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MTV Turns 30 Years Old

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In celebration of MTV's 30th Birthday, I thought I'd post this cool 10-minute block from the launch of MTV in 1981!


MTV First Day Launch


God, remember when MTV actually used to *play* videos? I started watching MTV in 1989-ish, and during the early '90's to mid-90's you'd see a ton of videos, from 120 Minutes to Buzz to Yo MTV Raps. Not to mention Unplugged. Remember when MTV VJ's seemed like the coolest people ever? I feel sorry for the kids today, who only know MTV in its current 16 and Pregnant form.


So I thought I'd start a request for two videos...a song from 1981, and your favorite MTV video ever.


I'll start...here's a tune from 1981 I really like a lot.



And this remains my favorite MTV video:



So simple, yet so effective and epic.

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Why they still call themselves Music Television is beyond me. They have maybe 2 hours of music video programming early in the morning when no one is watching, and thats it. MTV has some good shows, like True Life, 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, and Teen Wolf, and some downright awful ones like Super Sweet 16 and Jersey Shore. I can't think of a show that single-handidly ruined the reputation of anything as much as Jersey Shore ruined the reputation of New Jersey. They should seriously consider renaming themselves RTV for Reality TV, because thats what its become.

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I grew up on MTV. I remember when we finally got cable tv and went from having 5 channels to 24 which include MTV, flipped it on and there was Bon Jovi rocking in a skin-tight pair of red leather pants—I was hooked! Ooooh now that I’m hot and bothered- must go find retro-video of glam band hottie!




Sucks that Music Television doesn't play music or videos anymore!:(



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MTV... they're still around?


I haven't paid attention to them since they swore off music videos and took on an all bullshit all of the time format.





That song brings tears to my eyes every time.


We have a local music video station that puts MTV to shame. Reality Killed the Video Star.


My link

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Lord.. I'm getting old.. lol. I never was a fan of MTV for the music, I've always been a VH1 fan when it comes to my rock and pop stuff - at least they play music sometimes today. I was a fan of Real World though, now I can't stand it and I never watch MTV now.

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Tet, it's a shame that you were born in '92 and were therefore too young to experience MTV during it's better days. The grunge era for MTV was awesome.



This video was just hilarious. In case you guys don't remember the mid-90's, this video was basically making fun of all the Mentos commercials that were airing at the time.

Edited by methodwriter85
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