its not him either, good job i stocked up on the vodka though. I hate cliffhangers mind they leave me hanging and cliff like niether of which are good for the soul


If i wore hats id take mine off to you tho Nephy way to keep us guessin :worship:


As for Kelly Bitch needs to die preferably slowly and painfully

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You guys are SO gay!!


Really Phana? That's news to me? :P


Scandelous Ill have you know phana im as straight as a roundabout.


And your forgiven Agaith as long as you chuck a vodka in woth those hugs :D


LOL Ara, I love that phrase.

And yes im sure i can give you some vodka :)




What an evil mind can come up with is constantly AMAZING me!!


So there WAS a rescue attempt! Yes! But was anyone rescued? Oh just tease us some more---PLEASE???


OK! The old neighbor is guarding Kelly (who SHOULD be the hell dead!)

Cal is screaming!

Ashton is yaking!

Jayden is......?

Luc is........?

Jeff is........?


How the Hell am I supposed to narrow it down to TWO? I KNOW that there are two bodies on the floor, ok? But did you look carefully? You might have missed another one. There just might be a third body if this messy situation doesn't sort itself out pretty soon, if you get my 'drift'! :angry:


By association with Kelly, I'm praying that it was Luc. Cal should have ripped his goddamn head OFF while they were in the car!!!


I need a drink--BIG time! (pish-posh indeed!) grrrrr


Didnt the rest of the lads back off? Or maybe Luc tried to help Kelly?

I have a horrible feeling it is Jayden. If it is...


...then Nephy, I will not be happy :,(

But if im proved wrong then yay!

(weekend Nephy, that long! WHY! *whines*) :P

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Gosh you guys are so unobservant :)


I will try and write the next chapter as soon as I can but I am finishing off a short story for Christmas first. I am hoping it will be finished in the next few days. It shouldn't take long to write the next chapter of WL because I know exactly what is going to happen in it. i think it might be the last one... we'll see how long winded I am in what I want to say.

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It's easy for you to say as you're the one who wrote it! :P


I am really not sure, the boys stepped away, Cal cried out and both bodies werent moving so it isnt Cal. Jeff took hold of Kelly so it isnt him. Anya's already had it.

It's obviously not Kelly. It's not Ashton. Jayden, Luc or Rik then? But I can't understand how Luc or Rik got so close? Meh I'll focus on Uni work and be surprised come the weekend :P

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Ok. So I reread ch. 31 this am--


quote: "She struck blindly upward, feeling the scalpel.....". She did NOT actually SEE who it was that she stabbed, so maybe she missed Jayden entirely. Or maybe she was hissing at someone else and, consequently, wasn't even 'after' Jayden when she went in for the kill.


So imma try this again--


Kelly screamed

Jeff grabbed her and bound her (tho he SHOULD have broken her GD neck)

old neighbor is told to guard her

Cal cries out :wub:

Ashton turns the body over




Jayden :wub:


Rik (and I had to be reminded about this one)


I STILL count three possible victims. :(

Actually FOUR, if we include the author!!! :devil:

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Okay, thanks Phana. I think we can safely say that it wasn't me or I wouldn't be writing this :)


I can't beleive that you all missed a really obvious clue. None of you would make a very good detective you know. i thought I had made it very obvious. Ah well :)


I tell you what... I'll offer a prize. The first one to find it gets an exclusive short story never to be seen by anyone else. :)

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OK lets see if I can worj this out


It has to be one fo the following six so ill see what I can find on eac h of them. The biggest clue has to be


Wide glazed eyes gazed upwards from a face that was whiter than the shirt he wore and his fingers were still curled around the blade which protruded from his left side.

Jayden - Wasnt wearing a shirt as it said earlier on His chest was striped with shallow slashes and his abdomen was cut deeply and crudely stitched and that wouldnt be visible through a shirt. In the unlikely event he was wearing a shirt though its unlikely to be white especially with all the falling and cuts

Cal - Screams like a big girl 0:)

Luc - No real mention after they enter basement

Ashton - Turned over the body

Rik - No real mention after they enter basement

Jeff - Grabbed kelly after the stabbing


So I think ive narrowed it down to two although I may be way off

Edited by Ara
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Maybe the *clue* came from a previous chapter?

And just how big IS the prize? One of those three-line thingys?

Ok! I'm going back just ONE more time, and hopefully I will experience the largest mind-blowing epiphany ever to have been experienced in the history of literature!

If *I* don't come back, there will be FIVE bodies on that damned floor!

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I think it could be Luc and that was why Cal cried out, because he left things with Luc at such a bad junction.

But even then I'm not sure why Luc would have gotten so close to the scene, unless he meant to come over and talk to Kelly.


:unsure::blink: I can't tell! Although this is doing wonders for my problem solving skills! Thanks Nephy :P

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I have to just gve up.

Thank you Ara for arousing my interest in that damned white shirt. I chased that freaking thing back through ch. 29 and never found anyone clothed in something even REMOTELY close to that!

Thank you Agaith for arousing my---well, you know. 0:)

Thank you Nephylim for making me feel SO happy that I did NOT choose a career in law enFORCEment!!

All I can come up with is a tiny thought re: the wife (Mary?) of the neighbor to the old homestead. I could picture a scenario where she (or the old dude-husband) had a LOT to do with these kids growing up.

And WHY would it be important for the author to mention that the victim is stabbed in his (or her) LEFT side?

Kelly: ".....a wave of something like sympathy and something like protectiveness washed over her and she had a pang of doubt about what she was intending to do. Was it too much? Would it do more harm than good?"

I'm guessing that Kelly did not intend to *kill* Jayden.

And now for the words that most disturbed me while rereading these last few chapters.

"Like f**k you will. Cal was right about you, you scheming bitch, and if you think I am going to sit back and let you abuse me then you are crazier than the other bitch." WTF? What other bitch? Neighbor's wife?

Those words were spoken by Jayden while addressing his sister Kelly.

If, as Agaith says, "the other guys (insert chaps-mates-pals-whatever)" had seemingly stepped into the background, then I'm thinking that the neighbor's wife could have done the same thing. Simply dropped off our 'radar'.

OK!! I'm sayin' *the neighbor's wife* and I have no intention of backing down.


The dead people are Anya and Mary. period. p

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Thank you Agaith for arousing my---well, you know. 0:)


You're so naughty phana ;) (but i dont mind :) )

All I can come up with is a tiny thought re: the wife (Mary?) of the neighbor to the old homestead. I could picture a scenario where she (or the old dude-husband) had a LOT to do with these kids growing up.

And WHY would it be important for the author to mention that the victim is stabbed in his (or her) LEFT side?

Kelly: ".....a wave of something like sympathy and something like protectiveness washed over her and she had a pang of doubt about what she was intending to do. Was it too much? Would it do more harm than good?"

I'm guessing that Kelly did not intend to *kill* Jayden.

And now for the words that most disturbed me while rereading these last few chapters.

"Like f**k you will. Cal was right about you, you scheming bitch, and if you think I am going to sit back and let you abuse me then you are crazier than the other bitch." WTF? What other bitch? Neighbor's wife?

Those words were spoken by Jayden while addressing his sister Kelly.

If, as Agaith says, "the other guys (insert chaps-mates-pals-whatever)" had seemingly stepped into the background, then I'm thinking that the neighbor's wife could have done the same thing. Simply dropped off our 'radar'.

OK!! I'm sayin' *the neighbor's wife* and I have no intention of backing down.


The dead people are Anya and Mary. period. p




I think someone must have walked towards Kelly that isnt directly included in the chapter, because if we're sure it isnt Cal or Jayden and Anya is f*****, then it only leaves those outside the little circle of those kneeling down.

This chapter can't come soon enough! :P

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You guys kill me.


Okay so I started writing the chapter today. The way I'm going it probably isnt going to be the last one but you never know. Depends if I decide to write in some hot sex or not. Sex and blood go together so well don't you think? :P

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You guys kill me.


Okay so I started writing the chapter today. The way I'm going it probably isnt going to be the last one but you never know. Depends if I decide to write in some hot sex or not. Sex and blood go together so well don't you think? :P


Well we will kill you if you don't post the bloody chapter! :P


defo should include some hot sex and I always say yes to extra chapters as far as im concerned :)


I also vote for hot sex! :D:2thumbs:

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