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CAP Music Recomendations

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As Mark is re-hauling CAP, so is the music for the story. Alright, here we go....

Chapter 1


-When J.P. Crampton goes over his post-doctorate possibilities with Professor Rosenberg.


"Teacher's Pet" by Doris Day




-When J.P. cruises a young redhead in the bathroom.


"Pillow Talk" by Doris Day



-When J.P. meets with his roomate Andre, and muses on his hopeless crush on Andre.


"Dream Lover" by Bobby Darin




-When J.P. and Andre go out, and dance with Barbara and Peggy.


"Mashed Potato Time" by Dee Dee Sharp





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Chapter 2


-When J.P. 'tends' to a passed-out drunk Andre.


"I Only Have Eyes For You" by the Flamingoes




-When J.P. rescues Peter Gordon from the policeman, and plans an escape from town, down to the Delaware coast.


"Town Without Pity" by Gene Charles





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As Mark is re-hauling CAP, so is the music for the story. Alright, here we go....

Chapter 1


-When J.P. Crampton goes over his post-doctorate possibilities with Professor Rosenberg.


"Teacher's Pet" by Doris Day




-When J.P. cruises a young redhead in the bathroom.


"Pillow Talk" by Doris Day



-When J.P. meets with his roomate Andre, and muses on his hopeless crush on Andre.


"Dream Lover" by Bobby Darin




-When J.P. and Andre go out, and dance with Barbara and Peggy.


"Mashed Potato Time" by Dee Dee Sharp






Can you imagine the scandal if someone released a song like "Teacher's Pet" today? Wow.


Things had really changed, even by the 1980s:

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Chapter 3


-When J.P. and Peter get down to the Delaware Coast, and remark on the wreckage caused by the Good Friday Nor'Easter of '62.


"Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin



-When the boys have dinner at a black barbeque joint, and Peter recounts the failure of his relationship to J.P.


"Runaround Sue" by Dion




-When Peter shaves his beard, and he and J.P. finally get down to business at the motel.


"Do You Wanna Dance?' by Cliff Richard




-When J.P. talks to Andre on the phone, learning that the policeman is okay.


"The Telephone Hour" from Bye-Bye Birdie



-When J.P. and Peter make plans for where he's going to go, which includes a shopping spree Philadelphia. (It's a shame King of Prussia Mall hasn't been built yet...J.P. would have LOVED it.)


"Traveling Man" by Ricky Nelson




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Chapter 4


-When J.P. ruminates after Peter leaves, feeling lonely after finally discovering what it's like to make love to a man.


"Stranger on the Shore" by Acker Bilk




-When J.P. reads the letter from his French mother, who talks about Tonto's efforts to integrate Claremont High School. He then goes on a spiel about the American-made cars that their families are obligated to buy- GM for the Cramptons, Ford for the Hendricksons, and Chryslers for the Schulters.


"America" from West Side Story




I'm going to take this moment to note that Andre is supposed to look like the main guy singing here. I can see why J.P. was so hung up on him- George Chakiris was really sexy and charming in that movie.


-When J.P. and Andre drive into the Heights portion of Claremont.


"Little Boxes" by Pete Seeger



-When J.P. goes to Dino's and has a run-in with Frank Hayes, a Tony Dow look-alike with rage issues.


"Walk Don't Run" by The Ventures





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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 5


-When Billy and J.P. get sloshed in New York, and Billy confides that his upcoming child isn't really his.


"Poor Little Fool" by Ricky Nelson




-When J.P. decides to mess around with his cousin Billy, to comfort him for a wife who's likely pregnant with another man's child.


"Let Me Entertain You" by Natalie Wood




-When J.P. anxiously waits around for word on whether or not he got the job at Northwestern.


"Please Mr. Postman" by The Marvelettes




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