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Well, it's true. Think about it- aside from Brad's uptight straight brother Nick, has there ever been a Schluter who wasn't described as a hot slut?


Oh, it's much worse than that for JJ. Offhand, I cannot think of any other character that is a Schulter, a Crampton, and a descendant of Grandmarie. Though it's possible that the Craptons weren't sexpots on their own, and it's merely Grandmarie's blood that made her sons (and their children) so wild.

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And in the meantime, JJ has to look like the innocent virginal figure skater who would never so much as think about pre-marital sex. It works for now, because he's a late bloomer, but when puberty finally hits...

Edited by methodwriter85
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Oh, it's much worse than that for JJ. Offhand, I cannot think of any other character that is a Schulter, a Crampton, and a descendant of Grandmarie. Though it's possible that the Craptons weren't sexpots on their own, and it's merely Grandmarie's blood that made her sons (and their children) so wild.


Nick had an affair with his secretary.


Hmmm, wasn't Tonto born a Crampton and then married a Schulter? Seems that even when she was younger, Tonto was very passionate, so I don't think it was just Marie's influence and blood...


Very good. Tonto was born Gail Crampton.

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Way back in the early part of Bloodlines I began to comment on Mark's stories. Over the years they have only got better. This last chapter (32) was as close to perfect as I've seen. I will tell you Wade is one of my favorite characters. He has a strength and caring spirit which comes out while his sense of fun can be seen to. In many ways he is perfect for Matt. They balance each other well. Jeff said it that people know what Wade could do, but Wade is also a honorable person. Wade will always try to do the right thing. I don't see many people who that can be said about. His pledge to Will can never be broken. I hope Will can grow up to be more like Wade. This story has raised strong feelings. Many of those feelings are reflected in how each one of us were raised or how some of us raised our children. Sometimes it's to bad parenting did not come with a hand book. It doesn't. Each parent can only try to do the best they can. I think Mark has shown us how even the closest of parents can lose control of the situation. It happens in hundreds of families throughout the country every day. Children runaway and get lost in a overloaded system. It can even happen in the best of families. Thankfully, here we have a lot of people who care a lot about Will, and his family. I feel Will will be found and reunited with his Dad. It may take time to heal, but knowing Mark it will heal. Things will not go back to how they were, but hopefully Will and Brad will be better for it. I want to thank Mark again for a great story. With great characters that are so real I've always thought you could meet on the street. Thanks again.

Edited by rjo
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Hmmm, wasn't Tonto born a Crampton and then married a Schulter? Seems that even when she was younger, Tonto was very passionate, so I don't think it was just Marie's influence and blood...


Yeah, Tonto was very passionate. But aside from that one time, she didn't really sleep around, which her husband, neither of her sons (both Crampton and Schulters by blood) and none of her grandchildren have managed. Not that it's either good or bad, it just didn't seem to be in her character make-up, but it was in theirs.


Actually, Tonto and her brother were what made me think it's Grandmarie and not the Crampton side that made that branch of the family so wild.

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Yeah, Tonto was very passionate. But aside from that one time, she didn't really sleep around, which her husband, neither of her sons (both Crampton and Schulters by blood) and none of her grandchildren have managed. Not that it's either good or bad, it just didn't seem to be in her character make-up, but it was in theirs..


Hey, you never know, JJ could be the first non-slutty Schluter!


*thinks of Jeremy Bloom and Apollo Ohno at the 2006 Winter Olympics* Wait, not sure I want that...Posted Image

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Yeah, Tonto was very passionate. But aside from that one time, she didn't really sleep around, which her husband, neither of her sons (both Crampton and Schulters by blood) and none of her grandchildren have managed. Not that it's either good or bad, it just didn't seem to be in her character make-up, but it was in theirs.


Actually, Tonto and her brother were what made me think it's Grandmarie and not the Crampton side that made that branch of the family so wild.


We don't know what she was like when she was young. Regardless, the standards were different for women so it's hard to draw a good comparison.

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Hey, you never know, JJ could be the first non-slutty Schluter!


*thinks of Jeremy Bloom and Apollo Ohno at the 2006 Winter Olympics* Wait, not sure I want that...Posted Image


Oh please, just because Mark didn't write about the moans and groans coming from JJ and Alistair's tent, you know you'd have heard, "yes, yes, oh my yes Jeremy, you are quite the Lothario and I your Calista!"

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Oh please, just because Mark didn't write about the moans and groans coming from JJ and Alistair's tent, you know you'd have heard, "yes, yes, oh my yes Jeremy, you are quite the Lothario and I your Calista!"


Now that was funny!Posted Image

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Oh please, just because Mark didn't write about the moans and groans coming from JJ and Alistair's tent, you know you'd have heard, "yes, yes, oh my yes Jeremy, you are quite the Lothario and I your Calista!"


Actually, I'm betting it would have been, "Oh, yes, Jeremy, you are quite the Draco and I your Harry Potter!" Come on, you know they boned off to the side.


I remember around 2001 or 2002 I ran into a "Happy Birthday Harry Potter" event at Borders. Not quite as frightening as the time I ran into a Twilight event at the same bookstore about six years later, though

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Actually, I'm betting it would have been, "Oh, yes, Jeremy, you are quite the Draco and I your Harry Potter!" Come on, you know they boned off to the side.


I remember around 2001 or 2002 I ran into a "Happy Birthday Harry Potter" event at Borders. Not quite as frightening as the time I ran into a Twilight event at the same bookstore about six years later, though


You miss the point, that Alistair would be much more focused on the classics.

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I had that thought, but I really think JJ as written now would do a wicked Draco impression. I can totally see him doing Harry Potter roleplay games.


There was this funny episode of some dating show on MTV where a guy took his date on a "Quiddith" ride, i.e. they rode on brooms suspended in the air. The fact that people really do this really is pretty hilarious. Gee, some people need lives. *says the guy who really wants to visit the District 12 village in North Carolina this summer*

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There was this funny episode of some dating show on MTV where a guy took his date on a "Quiddith" ride, i.e. they rode on brooms suspended in the air. The fact that people really do this really is pretty hilarious. Gee, some people need lives. *says the guy who really wants to visit the District 12 village in North Carolina this summer*


I think I remember that one. He was cute. A bit hard on the first guy, though.


I rember thinking it was cute he was willing to be a total geek on television. Self-conficence is attractive. Just ask Shane Jackson.

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No one has been harder than me on Brad since Be Rad, so it is weird being in the position of defending him, but I still don't think he has been some kind of monster where Will is concerned. So the past couple of months Will doesn't think he's gotten the attention he deserves? WTF ya little prima dona, what do you think it is like for kids whose father is on a nine month deployment? Or worse BOTH parents on deployment as can actually happen these days. Brad treated Will like an adult in his email and gave him the honesty Will says he wants and then he uses the honesty to continue his teen "woe is me" act? Make up your mind Will, do you want to be treated like an adult or boy smothered by his parents affections and attentions. You seem confused to which one you want.


I really liked the epiphany with the ground crew at HNL. I hope people don't underestimate the importance of that.


Thanks again for the fast pace of the chapter postings. It is weird that I care so much about a fictional character who is pissing me off and I want to sit down and recount for him how effen charmed his life is. It would not be my first time telling a Colony kid what a little shit he can be :)

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This chapter was really sad for me to read. Will comes to understand a lot about himself and what is going on while reading the emails from those he left behind. Will is starting to realize that even with the issues he is having with his dad and Robbie, he is not alone. There are so many people in his life that would be there for him, if he gives them the chance.


Will's reaction to some of the emails really showed his age; while his awarness of the dangers around him showed he really is mature beyond his years. In a way it is sad that he had to grow up so fast in some ways that no one his age should have to do...


Going to be beach house at Santa Cruz is getting him closer to making a final decision on where he wants this to go; I really do think he will end up in Palo Alto at least for a while. Some time apart can give Will and Brad a chance to reconnect while both of them go through some therapy. I do believe that their relationship will survive this but it will forever be changed by it.


Great Chapter Mark!!!!

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I am not so convinced Brad has changed in his attitude in any way with Will. It feels more like he's going through the motions to get Will come home so he can work his revenge for what Will has done. I am also pretty confident that no one in the family will let him get away with that, but I still think he will try. Brad's email didn't sound very convincing to me. Sure he wants his son back, but I think he resents him now for what he has done, and is spoiled enough to want his own revenge.

I hope I am wrong with this assessment, I would like Will to come back to a Donna Reed type ending and live happily ever after, but reality says it ain't gonna be that way. This is about two very strong personalities butting heads here...Posted ImagePosted Image Posted Image

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No one has been harder than me on Brad since Be Rad, so it is weird being in the position of defending him, but I still don't think he has been some kind of monster where Will is concerned. So the past couple of months Will doesn't think he's gotten the attention he deserves? WTF ya little prima dona, what do you think it is like for kids whose father is on a nine month deployment? Or worse BOTH parents on deployment as can actually happen these days.

It'll be interesting when The War on Terror hits. Given the broad scope of the canvas, I can't imagine that Will won't know people who go off to war- especially Gathan's friends. Claremont seems like the kind of place that would produce a lot of veterans.

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From the review section by Hermetically Sealed:


"Meh. Once more Will is the Golden Child. "Oh Will you're so perfect! Oh Will, how mature you are, so wise beyond your years, you did everything right! Oh Will, we're so proud of you. Don't you worry about your evil nasty dads! They'll get everything they deserve!" Maybe a little over the top, but I'm on percocet and it brings out my snark. Sorry."


Oh hell don't be sorry at all, I so agree with you!


People who think po' widdle Willie is so abused have yet to show me where. What? Brad has been busy with work for the last two months? (maybe less) What about the surf trip to Maui? He didn't consult Will on his sidelining of Pat? That was 11 days ago and Will was being a bee-atch well before that. He hired Martin? Well yeah, but Martin was checked out and Will had a plan in place to boogie before Martin abused him.


What was Will's reaction to this?


"October 15: Will, dude, oh my God! Dad and Pop didn’t spend more than ten minutes on the ground in St. Bart’s before they had to turn back. Pop drank the coffee you put the roofies in and he was so fucking sick, Dad couldn’t get him off the plane and through customs."


"I was laughing my ass off at that one."


Really? You make your father so sick he has to cancel a vacation and even worse, no one knew what was wrong? What if he had been admitted to a hospital where he was administered a drug reactive with Rohypnol? Yeah, that is a knee slapper dude.


And this.


"but I’m even more pissed off about what you did to Robbie. I was scared shitless when he was on those damned roofies, and I can’t help but think that there could have been some nasty side effects" and "But all of those emotions and feelings dissolve when I think about the most important one. I love you Will. I have since the day you were born, and I always will. It’s agonizing to me that you’re out there, alone, and I worry about you almost every minute of the day."


So what is "No One Loves Me" Will's reaction?


"I’d been reading these e-mails and thinking that maybe I’d been hasty about leaving, but after reading his, I was even more convinced that I’d done the right thing……. In a moment of clarity, I realized that I was too angry at him to deal with it too"


Clarity? That is clarity? How about pigheadedness?


Let me replace Martin.... Posted Image

Edited by PrivateTim
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You know, I think we need a poll. I love polls! Posted Image


Who, amongst our lovely forum posters, has their panties in a twist because:


1. Brad and Robbie are crappy parents who failed to step up to the plate when the third member of their trifecta (and the person actually parenting no matter what fantasy lives in Jeremy's head), Jeanine, became unable to function. And remember kids, these are rich and powerful men who can fly off for a lovers vacation any time they want, but can't manage to be home for dinner with their childern.


2. Brad and Robbie are crappy parents because they left their son with a total stranger, not for just a few hours while at work, but while they left the country.


3. Look, a squirrel!! Fiction dudes, fiction.


4. My panties are not in a twist, Sweetpea. I think Brad and Robbie have been "Parents of the Year" award winners and Will is the worst teenager ever. And he should be told that everyday for the rest of his life.


5. Coffee is getting a bad rap. Life would be wonderful if Robbie switched to tea. Or learned how to metabolize roofies better.



*sigh - I need a vacation

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