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Do you write as a female or male?

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It's an interesting type application which analyzes a writer's "voice" and whether there are more indicators of female or male, a whole spectrum of results are possible. Nothing seriously meant to label gender or whatever. I thought it was interesting and the topic was posted on a writer's forum I was reading elsewhere.

The words you use can disclose identifying features. This tool attempts to determine an author's gender based on the words used. Submitted text is evaluated based on two types of writing: formal and informal. Formal writing includes fiction and non-fiction stories, articles, and news reports. Informal writing includes blog and chat-room text. (Email can be formal, informal, or some combination.) You should view the results based on the appropriate type of writing.


Hacker Factor is currently developing a variation of this system that can estimate an authors age, type of English used (for narrowing down nationality), and whether the speaker uses English as a second language. For example, there are distinctions between American English, British English, Commonwealth, Canadian, Australian, and other dialects. Even within a major dialect such as American English, there are regionally specific subdialects. These variations are not limited to spoken words. Many of these dialect variations show up in the words we use.

I supplied a few different examples and they all averaged out to this. My results:


Genre: Informal

Female = 3241

Male = 5494

Difference = 2253; 62.89%

Verdict: MALE


Genre: Formal

Female = 2713

Male = 3645

Difference = 932; 57.32%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.


I was born and grew up in Germany though my roots are USA Native American.


---Hope you have fun with it.

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Apparently I'm either a weak male, a weak female or European :P


Genre: Informal

Female = 9671

Male = 12329

Difference = 2658; 56.04%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.



Genre: Formal

Female = 9875

Male = 8106

Difference = -1769; 45.08%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.

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Genre: Informal

Female = 988

Male = 897

Difference = -91; 47.58%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European


Genre: Formal

Female = 1008

Male = 614

Difference = -394; 37.85%

Verdict: FEMALE

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Here are my results:


Genre: Informal

Female = 507

Male = 874

Difference = 367; 63.28%

Verdict: MALE


Genre: Formal

Female = 571

Male = 543

Difference = -28; 48.74%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.


Interesting analysis.

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Genre: Informal

Female = 10413

Male = 10050

Difference = -363; 49.11%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.

Genre: Formal

Female = 7361

Male = 6552

Difference = -809; 47.09%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.




"While Gender Guesser may be 60% - 70% accurate, it is not 100% accurate. This is better than random guessing (50%), but should not be interpreted as "fact". In particular, men should not be offended if it says you write like a girl."


OK... I hate this thing! It says I write like a girl! A girl!!!


Then there's this thing: Gender Genie


BTW... I hate this thing too (it's another version of the same algorithm)! It says I write like a girl, too!!!!


Girls! I hate girls!!! :P

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a more formal work analyzed below -


Genre: Informal

Female = 2446

Male = 8359

Difference = 5913; 77.36%

Verdict: MALE


Genre: Formal

Female = 3053

Male = 5123

Difference = 2070; 62.65%

Verdict: MALE


something less formal -


Genre: Informal

Female = 1876

Male = 1989

Difference = 113; 51.46%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European


Genre: Formal

Female = 1602

Male = 1288

Difference = -314; 44.56%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.

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Genre: Informal

Female = 52814

Male = 71131

Difference = 18317; 57.38%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.




Genre: Formal

Female = 40346

Male = 51167

Difference = 10821; 55.91%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.




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  • Site Administrator

LMAO, Ah well. I'm okay with that I guess :P


Genre: Informal

Female = 932

Male = 2053

Difference = 1121; 68.77%

Verdict: MALE


Genre: Formal

Female = 585

Male = 1028

Difference = 443; 63.73%

Verdict: MALE

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Genre: Informal

Female = 1842

Male = 1207

Difference = -635; 39.58%

Verdict: FEMALE


Genre: Formal

Female = 480

Male = 847

Difference = 367; 63.82%

Verdict: MALE






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Genre: Formal

Female = 3143

Male = 3480

Difference = 337; 52.54%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.


Genre: Informal

Female = 879

Male = 396

Difference = -483; 31.05%

Verdict: FEMALE



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for informal it said i wrote like a weak male and for formal i wrote as a weak female


i can understand it saying i write as a female because pretty much every book i read is written by a woman. and Weak male. yeah i dont write masculine i'm some Tough guy character lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Genre: Informal

Female = 2299

Male = 2311

Difference = 12; 50.13%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.





Genre: Formal

Female = 1388

Male = 1415

Difference = 27; 50.48%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.

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I'm not really too sure what to make of this, but here goes nothing.


Genre: Informal

Female = 1529

Male = 2164

Difference = 635; 58.59%

Verdict: Weak MALE


(Weak emphasis could indicate European).



Genre: Formal

Female = 1018

Male = 1719

Difference = 701; 62.8%

Verdict: MALE

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Genre: Informal

Female = 13618

Male = 13568

Difference = -50; 49.9%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.


Genre: Formal

Female = 7978

Male = 9286

Difference = 1308; 53.78%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.


Of note is about the length of writing you include. I only put 500 words in at first and came up different to when i put the rest of my story :)



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Of note is about the length of writing you include. I only put 500 words in at first and came up different to when i put the rest of my story :)




Yes, I agree. I tried a few stories of mine which were in quite different genres, and sometimes copied/pasted the entire story (since they're shorter), and the results were rather different than when I did less than 500 words or so.

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Genre: Informal

Female = 14978

Male = 13218

Difference = -1760; 46.87%

Verdict: Weak FEMALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.



Genre: Formal

Female = 8458

Male = 10758

Difference = 2300; 55.98%

Verdict: Weak MALE


Weak emphasis could indicate European.

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