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Song About All The Gay Teen Suicides

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I came across this song yesterday while surfing through YouTube. Its a song written by Rise Against about the recent spat of gay teen suicides. It has some very powerful lyrics and a message that should be heard by everyone.



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Strong lyrics, I will agree. Very, very strong lyrics. The list of names at the end was just right too -- not too short, so as to focus on the individuals, but not so long as to become monotonous. Two good qualities for the song.

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I like this song as well: it's quite dark at the start, but it closes on a positive message. The powerful style also matches the rage I feel at those unacceptable deaths better than most of the songs that usually broach this topic.


Edited following phana's remarks (Sorry again, phana).

Edited by Bleu
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I like this song as well: it's quite dark at the start, but it closes on a positive message. The powerful style is also a welcome change from the teary-eyed overly sentimental songs that usually broach this topic.


Maybe I should feel bad for the tears that I shed while watching this. idk aww


NO FREAKIN WAY! I felt the emotion and I shed real tears for those who have left us AND for those who will continue to leave us!


I want OUR world to accept us ---PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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Maybe I should feel bad for the tears that I shed while watching this. idk aww


NO FREAKIN WAY! I felt the emotion and I shed real tears for those who have left us AND for those who will continue to leave us!


I want OUR world to accept us ---PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


Ummm, I apologize if it sounded like I was mocking anyone who would cry while watching this video. I must have not worded my comment in the proper way. Any death, any suicide is a tragedy, especially in young people.

I was merely referring to the message about gay teenagers. I have heard songs which were so sappy that the message about how unacceptable these deaths are was completely watered-down.

I guess I feel more rage than sadness about this.

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Ummm, I apologize if it sounded like I was mocking anyone who would cry while watching this video. I must have not worded my comment in the proper way. Any death, any suicide is a tragedy, especially in young people.

I was merely referring to the message about gay teenagers. I have heard songs which were so sappy that the message about how unacceptable these deaths are was completely watered-down.

I guess I feel more rage than sadness about this.


I didn't take it as mockery, and if my post came off sounding like that then it is I who should apologize. :(

I just now watched the video again--and the tears flowed--again.

I just wish that the children of the world could have a life free of trauma. And I hold that thought very close to my heart.

Peace, Bleu. I think we're ok. Hugs?

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I didn't take it as mockery, and if my post came off sounding like that then it is I who should apologize. :(

I just now watched the video again--and the tears flowed--again.

I just wish that the children of the world could have a life free of trauma. And I hold that thought very close to my heart.

Peace, Bleu. I think we're ok. Hugs?


No apologies needed, phana. I'm just glad that you didn't take it as mockery. My comment is better now than before my correction; there's less risk of being misconstrued. There is enough hardship for some of us (and I don't include myself in that number) for us to be sniping at each other over this kind of issues.

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  • 1 month later...

It's just so sad. So, so, so sad. The song makes me cry.


They were babies, toddlers, little kids, teens, they laughed, they cried. I wish they'd had more support. More love. Told they were beautiful.


Good song--should be heard by everyone.

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I know Matt posted this before, but here is the Rise Against's official video. I was waiting for them to make this and it was worth it - I think.


If you've never listened to them, I'd recommend them - that and it's worth supporting people that support us.


Make it stop. Official Video


Wow, that video amplified the power of the message of this song by a thousand! Thank you Andy for posting.

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Great song; I am surprised I had not heard it before, as I do know who Rise Against are.


The official video that Andy posted was some scary azz shit. The powers that be, really need to do something about gay kids that get bullied in high school. Is it any wonder that we hide in the closet during those four years?


Another good anti-suicide song is "Hold On" by Good Charlotte.

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Wow, that video amplified the power of the message of this song by a thousand! Thank you Andy for posting.


Totally agree Matt - Whenever I listen - really listen to the words - it affects me, but watching this video I got this horrible chill when I thought they were going to show the following through - maybe not them actually doing it, but cut away just before they jumped, shot, hung themselves and then cut to funeral scenes. I'm glad they sent the message they did.


Great song; I am surprised I had not heard it before, as I do know who Rise Against are.


The official video that Andy posted was some scary azz shit. The powers that be, really need to do something about gay kids that get bullied in high school. Is it any wonder that we hide in the closet during those four years?


Another good anti-suicide song is "Hold On" by Good Charlotte.


You know there are some very progressive schools where the people do care about the students - all of them not just the popular ones - and then there are those where the administrators bring their own prejudices with them and foist them onto the student body - or at best turn a blind eye to what happens. But to be honest, the only way it stops is not from above - it's the kids themselves who have to stand up for each other. And I think that is more and more the norm than it was 10 years ago, let alone the almost 30 since I graduated.

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