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Find Your Passionette

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I know, interesting title right? Got you in here to read this I bet ;) Well, if you think this is about sex, ennnhh

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Reading your post for some reason made me really sad. It's silly I know but... my one great and overwhelming, all encompassing and soul consuming passion is not with me right now and probably never will be, not in this life at least. He leaves a hole in my soul so I think that I never will have another passion like that ever.


What I have are a multitude of passionettes..... My children, my friends, my writing... most of all life itself. I try to imbue everything I do, everything I am, with passion. I am a very passionate person in every way. Personally I think that something that is not done with passion is not done well. It is sterile. I throw myself in at the deep end and mostly I either float or swim. It certainly makes life more interesting for me :)

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Big passions consume your whole existence. Small passions are more satisfying and leave room for more. Well that is my thought at the moment. But if a moment of passion hits me, no telling what I will think. blush1.gif

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This topic really raises some pretty deep questions for me, which is something I need to think about more often; I don't want to be one of those formless, shapeless, uninspired people who just float through life.


The concept of passion isn't something I've really considered untill now, in either sense of the word to be honest. Like Cia I don't think I have a single all consuming 'Passion'. I'm passionette when it comes to a lot of things though, my writing, reading, my dedication to my family and friends, the preservation and conservation of nature, my nature photgraphy; when i have the time to pursue it.


You would think that people who have a sinple passion would miss the flavor of life, the variety. Like Corvus said life is constatly changing, constantly challenging, I think being dedicated, being tied down to a single passion would be hindering to the evolution of the person.


Perhaps I'm wrong, I dunno.


Best Wishes,




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My passion is classical music. My passion is Paris. My passion is meeting new people and learning new languages. My passion is "showering with love" those that are close to my heart. My passion is justice (as in equity and fairness). My passion is travelling. My passion is taking pictures (NOT of me!). My passion is cooking and eating. My passion is wine. My passion is reading. My passion is history and geography. Last but not least, my passion is sex!


All these things I do with passion. There's no "passionette" as well as there's no "one passion". Go on full throttle or leave it! :P



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Passions- Music, snowboarding

Passionettes - Art, skateboarding.


I've always said if you know those 4 things about me, you know what 95% of my life is (not including my family, which I obviously love, but I dont get the same feelings of fufillment and belonging from my family that I do from snowboarding, or listening to/creating music.)

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