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a gay moon


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This may just be a coincidence but, being as it's my first day as a member of Gay Authors, i think it may be a sign of good things to come.

Anyhoot, as I was browsing the site on my porch using my laptop, I looked up and saw that the moon was rimmed by an honest to goodness RAINBOW! I wish I had a camera that could capture it properly.


Anyone else look for signs like that and cant help but point them out?

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my favorite sign i always see is a big red one that says stop. *insert sarcastic drum beat here* ya i just made fun of my own comment/post.

Anyways, i have an obsession for looking for the 'mystical sign' that something is ok or wrong. I'm not overly superstitious or anything but when i see a red rim around the moon or red actually on the moon, i tend to stay indoors and not go near pointy objects. maybe its just me.

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hehe i though this was a new story lol ... not to compete with twilight


on a side note, i stumbled upon a gay porn based on twilight (not closely mind you) called twinklight. haha

though that does sound like a good title for a cute little romance. maybe someone will see this and build a story around it. ^.^

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  • Site Administrator

One of our Hosted Authors, Krista, already has 13 chapters of her Twilight Fanfic up https://www.gayauthors.org/story/krista/acceptanceoffate here. It is called Acceptance Of Fate.


Bashfully admitting that I have seen the movies, but not read the books, I'm really enjoying it.


Sorry, but no porn...yet ;) Just kidding..... or am I :unsure:

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Seeing signs come natural to me. Don't worry, I'm not going to explain that. Almost everything for is a sign. If I'm going somewhere and I hit my right foot against a stone, - good luck. If I hit my left leg - bad bad luck. I often know that it's going to rain from the clouds and sometimes when and how long its going to rain. I guess it's supersticious or something, but that's just the way I'm wired. I tend to notice the litte details...and read meaning into them..

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