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Who to choose


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I saw this scenario in a movie. Let's say you just recently found out that your son is evil, as in a psychopath. He's harmed animals and even tried to drown his sister. He tried to kill you as well not even five minutes ago. Your nephew, on the other hand, is a good boy. You get to choose who lives and who dies (as in saving one of them from falling off a cliff). You cannot save them both. One of them will die. Which one? I would have to choose my nephew. I'd rather save the one who can do some good in the world. I'd feel like a failure with my own child the psychopath, and I would choose not to unleash his evil upon the world.

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At that age how can you tell if he's truly evil or its just a phase.


I tried to kill my parents numerous times but I never really meant it.


Spreading that Bubonic Plague was just a youthful prank.

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First off I don't think my nephew and evil son would be hanging around cliffs. I would hope that I would have the courage and strength to get my son help long before he tried to harm humans. There is certain things that you can't just say is a phase when they are growing up.


So to answer, I wouldn't have to choose, cause my son would be in therapy and my nephew and I wouldn't be near any cliffs :)

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The Good Son. I remember watching that as a kid.


Thinking about it now, I probably would pick the nephew if I had to save one. But I suppose it would depend how much I loved one or the other. Sometimes love blinds you to faults.

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As a mother I have to say it would be an almost impossible choice but... i would choose the nephew. I think



A no-win situation. I don't even WANT to imagine the guilt I would heap onto myself...! (Shudders)



...where'd I put that therapist again...?

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A no-win situation. I don't even WANT to imagine the guilt I would heap onto myself...! (Shudders)



...where'd I put that therapist again...?

Either way you'd feel guilty in this scenario. On one hand, you would kill the child that is a part of you. On the other, you'd be killing an innocent child. It's not an easy decision at all. I think it's safe to say you'd need a therapist either way.

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I saw this scenario in a movie. Let's say you just recently found out that your son is evil, as in a psychopath. He's harmed animals and even tried to drown his sister. He tried to kill you as well not even five minutes ago. Your nephew, on the other hand, is a good boy. You get to choose who lives and who dies (as in saving one of them from falling off a cliff). You cannot save them both. One of them will die. Which one? I would have to choose my nephew. I'd rather save the one who can do some good in the world. I'd feel like a failure with my own child the psychopath, and I would choose not to unleash his evil upon the world.


B).....Easy answer for me, save the good one! You already know you can only save one and the other one is a psychopath.

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I really don't know. I don't have children, so I'm vicariously loving my nephews and nieces as sons/daughters, though it's not the same. If I knew one of them was evil, and a stranger good, I'd have a hard time choosing. It would depend a lot on how well I knew the other one, and how convinced I'd be that mine were un-correctably evil: how old he is, how long I'd tried to "fix" him, if I envision other ways to try or not...

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Im very bitter and hold a grudge.... I'd choose the nephew and watch with a smirk on my face as the son falls to his demise....


Would I have time to set up a video camera? Cherished memories and all :P


Joking guys.... I'd choose the nephew, Good trumps evil - its that simple for me

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I watched that movie during a sleepover birthday party. I always watched horror on my birthday (hmm what does that say about me?)


Definitely drop them both so that having all that weight on one side doesn't set you off balance and make you fall. :devil:


Oh okay, I'm just kidding, save the good nephew, of course. And Macaulay Culkin always has been and always will be a creepy creepy guy.



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I'd let them both die.


Then to make myself feel better i'd adopt someone else's kid (they should preferably look like my dead son). I'd then give the kid my son's name, haircut, clothes and everything else, then just pretend my son was neither evil nor dead.



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