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Sweet Potatoes



24 members have voted

  1. 1. Sweet Potatoes come this color on the inside:

    • Bright Orange
    • Purple
    • Pink
    • Light Brown
    • All the above
    • I don't know
  2. 2. In the USA:

    • Sweet Potatoes and Yams are the same root.
    • Sweet Potatoes are different from Yams.
    • My Sweet Potatoes will kick your Yam's behind.
    • I don't eat either so I don't care.
  3. 3. I would eat a Sweet Potato if it were:

    • I would try Pink, only.
    • I would try Purple, only.
    • Orange is the standard, no other color works for me.
    • Any color is ok so long as it tastes the same.
    • Eat? a Sweet Potato? Are you serious?

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Yeah...we had this convo...LMAO..


I would try the other colors, the kids would love the purple I know..


But seriously, I now know wayyy more than I ever wanted to know about sweet potatoes Lugh...Thanks bunches.

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Yeah...we had this convo...LMAO..


I would try the other colors, the kids would love the purple I know..


But seriously, I now know wayyy more than I ever wanted to know about sweet potatoes Lugh...Thanks bunches.



Sweet potatoes roasted are awesome :) I would eat them no matter what the colour if they tasted as good... although pretty colours might be nice with salads :)

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I write this in the UK, and realise that the U S has slightly difference usuage.

There is a great confusion over this, as people believe that yams and sweet potatoes, are the same.


Sweet potatoes are in general light brown or really off white. There are varieties of bright orange which where I live are rare.


Yams, are similar but from a different sort of plant and in general treated the same as sweet potatoes for cooking.


I believe that in the states, sweet potatoes are light brown, sweet potatoes that are bright orange are called yams by the public but the offical label may be sweet potatoes.


I have answered the poll as I use it in the kitchen, it may not be the same as people who live in Peckham London or Brixton or in the Welsh Valleys.

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never cared for them.


food that is hunter's orange is... disquieting.



I have to agree... theyre just.... too ORANGE. And I dont particularly care for the taste either.



OH MAN, but "sweet potato fries" (which im assuming are made from sweet potatoes) are freakin AWESOME. With some honey butter and cinnamon.... aw crap... maybe I DO like em... Nah, Im gonna chalk it up to being a fluke with the fries... coz i really dont care for sweet potatoes or yams or whatever they want to be called.

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I find it amusing that Louisiana Writer had a whole bunch to say, all of it wrong, btw, on the origin on sweet potatoes and yams and when his little "+" point went away he suddenly had nothing to say.


Well, I've been holding back on this post, for a number of reasons, but mostly because I really was hoping that more people would comment, or at least vote.


Sweet potatoes do come in purple.


They do come in Pink, although it is a shade of the purple. Paya's friend had one at a resturant the other day.


They also come in Orange, Yellow, White, and nearly Brown. (See Wiki: Sweet Potato)


They are not related to the African Yam. African Yams are not currently sold in the USA. People in places other than the United States may have access to both the African Yam and the American Yam, which to me would be confusing, but they don't look alike so it should be okay. Purple sweet potatoes can be found in Asian markets, oddly enough, most easily. It's where I found mine for this holiday.


I've been told they do not taste exactly the same, but the flavors are similar. I'm not quite sure what that means, but I've had orange and yellow sweet potatoes and they taste pretty much the same to me, I can't see the purple ones tasting too much different. Time will tell.


Thanks for participating.

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Yes, I've known for some time that sweet potatoes come in all those colors....Hawaii's produce markets are quite educational...who ever thought of a purple sweet potato? They're yummy....just like the regular ones here in the continental United States. Generally, my family refers to the longish dark orange potato with the bright orange insides as 'Yams' to distinguish from sweet potatoes, as they don't require sugar to taste sweet by themselves...although it is irresistable to add with lots of butter...


One of the other little genetic tricks of late is what is known as the 'Yukon Gold' potato--it tastes buttery, without adding butter! They genetically engineered this potato for taste!

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Personally I don't care for either, they taste nasty to me, which is weird because everyone else in my family loves them..... hmm maybe I was dropped off by aliens? LOL!! tongue.gif

Edited by gmendias
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