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How do you spice up your sex life with your partner or other

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It just seems like sex is getting boring for me.


I know he's not bored with what we're doing, but he was a virgin before we got together, so I guess it might just be the thrill I am bringing.


I really enjoy our conversations and debates over everything from politics to movies to music. I really like the conversations as they keep changing and topics are so fluid. I wish sex was the same.


Maybe I just have too high a libido or something, but I really want to change up our sex life. I have tried to ask him about alternative sex, but he seemed kind of lukewarm to the idea.


He doesn't want to try bondage, which I can understand; though, I won't lie being a top turns me on. We both find leather to be too skin tight and also kind of sweat inducing. Neither of us have any fetishes to fur, feet, or any other things/parts. We're still too early in our relationship to try a threesome.


Any advise guys or techniques to spice up our sex lives?

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It just seems like sex is getting boring for me.


I know he's not bored with what we're doing, but he was a virgin before we got together, so I guess it might just be the thrill I am bringing.


I really enjoy our conversations and debates over everything from politics to movies to music. I really like the conversations as they keep changing and topics are so fluid. I wish sex was the same.


Maybe I just have too high a libido or something, but I really want to change up our sex life. I have tried to ask him about alternative sex, but he seemed kind of lukewarm to the idea.


He doesn't want to try bondage, which I can understand; though, I won't lie being a top turns me on. We both find leather to be too skin tight and also kind of sweat inducing. Neither of us have any fetishes to fur, feet, or any other things/parts. We're still too early in our relationship to try a threesome.


Any advise guys or techniques to spice up our sex lives?



You could try roleplaying cool.gif

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Someone very wise told me that great sex doesn't just happen; it is a constant effort to get it right. Truthfully, tell him what you want, how you want him to touch you, and what you want to experience. It may be awkward, but you gotta do it if you want your sex life to improve.

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Someone very wise told me that great sex doesn't just happen; it is a constant effort to get it right. Truthfully, tell him what you want, how you want him to touch you, and what you want to experience. It may be awkward, but you gotta do it if you want your sex life to improve.


YOU can't have sex until that next damn chapter of Perks is done...... maybe TWO more chapters.

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Try shrooms. Just kidding. Mostly.


Maybe do it at different times of the day, I find that makes a difference -- after dinner, waking up, before sleeping, randomly in the day. Since this is a relationship, appending the sex to occasions may be nice. But Camilo is right, you'll have to kind of keep bugging him to try what you want to do. If he thinks he's in for the long haul, he might as well try everything once or twice.


Oh, and sex in public places can be interesting. Libraries are good for this. And offices. And laboratories. Etc.

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The food play is interesting suggestion, but I don't know if making him my sundae will be fun or scary (He doesn't trim his area as much as I'd like)


I've thought of Cos play aka Roleplay and it might help; he's into theatre and I use to do small parts, so we might try it out.


Our conversations are great, but I wish sex could be more integrated.


Have any of you guys or girls ever approach this stage of a relationship where you find sex getting boring?

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I've been married for almost 10 years now so yeah, sometimes you go through cycles when things can get a bit 'ruttish'. You have to be open to new things and be very open in communication. You keep saying he's happy with what you are doing but I've found most people who say that are really just acting a bit shy. Try drawing him out, sometimes in the pitch black of the bedroom at night so all you have is touch. If you can't see someone and they can't see you sometimes it helps to be more open.

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I agree with Cia, Camilo and James :D Talk more! You're talking here only about what you want/should do to him, how about letting him take the lead?


Or listen more to each other. He can tell he's satisfied but his body might tell different. I'd explore and experiment. (And he may say no to this or that but he might like at the end. ;)

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Hmmm, sex in different rooms.... the kitchen, the guest room, the laundry room. Sex when it is unexpected, as in come home early and surprise him... rent movies and copy how they do it or copy the roles..... Wear a uniform or wrestling singlet..... Have sex in your parents bed when they are out of town.... have sex out of town.... go up to the Cape for a weekend.... shaving each other can be fun (or so I have heard)...... outdoors sex if you can do it with out putting yourself at risk of doing it illegally....

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