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Do you have pets?


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I'm a cat person, I'm a dog person, I'm a lizzard person, love horses... :wub:


But for the good of everyone I have settled for two cats at the moment. Let me introduce my babies:


This is my kitty Mörkö = Boogy Man


He loves boxes and bags.


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And this is Toivo = Hope. He is a major pain in the ass, but gotta love him anyways :D

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Awwww! They're incredibly cute.


I currently have two dogs. A Shih Tzu and a Yorkshire terrier. But in the past I had another dog (a bichon frise) a bunny, two ferrets, a parrot, a hamster, 21 rats and uncountable fish.



Here's a pic of my Yorkie

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And here's an old one of my Shih Tzu (in the back) and my Bichon (looking into the camera), who is sadly dead now ;_;


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Awwww! They're incredibly cute.


I currently have two dogs. A Shih Tzu and a Yorkshire terrier. But in the past I had another dog (a bichon frise) a bunny, two ferrets, a parrot, a hamster, 21 rats and uncountable fish.



And here's an old one of my Shih Tzu (in the back) and my Bichon (looking into the camera), who is sadly dead now ;_;





:D Thanx! Your dogs are so adorable! And loosing a pet is always hard... I will always miss my first cat Pörri, but he taught me a lesson or two about love.

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We've got 3 pets right now,

our schnoodle Henry, The joke in our family is that Henry is gay, so I dyed him pink and got him the rainbow collar and lead

We found him in a pet store, he was too big for the cage and was getting ready to go to the RSPCA... so we took pity on him and brought him


our maltese poodle Brontie,

We got her about 7yrs ago on my birthday,

we got her to keep our old corgi Blazer company (he died back in 2005), she use to be my dog but she's in love with my mum's boyfriend now :P




our fat cat Freckles, cause she has freckles on her nose and feet. We got her after my dads siamese cat Ruben died. About 8 or 9 years ago.

She sits on me when I'm asleep at night if I leave my door and window open, but I like out cat

She doesn't like any of the things normal cats like, she doesn't like being picked up or being around people most of the time, and she will only eat one type of food from an unsual brand Posted Image




Over the years we've had countless corgis (my grandma bred them) and fish. Mum wouldn't let us have mice or crazy crabs Posted Image

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Well, I did have two cats (a one and a half year old black and white male, and a 14 year old grey female), and two dogs (both chocolate labs). Back last October, our younger kitty disappeared one night and didn't come back. We have these nasty little shitheads called fisher-cats that love to eat people's pet cats. I'm assuming thats what happened. Then back a couple weeks ago, we had to put our older chocolate lab down after discovering her insides were being aggressively taken over by cancer. So now were down to a older cat who likes to sleep, eat, and laze around all day (shes a great snuggle kitty), and a 9 year old chocolate lab male who acts like he is six months old. :P He was really depressed when our other dog didn't come home from the vet, as they have been together since we first got them. But he's cheered up some as he now gets to go on long snowshoeing trips through the woods every weekend with my parents.


Anyway, I'm more of a cat person then a dog one but I like both. I think when I get older I'll stick to one cat and one dog. I've always wanted an Irish Wolfhound or a Great Dane.

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We have 2 cats, one 10 year old outdoor only (he doesn't like kids) and one 7 year old indoor that is incredibly tolerant and loves to snuggle. He's almost always draped across some part of my body if I'm sitting down. It's incredibly comforting at times. We also have a 9 year old dog, a Doberman, that's the first kid we ever had. He's larger than the average dobie, about 100 pounds and when sitting his head reaches the counter in the kitchen. He's very protective but friendly and incredibly gentle. He actually nibbles treats out of your hand, it's cute. We also have cichlid fish, a jack dempsey and an albino oscar.


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I have two cats... pure blackof course, and we did have a hising cockroach until I managed to kill him... accidentally.


The cats are Merlin and Charlie, both pure black ( of course :) ) and as different as possible from each other. Merlin is nicknamed puddle because when she lies on a cushion she is like a great big puddle of black. She is so fat she can hardly jump. I put her on a diet and even fed her separately but she still keeps getting fatter so I presume she eats at other restaurants She is a pain in the arse becasue as soon as I arrive home she starts mewing outside, as soon as I let her in she starts mewing by the food bowl (no matter what time) and she keeps mewing until either I get pissed off and chase her upstairs so she hides... or I feed her. When I try to put her out at night she digs into whatever she can... sometimes me. When she decides to be friendly, which is not often she claws you, drools all over you and then bites you... yeah, that's friendly Merlin.


Charly on the other hand is long lean and boneless. He likes to drape himself over things and often pours down between the two parts of the sofa. He drapes round the neck like one of those awful fox stoles and when you have him on your lap he will put his paws one each side of your face and pat you while looking up into your face and smiling... yes, I swear he smiles. He has yellow eyes and does all the things 'real' cats do like jump up on the mantlepiece or the top of the bookcases and balance on the back of the sofa


I love my cats.



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I have two cats, Sprocket and Boo.


Sprocket is just a kitty, so she's new. She's a rescue kitty that I took in and no one wanted.



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Then Boo (or as my boyfriend calls him "Wheezer") is my older cat, he's a bit of a grump but he's my best buddy. Also a rescue kitty. I saved him and his brother as kittens when I found them tied in a tree. His brother died. =[



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Edited by Arpeggio
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I have two cats, Sprocket and Boo.


Sprocket is just a kitty, so she's new. She's a rescue kitty that I took in and no one wanted.



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Then Boo (or as my boyfriend calls him "Wheezer") is my older cat, he's a bit of a grump but he's my best buddy. Also a rescue kitty. I saved him and his brother as kittens when I found them tied in a tree. His brother died. =[



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OMG! Your cats are so cute! Almost as cute as you :D !

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Our choco lab Bailey, who we had to put down a couple weeks ago. :( And our 9 year old choco lab named Ranger. He still has the energy and brain capacity of a puppy, but we love him tons. :)





Soo sorry for Bailey and the poor missing kitty :( , :hug: ... Maybe the cat'll show up one day, they can sometimes just take off... thin hope I guess... I'd go nuts if one of my cats went missing. Once I lost my first cat and he was on the run for like 2 hours. I was already seing myself sitting in prison for torturing and killing who ever had harmed my baby...


I love choco labs, my boss has one of those and I take care of him (the lab) every now and then. Nero is my best dog bud.

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I don't really have any pets right now :/

My ex cat and my ex rat are still alive and healthy, but they belong to my siblings now. My aunt has two ancient dogs, but I'm not bothering to get attached to them because at least one of the two is gonna kick the can soon (they're almost as old as I am, each)

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I love all kinds of animals, but have two dogs. They seem to be happier in pairs, and this is my fifth pair.


These are Anuva and Conor Bear. You can't tell from this picture, but Conor's 2.5X Anuva's size @ 125#.


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I love all kinds of animals, but have two dogs. They seem to be happier in pairs, and this is my fifth pair. Being technically challenged, I could only post their picture on my profile. (If anybody can tell me how to post it here, I'd be most grateful, and gladly do it.)



I'm just as challenged! One option is to use the thumbnail below, works, if the photo is not too big. Or you can create an external online link fot the phot by downloading it to for excample to ImageSchack http://img841.imageshack.us/ This was a advice I got and it worked! You don't need to register there if you don't wanna. There is a downloader that you can use to get the picture from your computer's file, and that creates the links that you just "paint". Then add a link to "insert link" ^^ and that should work. Some one not so much challenged is porobably more helpful, but that was how I did it :)

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I'm a cat person :D

My first cat was called Ralph and was some sort of tabbie / tortie / bitza , and he lived until he was probably 21 or 22. He was a biiiig cat. Mum and dad picked him up as a stray before i was born and he was a few years old then. He was like the energizer bunny. He just kept going and going. He died about 2004.

I got a cat for my birthday when i was 5. He was a big ginger tom; a real hunter and wild creature. As he aged he mellowed and he was my baby. He pined after Ralphy died and got really old really fast. We got two kittens to try and give him a family again. He pretended to hate them, but he cleaned them when they were sleeping and they slept on top of him, so we think they got along ok. He aged really badly though, was partially deaf and blind and had heart murmurs and diabetes and ended up with mini strokes and some form of alzheimers. It was awful. He used to walk in circles (like Zoolander, could only turn in one direction...) and sit and stare at walls. We had to have him put down late 2008. It was awful, but he was suffering.

So we currently have the 2 kittens. (we still call them that, even though they're about five... ) A red Burmese, called Pride (he looked like Simba when he was a kitten, and then we said something about a pride of lions, and it just stuck...) and a Tortie Burmese who is called Tawny (because she is, basically.). Pride is a real sook and wants cuddles always. Now. Right now. And cries and cries if he doesn't get them. He pines and cries and drives everyone crazy if i go away for more than 2 days. I'll have to take him with me when i finally move out! Tawny is a real haughty tortie. She is very aloof and only cuddles when SHE wants. But when she is happy, she can't purr properly. She ends up squeaking and purring and it's ridiculous and adorable. And she can't miaow. She opens her mouth, but nothing happens.


We also have an elderly arthritic dog called Scarlet (or Scarlie for short) who is a failed guide dog puppy... (no longer a puppy!) and about 6 chickens. Mum grew up in the country, and we have a big back yard..... so she decided she wanted chickens!!!


When i'm old and am the local cat lady, i'm going to have a black cat called Bagheera, and possibly another cat called Sheba, and one more cat called Mouse :D Just to mess with it's head :D :D :D


also- this is actually really funny :







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  • 2 weeks later...





Then Boo (or as my boyfriend calls him "Wheezer") is my older cat, he's a bit of a grump but he's my best buddy. Also a rescue kitty. I saved him and his brother as kittens when I found them tied in a tree. His brother died. =[



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Your Boo looks a lot like my kitty, Reno, except mine is a girl. Startled ...




And annoyed mode ...



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We have a 12 1/2 year old rottie mix named Dakota. I rescued her from the pound while visiting my dog, Kahuna (runt Siberian Husky who looked more like a wolf that we rescued from under a table at a flea market in Florida and who died of cancer two years ago), who was impounded for two weeks (long story.) She was to be euthanized within the week.


Then, I got a cat named Oscar (almost 10 years old) when I moved into my first place. I had been waiting for a kitten from the pound who died the day before I was supposed to take her home, so my Dad got Oscar from a pet store the day before I moved out (he's the only animal we have who wasn't rescued.) Oscar LOVES me and tolerates my husband and son. (Once, in college, my husband passed out drunk in my bed with his feet hanging over the edge. Oscar used them as a toy and his feet were such a mess in the morning, he could barely walk. Its a testament of our love that Oscar still shares our home.)


Mojo (7 years old) we got while I was working with a very poor family while working on my Masters. They were putting Mother Kitty outside in the morning (in the middle of the winter) from the time Mo was a few days old (he was the only one from his litter who survived) and not letting her back in until dark. Mo was dying of malnourishment when I convinced them to let me take him. I wanted to name him Amore or Amos, but my husband was watching Austin Powers while Mo purred to beat the bands and rubbed all over him for love. He is the most snuggly cat, I have ever had! As I am typing this, he is laying on my arm. Two years ago he fell asleep in the well where the fan is by the engine in my husbands truck. When my husband turned his truck on, his heart stopped. Mo broke his jaw, needed more stitches than we could count, and used up at least 5 of his nine lives.


Max (6 years old) came one day a few winters ago when my son, then 3, asked to go to the zoo. We went to the Animal Welfare society to give the animals some exercise and love instead. Max was a Maine Coon Cat deemed feral. BULL! He goes with us on every walk we take our dogs on, walks our son the the bus stop every morning and greets him as he gets off every afternoon, and has become the neighborhood's favorite mascot.


Last year, a coworker of my husband's was going to bring his dog to the pound because he was moving and couldn't keep him. My husband came home with Shy (5 years old), our "foster" American Bulldog. He peed every time I looked at him and I couldn't wait to find him another home. My son and husband fell in love. He is the definition of a boy and his dog with my son. He is the easiest dog I have ever trained and the most well behaved (despite the occasional chewed to pieces objects left laying around). I wouldn't trade him for the world.


We also have Bambi, a Leopard Gecko that a friend couldn't keep when they moved south. Then, there is Bluzal, the Beta my son named in his classroom who came home for Vacation and has never left.


I'll come back later and try to figure out how to get my pictures in here. They all say they are too big to upload.

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I've only got two pets:


B.B(short for blueberry, my mother had a sick sense of humor) is our 10 year old beagle. he is old, fat and lazy. He reminds me of one of those old men who sits on thier porch yelling at the neighbor kids. (he barks at the two dogs across the street consently)


And last october my ma got a black long hair cat named Mi Mou, (no clue how to spell it but we don't even call him that xD). He is a shelter cat, but he is the nicest cat, and he puts up with my siblings well. (and B.B as well)


But that is the extent of our animals.. so far



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