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[Nephylim] Weeping Lily

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Oh sweet Nephy!!

Do not even think of succumbing to the plea's of those pitiful persons who would attempt to sway your way of thinking in re: this matter.


There can be only ONE person on the floor in close proximity to the 'bitch*!!


And that person is God! I HATE you

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"Like f**k you will. Cal was right about you, you scheming bitch, and if you think I am going to sit back and let you abuse me then you are crazier than the other bitch." WTF? What other bitch? Neighbor's wife?

Those words were spoken by Jayden while addressing his sister Kelly.


I'm sorry hun, I forgot to address this. The other bitch was, of course Bella. So soon forgotten :( I kind of liked her.

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And just who the hella is Bella?


Oh thou doth have the shortest memory kind sir.


Bella was the crazy wench who kidnapped Jayden at the start and broke him, you remember she was crazy, drugged him, poisoned him, damn near killed him and is now sat in hell waitin for Kelly to come join her so they can both suffer a fate worse than a fate worse than death (Anyone tell me where that comes from? :D).


If you think Nephy can dream up a tortuous end for people just you wait as I have pulled some strings and for the rest of eternity these two individuals will be forced to continually watch the film Open Water (which as far as I am concerned was the worst 2 hours I have ever spent in my life) whilst listening to Celine Dions entire back catalogue on repeat and being fed a diet consisting literally of the back end of a donkey or as we like to call it an asses ass.


That will teach em to mess with Cal and Jayden

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And WHY would it be important for the author to mention that the victim is stabbed in his (or her) LEFT side?


Because that's where your heart is... that's where most people hearts are... who knows where mine is :devil:

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Because that's where your heart is... that's where most people hearts are... who knows where mine is :devil:


I'll take a stab at answering that!

Nephy's heart is SO close to the surface that she tries to hide the fact that she is an overly-affectionate type person. She tries so hard to hide this fact, in fact, that she goes WAY OVERBOARD in being nice to her characters. She wouldn't even THINK of *harming* one of them--let alone TWO.

Also, I understand that she just received the "Nobel Peace Prize" for displaying the most empathy in all categories of literature. Congratulations are in order for our very own Nephylim! YAY NEPHY!!!:wub:


So, back to *real life*.


@ Ara--yep! A very short memory it is that this one has. I DO question, however, why any serious mind (unless we are including those minds so besotted w/vodka that they wouldn't even understand why everyone is looking at them and laughing until it finally dawns on them that they have a two foot long piece of bathroom tissue trailing along behind them and that they had FORGOTTEN TO PULL UP THEIR PANTIES) would even be expected to remember a character written into a story six or seven YEARS ago! 0:)


@ Agaith--imma missing you again.... :wub: .


back @ Nephylim--:wub:

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(snuggles phana) here again :hug::D


I'm really glad that you found this thread!

I believe your first post here went something like--"What a bizarre thread this is. I could make this my second home."

I hope that it has become that. :wub:

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I'm really glad that you found this thread!

I believe your first post here went something like--"What a bizarre thread this is. I could make this my second home."

I hope that it has become that. :wub:



i was trying to find that post but i cant see it :(


no matter i've got you to snuggle phana :D:hug:

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You guys so make me smile. :wub: :wub:


You'e like my own personal sit com :)


Ara, seeing as no one else ever comes in here they kind of HAVE got a room. We just have to keep our eyes closed when we're in here. Okay that would make reading the posts difficult but how could we stand in the way of true love.


Oh Phana it was so nice of you to say that about my heart. It's nice that someone recognises how nice I am. Unfortunately the Nobel Prize has slipped through my fingers again... philistines.


I am half way through the next chapter so it will be posted tonight or tomorrow and I think there will be some surprises.



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I'm in the market for just that sort of video! Still pics will work also! DRAWINGS WILL WORK!! For craps'sake--just talk 'dirty' to me!


Ok. I'm down now. wow.


While we are out here making 'merry' (ahem) SOMEONE COULD BE MAKING SENTENCES! And in a cognitive manner!


If my memory is--never mind! What happened in that last chapter? How in the freaking HELL did Bella escape from wherever she was and show up in that damned basement?


No damned wonder that I'm at my wit's end!!


All calm now....yeah....ok.. I wanna know who is doing all of the sucking up to Nephy! There aren't TOO MANY of us here, ok? Someone got a 'surprise' and I haven't heard even a little *peep* yet as to who....well, maybe I should just wait a little longer until that someone hangs him/herself. ya?


Since everyone seemed to be doing everything but posting this morning, I spent the time doing the laundry--'especially' the bed linens. All seven pillows are plumped and waiting, as I am also, waiting, and...damn!...:(

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Okay, after reading the thread I am off to write. I promise cross my heart that I will post the chapter tomorrow afternoon and no later. I am off to write right now. I have left the boys talking to the press so they probably need rescuing by now.

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Dont worry Nephy I quickly removed it after you posted that, thankfully it only got a few hundred hits before it was pulled so what they dont know wont hurt em 0:)


You creep! I KNEW it was you!!

Or are you just pulling our legs? You know, mine and uh--you're making me blush, dammit!


So Ara! What was the story about? We've read Nephy's short stories. Every one of them are SO special! Your *treat/prize must be really something else, huh? So Ara! What was the story about? :blink:



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