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Favourite Musician?


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Fan of Bowie? Maybe you're more of a Bob Dylan type? With respect, I'd like to point out that my including the term 'musician' immediately rules out you replying with Lady Gaga or Beyonc

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I'd like to point out that my including the term 'musician' immediately rules out you replying with Lady Gaga

Actually, Lady Gaga is a musician, she's played piano since she was like four/five and she went to a school and learned music formally. ;p

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Lady Gaga; there are a LOT of bands I like better than her, but as a solo musician and artist, definitely Lady Gaga. If you say she isn't a musician, you clearly have never heard her play piano, or sing acoustic for that matter; try looking up her singing 'Poker Face' in acoustic; it's phenomenal, anyone that thinks she isn't incredibly talented is ignorant and allowing their musical taste get in the way of their objective ears.


A very, very, very, very close second would be Adam Young (or Owl City for those that don't know his name).


Edit: I also, very much so, love Vanessa Mae; oh and Keiko Abe (Marimba love <33 :wub:)

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Paul you're right about both of them. I'm becoming addicted to Owl City. Beyond that, I have to say I'm a huge fan of Jimmy Paige. He's one of the best guitarists ever. And then of course, there's Jimi Hendrix, who was the best guitarist ever (and not a bad vocalist either).


Here is Pokerface in acoustic.



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Bowie, Jonsi, Moby, Thom Yorke, Beck, Sufjan Stevens...i think i'm in love with you :lol:


I'll expand on my tastes later. I'm on my 5 minute break from cramming for tomorrows exam, and i know for sure that it'll take me more than a couple of minutes to think about.

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So anyway, this thread is all a rouse for me to discover your tastes and sample some of these delights. Then possibly complain when you do eventually reply with a contemporary 'artist', even though I'll secretly also like them too.


SIGH. I really would like to explain to you all that I love Lada Gaga too (I'm on a site for gay authors for christ sakes haha), but I still doubt you'd get what I was trying to say by the end of it. It's like, I already know Lady Gaga XD I was sort of hoping for something a bit original. But whatever. I may become a back street fortune teller.


Also, Owl City? I've heard one or two songs by him, but I've been a bit apprehensive about getting to know more. Mainly because I thought he was gonna become a one hit wonder and then disappear. I'm starting to hear more and more about him nowadays. So I may go have a look see.


By the way, Soup, would you be totally opposed to the idea of us sleeping together? XD Looking forward to your next post.

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I loooooove so many guys. I'm in love with Sean Lennon right now (John Lennon and Yoko Ono's son). Tom Waits is pretty sexy too. Of course, I also like Bowie and Dylan too. I'm majorly loving Jonsí at the minute too (vocalist and guitarist for Sigur Rós). I really can't forget about Moby. Isn't Moby amazing? I love Moby. Thom Yorke (of Radiohead) is also amazing. Sebastien Tellier. Beck is pretty cool too. Sufjan Stevens as well.


Sebastien Tellier :blink: . I know you have a thing for facial hair, but geeez! So not sexy!!

His music is Ok, but we have much better singers even if they don't have an international career. Try M (Mathieu Chedid) for example



Oh, and look he even sings with Sean Lennon, and they kiss at the end!!



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By the way, Soup, would you be totally opposed to the idea of us sleeping together? XD Looking forward to your next post.


You destroyed my brain! i spent like an hour (more) thinking about this while writing my essay (read: staring at a blank document) and now every half an hour i feel some sort of gravitational pull towards youtube. It's horrible and distracting and I BLAME YOU! D: So yes. I am completely opposed to sleeping with you, Meno. <_<


Okay, so....


Spencer Krug. (full stop)

Okay i lie, there are more people but i adore him. i want to paint my walls with his musical brain babies. I don't think enough people appreciate the brilliance that is Sunset Rubdown. He's also part of Wolf Parade and Swan Lake (which sounds like a cross between Animal Collective and Sunset Rubdown) but they're nothing compared to Sunset Rubdown.

Jonsi. I prefer his work with Sigur Ros more than his solo album but either way he's a genius and oh my god *sigurroseargasm* (auditorygasm?)

Owen Pallett (aka Final Fantasy). Plays the violin, sings, makes weird screaming noises randomly... but still. Does awesome covers as well.

Patrick Wolf. Okay, not my absolute favourite but he's a pretty damn impressive musician. He can play more than 10 instruments (if i remember correctly), started off as a street performer, taught himself everything and he's an amazing live performer + Owen pallett did a few concerts with him.

Efrim Menuck from Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. So they're incredibly depressing bands and i know why it's not everyones cup of tea but somehow TSMZ has grown on me. I like how all his songs are about real things like war, death and basically the deterioration of society and the world because of modern day urbanization and war + random things like his dog dying.

Annie Clark (aka St. Vincent). Both her albums are great. i don't know what else to say. i love her?

Natasha Khan (aka Bat For Lashes). <3 (haha i'm getting lazy now)

Andrew Bird.

Maynard Keenan. I have a love/hate relationship with his music. oh well.


People from the past: Sam Cooke, Hendrix, Django Reinhardt


If Portishead was comprised of just one musician, i would have named them. Same with Massive Attack. Thom Yorke you've already mentioned. Bowie, Bowie, BowieBowieBowieBowie. I luurve Bowie (Ashes to ashes, funk to funky. We know Major Tom's a junkie!). Sufjan Stevens - YAY Greetings From Michigan. I think St Vincent also used to play in his stage band? Double awesomeness. Haven't heard much from Moby except for Play and 18 but they were both great. Beck's been around for ages and his music always seems...kinda fresh? He's still just as interesting = Talent.


I was lying before, i don't blame you, my work ethic is already atrocious :)

Also, good taste in music is a total turn on, so of course i'd sleep with you ;)

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EXCUSE ME, BLEU. Sebastien Tellier is amaaaaaaazing. Ok, you do have way better musicians. There's just something about him. I think I'm drawn by his beard. Matthieu Chedid is ok. I used to listen to some of his stuff, but then I went off it. Not sure why. Sean Lennon is so good though, and I am so thankful that you showed me that video of the two of them haha Can't believe I didn't know about this... I love Charlotte Gainsbourg, Edith Piaf and then your first lady. I'm not sure if it's popular to like your first lady's music, but I think she's pretty decent.


SO SORRY, SOUP. I've never heard of Spencer Krug. Gonna have to check that bad boi out.


OWEN PALLET. I love Final Fantasy (I really wanna play the games now...). He is sooooo good. It's just like, too amazing. Gosh. I can't believe I forgot about that amazing guy.


Patrick Wolfe! Again, a really lovely artist. So sorry to hear about him being beat up because he was kissing his boyfriend at a concert. Atrocious stuff.



Goodness gracious. That Efrim Menuck is an interesting character. I do like the song you linked to, but it's very strange. I have a feeling I'm about to become a massive fan haha


I've never heard of Annie Clark. Bat for Lashes though! WOW. Sexy album. Siren is so good.


I don't know the other two as well. Have a feeling I'll be doing some research. I used to like Sam Cooke too.


Portishead and Massive Attack are amazing bands! You'd really like Zero 7 and Telepopmusik. They're pretty downtempo too.



Now, your place or mine?


*goes off to learn who the hell Yanni is*


EDIT: Been listening to this song all day. Had to share.



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I love almost all types of music of the world, all genres, all kinds, except for one or two...and even among those, at times I can find something I like. So trying to think of who is my favourite musician overall...is rather hard. If I had to name one because I like everything they do, it would be Akeboshi.

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EXCUSE ME, BLEU. Sebastien Tellier is amaaaaaaazing. Ok, you do have way better musicians. There's just something about him. I think I'm drawn by his beard. Matthieu Chedid is ok. I used to listen to some of his stuff, but then I went off it. Not sure why. Sean Lennon is so good though, and I am so thankful that you showed me that video of the two of them haha Can't believe I didn't know about this... I love Charlotte Gainsbourg, Edith Piaf and then your first lady. I'm not sure if it's popular to like your first lady's music, but I think she's pretty decent.


See... I knew it was the beard! I must admit that I don't know his music well. He just comes out as exceptionally arrogant in interviews.


Charlotte Gainsbourg is exceptional. Edith Piaf was as well, but she died more than 45 years ago: it really is time to move on.


I have Carla Bruni's first album, which is excellent. She is a true musician. Don't like her much as first lady. No, scratch that. I just don't like her hubby.

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There's a band here called Doberman and i bought their second cd (i think) a few days ago and i'm really feeling it :) the lead singer is called Nacho Obes (not obese lol) and they have some pretty cool songs both in english and spanish. They're clearly influenced by AC/DC and the old types of rock. I'm gonna go to one of their concerts in a few weeks!


If you're interested here's one in english that i really liked:



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SO SORRY, SOUP. I've never heard of Spencer Krug. Gonna have to check that bad boi out.


OWEN PALLET. I love Final Fantasy (I really wanna play the games now...). He is sooooo good. It's just like, too amazing. Gosh. I can't believe I forgot about that amazing guy.


Patrick Wolfe! Again, a really lovely artist. So sorry to hear about him being beat up because he was kissing his boyfriend at a concert. Atrocious stuff.



Goodness gracious. That Efrim Menuck is an interesting character. I do like the song you linked to, but it's very strange. I have a feeling I'm about to become a massive fan haha


I've never heard of Annie Clark. Bat for Lashes though! WOW. Sexy album. Siren is so good.


I don't know the other two as well. Have a feeling I'll be doing some research. I used to like Sam Cooke too.


Portishead and Massive Attack are amazing bands! You'd really like Zero 7 and Telepopmusik. They're pretty downtempo too.



Now, your place or mine?


Wolfy! That's awful D=


If you feel like Efrim Menuck i'd reconmend Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven (Godspeed You! Black Emperor). It's all instrumental. You might like Mono as well

)? or Mogwai
. Although they're all post-rock and my friends would probably cry from bordem if i made them listen to any of that, so i have no idea if you'd like any of it. But you like Sigur Ros, so maybe :)


Yeah, Bat For Lashes' new album was AMMAAAZZZINGGG!!


Annie Clark and Andrew Bird <3


Maynard Keenan you probably know as the guy from Tool or A Perfect Circle?


After watching the vid Bleu posted i went a got Sean Lennon's Friendly Fire. It's greeeeeaaat. It reminds me a little of Elliott Smith though. I don't know why. Stiil good.


I also went and checked out Telepopmusik and Zero 7 like you suggested. From the few songs i've heard i think i'm going to lurrrvvveee Telepopmusik but i've yet to get an album. Thanks.


Although i couldn't really get into Zero 7, probably because the vocals are too strong on the tracks where Sia sings. I recognise her voice so it makes me feel like i'm listening to her not Zero 7 if that makes any sense? but i really liked the song 'Polaris' and some of the other tracks that had different artists singing.



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some contenders...


PJ Harvey, Ben Folds, Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails), Jack White (The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, etc), Courtney Love (I know Kurt's more fashionable, but...), Gary Barlow, Matt Bellamy (back when he used to play piano, not since he discovered drum machine).


and if I had to pick one...


Jack White.

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Courtney Love (I know Kurt's more fashionable, but...),


Kurt was a great musician, but such a dick :P


picking my favourite is pretty hard, since i have my favourite artists to play, and my favourite artists to listern to


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky has got to be my favourite to play, Swan lake and the nutcracker in particular



as for favourite musician to listern to, well it depends on my mood, so it varies alot

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Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers. Blood Sex Sugar Magik was one of my favorite albums of all time.


That is one awesome album. It's the other cassette tape I wore out and had to buy more than once, Besides Tesla's Psychotic Supper



And for today's music, I have 2 favorite musicians. The first would have to be Mato Nanji of Indigenous. Just because he is awesome. Listen to him shred




And my other favorite artist is Amy Lee of Evanescence. That voice is just so beautiful, And she plays the right instrument too....

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I love Garth and Strait. Sorry, country girl, I was raised on them :P I have to say for pure vocals my favorite singers are Celtic Woman. They have a styling that is just amazing and their version of

gives me chills every time I hear it.
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My list of favourite bands/artists is endless. I'll keep it as short as I can.

The Dresden Dolls, The Decemberists, Regina Spektor, Chameleon Circuit (What? I love Doctor Who.), IAMX, Frightened Rabbit, The Smiths, Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, The Mountain Goats, The Magnetic Fields, Neutral Milk Hotel, Louis XIV, Arcade Fire, Rilo Kiley, Tilly and the Wall, Sigur R

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Anybody else like any of these bands/artists?



Well, I do looooove Goldfrapp! And Sigur Ros too, of course. I either know or used to be really into everything you listed, but I've either outgrown the music or have died inside.



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I was wondering whether any of you had ever heard of alternative rock band Empyr. They're French but sing in English. Their first album was produced in L.A. and they're due to release their second album next month.


Here is one song




Two of the band members previously belonged to Kyo, which was pretty popular over here in 2003/2004. I'm sure I've already written about them on GA. Anyway, check them out too

This one is about school bullying.

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