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Canadians just not as friendly as they used to be...

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Quebec's share in the equalization is at Canadian average for such payments. Don't let the numbers fool you when you have to consider the $$ per capita. The Maritimes take in much more... just not too many people there to turn the numbers into billions like Quebec can. ;p


And Ontario is now a have-not. The federal government finally is letting it to be one. Amusing. :D


What is that with "have" and "have-not"?

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I'm from Georgia, not much contact with Canada. Only Canadians I know are here on GA. Using that as my guide. Everyone in Canada is gay and super nice.biggrin.gif


I love how everyone thinks Canada is this happy go lucky we love everyone country.. No we don't love everyone, we don't love the war in iraq. We really hate our goverment at the moment with the HST Tax (though i think i might like it since EVERYONE in canada has to pay it and not a "oh your native you don't have to")


Ah BugEye.. having met you a few times this goes to show that yes Canadians are nice. & Yes i am gay :)


In Fact this may sound rather snobbish of me but i would vote myself as being the 3rd Nicest canadian on the site. Number one and 2 would be WildOne & Myk.


Only because i'm like my American friends in that i speak my mind and don't hold back. I'm canadian though in that as i'm upsetting you i'll throw in my manners as i'm leaving like "Have a wonderful day!".


It's true too someone will say something that pisses me off and i say something back and i get "You can't say stuff like that your canadian your supposed to get along with everyone"


Mark Arbour. I pray that you are not basing this research on canada on the behaviours of Jack Frost... He's NOT canadian :) Love You Jack :)


Sincerly Mattie a born and bred pink camo gun toting Canadain. & Yes i'm from Ontario & yes i'm a half breed Quebecios.

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What is that with "have" and "have-not"? :blink: Who has what and who does not?

Equalization system is a way that federal government can distribute the wealth between the richer and poorer provinces. The have provinces are: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland (used to be a longtime have-not). Have-nots: Quebec (always...), Ontario (used to be a longtime have), New Brunswick, PEI, and Nova Scotia.




If you want to piss off a province or two, just make an opinion about this system and watch the old shitstorm recreates itself. Trust me... you won't go wrong on this. The provinces and Ottawa always fight about this that it makes us sometimes wonder how this country has held itself together despite the feuding siblings. :P


Jack Frost... He's NOT canadian :)

Of course, I live in Quebec... It's normal for me and you to think like this.

Edited by Jack Frost
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No it isn't normal for us to think like this... Your a Sepratist. And i'm a Nationalist :) Quebec is in Canada. And i always sign things as example... Montreal,Quebec,Canada or Quebec City Quebec Canada. We'll sit down one day at a Tim Hortons in Quebec and discuss our differences over Double Doubles & Triple Triples(for me) :)


& No Bug Eye you have never offended me ever.


And Mark yes you are correct in this.. Me(Ontario) and jack(Quebec) will team up if we are teasing a newfie. But me and Mark M (Saskatchewan) will join forces if we are teasing Jack the Quebecer. Sometime's i'll tease the Alberta people too about Alberta. The B.C people are safe because i like B.C it's beautiful :).

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No it isn't normal for us to think like this... Your a Sepratist. And i'm a Nationalist :) Quebec is in Canada. And i always sign things as example... Montreal,Quebec,Canada or Quebec City Quebec Canada. We'll sit down one day at a Tim Hortons in Quebec and discuss our differences over Double Doubles & Triple Triples(for me) :)


& No Bug Eye you have never offended me ever.


And Mark yes you are correct in this.. Me(Ontario) and jack(Quebec) will team up if we are teasing a newfie. But me and Mark M (Saskatchewan) will join forces if we are teasing Jack the Quebecer. Sometime's i'll tease the Alberta people too about Alberta. The B.C people are safe because i like B.C it's beautiful :).


I think I heard somewhere that Newfies are into sodomy.


Oh yeah, that was South Park. "Follow the Only Road..."biggrin.gif

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Sometime's i'll tease the Alberta people too about Alberta.


Hey mad.gif , I don't recall ever teasing you!!! I usually save that for Jack lmaosmiley.gif .



Thank you Mattie and I am sorry I got things backward.hug.gif


You are the nicest.



Hey, you apologized earlier on and once again for something that you don't even know if you did Bugeye. I am mailing you your honourary Canadian citizenship right away tongue.gif

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I've been to Newfoundland. It was awesome, although I could never work out why all the women had Irish accents and all the men didn't. Got to see a bear, and a moose and a whale and an iceberg. Took part in a re enactment at signal point and spent two weeks with friends just packing a year's worth of living in fourteen days. I conducted a druidry workshop over a weekend, appeared on local radiot, went on rounds with a social worker and got REALLY impressed with the system over there as compared with ours and basically had the best time of my life. :) And yes absolutely everyone was really really friendly/

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I've been to Newfoundland. It was awesome, although I could never work out why all the women had Irish accents and all the men didn't. Got to see a bear, and a moose and a whale and an iceberg. Took part in a re enactment at signal point and spent two weeks with friends just packing a year's worth of living in fourteen days. I conducted a druidry workshop over a weekend, appeared on local radiot, went on rounds with a social worker and got REALLY impressed with the system over there as compared with ours and basically had the best time of my life. :) And yes absolutely everyone was really really friendly/


Yes, but did they try to sodomize you? And if so, is that related to your "Best time of my life" experience?biggrin.gif

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No it isn't normal for us to think like this... Your a Sepratist. And i'm a Nationalist :) Quebec is in Canada. And i always sign things as example... Montreal,Quebec,Canada or Quebec City Quebec Canada. We'll sit down one day at a Tim Hortons in Quebec and discuss our differences over Double Doubles & Triple Triples(for me) :)

I'm a (QC) nationalist, not a separatist. I'm not fully decided on the referendum question. See the difference? I am working on becoming a Canadian citizen nevertheless... Now is my position clear? :P


*And* Take a look at my location on my profile. I wrote: "Montr

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With the exception of hockey, Canadians don't like to be first. :great:


And the other shoe drops......


So to piss off a Canadian, you just have to do one of the following?


1. Take the opposite side on the Quebec issue OR

2. Talk about how Canadian hockey sucks. (Note: It doesn't)



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And the other shoe drops......


So to piss off a Canadian, you just have to do one of the following?


1. Take the opposite side on the Quebec issue OR

2. Talk about how Canadian hockey sucks. (Note: It doesn't)





I tried #2 but so far they all agree wink.gif mainly because they are all asleep... laugh.gif



Ahem tongue.gif ,


Let's look at the current World Junior's standings and scores:


Canada 16 Latvia 0

Canada 6 Switzerland 0

Canada 8 Slovakia 2

Canada 5 USA 4 (won in shoot out)

Canada receives bye into semi finals!!!


USA 7 Slovakia 3

USA 3 Switzerland 0

USA 12 Latvia 1

USA 4 Canada 5 (won in shoot out)

USA 6 Finland 2 (Quarter final game)


Canada plays Switzerland (after the Swiss pull a huge upset over Russia in Quarter final game)

USA plays Sweden


Should be an interesting final game no matter who makes it specool.gif


Oh, Paya, not sure if your in the Czech Republic or Slovakia so here is both:


Czech 1 Sweden 10

Czech 3 Finland 4

Czech 7 Austria 1

Czech 2 Russia 5


Slovakia 3 USA 7

Slovakia 8 Latvia 3

Slovakia 2 Canada 8

Slovakia 1 Switzerland 4


Actually none of this matters as it is the World Juniors (although the best indication for year in year out play). The real test will be in little over a month as the Olympics begin in Vancouver Canada.


I think we need Conner to be our eyes in Vancouver reporter on what is happening around town tongue.gif

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I think we need Conner to be our eyes in Vancouver reporter on what is happening around town tongue.gif


I know, I know... But I said our team had been playing like crap lately. But that doesn't impede me to poke Canadians :P Personally, I like our matches with Canadians best :) even more than with those bloody Russians! :D Oh and I'm Czech ;)

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Ahem tongue.gif ,


Let's look at the current World Junior's standings and scores:


Canada 16 Latvia 0

Canada 6 Switzerland 0

Canada 8 Slovakia 2

Canada 5 USA 4 (won in shoot out)

Canada receives bye into semi finals!!!


USA 7 Slovakia 3

USA 3 Switzerland 0

USA 12 Latvia 1

USA 4 Canada 5 (won in shoot out)

USA 6 Finland 2 (Quarter final game)


Canada plays Switzerland (after the Swiss pull a huge upset over Russia in Quarter final game)

USA plays Sweden


Should be an interesting final game no matter who makes it specool.gif


Oh, Paya, not sure if your in the Czech Republic or Slovakia so here is both:


Czech 1 Sweden 10

Czech 3 Finland 4

Czech 7 Austria 1

Czech 2 Russia 5


Slovakia 3 USA 7

Slovakia 8 Latvia 3

Slovakia 2 Canada 8

Slovakia 1 Switzerland 4


Actually none of this matters as it is the World Juniors (although the best indication for year in year out play). The real test will be in little over a month as the Olympics begin in Vancouver Canada.


I think we need Conner to be our eyes in Vancouver reporter on what is happening around town tongue.gif


Conner's only going to be able to tell us who's boning whom. He'll be camped out in the Olympic Village with a notepad, trying not to look too conspicuous.tongue.gif

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Conner, I'm shocked tongue.gif , you didn't invite me out to help.


Oh and Mark, there is a third way to piss off a Canadian, steal his/her Roll up the Rim coffee cup before they get the chance to roll it themselves biggrin.gif . I believe there has been fisticuffs over this issue.

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Conner, I'm shocked tongue.gif , you didn't invite me out to help.


Oh and Mark, there is a third way to piss off a Canadian, steal his/her Roll up the Rim coffee cup before they get the chance to roll it themselves biggrin.gif . I believe there has been fisticuffs over this issue.


Well alright, we'll add that to the list. There have to be a few things about Curling that should incite a Canadian too. How could a country that makes an amazing sport like hockey a national fashion turn around and also embrace Curling? Throwing a rock down a sheet of ice and then sweeping around it like so many maids? It's all terribly domestic.biggrin.gif

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The fact that our team plays like shit right now doesn't mean Canadians are the first in ice-hockey! :P:D :2hands:

We invented and worship hockey like religion. It's ours. Now f**k off. :D


Oh and Mark, there is a third way to piss off a Canadian, steal his/her Roll up the Rim coffee cup before they get the chance to roll it themselves biggrin.gif . I believe there has been fisticuffs over this issue.

:D :D :D


f**kin love roll ups. Saved me over $10 on freebies. :P




And Mark... We make fun of curling. I still don't get what's about. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jack Frost
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I think I get it now!


Canadian Real Man sport: Hockey

Canadian Pussy sport: Curling



US Real Man sport: Football (American)

US Pussy sport: Baseball



UK Real Man sport: Rugby

UK Pussy sport: Cricket


European Real Man Sport: N/A

European Pussy Sport: Soccer (Football)



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