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You bring up many of the questions I had, Centex. Although, I may have an inlking on how it stayed buried for so long. This doesn't seem to be the latest, ready to be downloaded pictures Michael had on him when Jeff got a hold of his camera. This seems to be an additional batch of photos hidden on the camera or on the memory stick itself. I'm not sure that would have been possible in 2000, but perhaps. I don't think I had so much as touched a digital camera until 2002 or so. Probably later.


I really hope this unites everyone. Michael didn't though, so I worry Robbie at least will try to bluster and stall, looking at the possible reprecussions a well-connected coach could have on JJ's carreer if they made an enemy out of him, or one of his other patrons.

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So yea..... I'm awesome when I make predictions and they come true....


I'm turning into Paya :P


Personally, I think that you tie Paya up, read the chapter to him, then torture him until he tells you what's going on.  (I'll bet Paya likes it.)   :P

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Okay, first the newest chapter of Paternity is up and Mark was right, DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA....


I have been saying for months now that there was something behind JJ's actions and his complete change in behaviour.  There was so many little things that JJ did or said that indicated some type of abuse.  The fact that JJ was being abuse and even that it was his coach wasn't the shock to me in this chapter it was that Will was the one that found out.  Was this file on Will's computer the one that came to light when Michael took the pictures of Will in Oslo?  I am pretty sure that Will went through all of those pictures so was there another set that he did not see?  If so, why did no one go through all the pictures?  If it wasn't that file, then how did it get on Will's computer?  Did JJ place it there hoping that Will would find it and save him?  It seems that there are still several unanswered questions...



I think that Robbie may have started to come to his senses.  It was a small moment but when he came back and apologized to Will and then did not let JJ goad him into blowing up again, that was huge...  I know it happened off scene but when Robbie left the house and obviously started for the airport and realized that Brad was secure enough in throwing him out of the house that had to make Robbie stop and think.  Robbie had to realize that Brad would never have taken that step if he did not think the rest of the family would back him up.  I don't think that Robbie is ready to give up the only family that is really important to him over this.  He is going to have to crawl over some broken glass and beg to repair some of the damages but this may have beent he moment he realized he was heading in the wrong direction. 


I picked out a few of your paragraphs to talk about.  The pictures were on the disk that Will got and copied onto his computer after Norway, but the ones of JJ with his coach weren't visible; they were hidden files.  So when Will looked through them, he didn't see the pictures of JJ with his coach.  It wasn't until he copied them to his new computer that he realized they were there.  


I have to believe that Robbie's thoughts went pretty much how you mentioned.  He was probably feeling like he really had nowhere else to go.  Plus, it's Christmas, and that tends to be a time when people reach out to their families, or to people they love.  How sad is that, to be alone on Christmas Eve?   In his mind, as Will deduced, he probably thought that if he went home and apologized, everything would be alright.  That it wasn't has undoubtedly impacted him in a pretty negative way.  

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You bring up many of the questions I had, Centex. Although, I may have an inlking on how it stayed buried for so long. This doesn't seem to be the latest, ready to be downloaded pictures Michael had on him when Jeff got a hold of his camera. This seems to be an additional batch of photos hidden on the camera or on the memory stick itself. I'm not sure that would have been possible in 2000, but perhaps. I don't think I had so much as touched a digital camera until 2002 or so. Probably later.


I really hope this unites everyone. Michael didn't though, so I worry Robbie at least will try to bluster and stall, looking at the possible reprecussions a well-connected coach could have on JJ's carreer if they made an enemy out of him, or one of his other patrons.


I'll have to hope you guys humor me on the various possibilities of hidden files in 2000; I'm not a tech geek, but I do remember such things.  If I'm wrong, let's chalk it up to poetic license.  


I don't think that Robbie will create problems over this.  When the issue with Michael came up, he and Brad were pretty united in their approach.  This is a little more cut-and-dried.  Besides, it's unlikely that Brad will be able to go off and handle this without getting some consensus from the key players in the family.  IMHO, that was where he really fucked up the situation with Michael, by keeping Will (and JP) out of the loop on how he handled that.   

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OH.MY.GOD!!!  Well, that might explain JJ'S attitude somewhat...  I'm not even going to try to analyze  JJ's head right now, but I think it might explain a lot of bad attitude.  Wow...I wasn't ready for that Mark!  Poor kid, Jesus!

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As I said in the review, now is the time for the family to unite, One thing is very interesting about Mark's writing is that there are clues left along the way. Now only now they became clear and the aweful truth is known. I firmly believe that the only person in the family who can help JJ is Will. And it is no doubt that Will will reachout to JJ. Just like his mother Will loves JJ and feels his pain. JJ is going to have to grow up pretty fast. Of all the people in this family Will has the strength and compassion that is needed to heal JJ. Because Will went through all his troubles, he will be able to help JJ through the long road ahead. Hopefully both will come out of this stronger and closer.

Edited by rjo
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As I said in the review, now is the time for the family to unite, One thing is very interesting about Mark's writing is that there are clues left along the way. Now only now they became clear and the aweful truth is known. I firmly believe that the only person in the family who can help JJ is Will. And it is no doubt that Will will reachout to JJ. Just like his mother Will loves JJ and feels his pain. JJ is going to have to grow up pretty fast. Of all the people in this family Will has the strength and compassion that is needed to heal JJ. Because Will went through all his troubles, he will be able to help JJ through the long road ahead. Hopefully both will come out of this stronger and closer.


i think that a situation like this can either rend a family apart or pull it together, but as I mentioned before, I think this time it will pull it together.  And I think that you're right, in that I think Will could play a big role in helping JJ get through this.  

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I'll have to hope you guys humor me on the various possibilities of hidden files in 2000; I'm not a tech geek, but I do remember such things.  If I'm wrong, let's chalk it up to poetic license.  


I don't think that Robbie will create problems over this.  When the issue with Michael came up, he and Brad were pretty united in their approach.  This is a little more cut-and-dried.  Besides, it's unlikely that Brad will be able to go off and handle this without getting some consensus from the key players in the family.  IMHO, that was where he really fucked up the situation with Michael, by keeping Will (and JP) out of the loop on how he handled that.   

Windows did have capability for hidden files even in Windows 98. To hide a file you had to change the file attributes.  Here's a link that explains some of it. 


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OH.MY.GOD!!!  Well, that might explain JJ'S attitude somewhat...  I'm not even going to try to analyze  JJ's head right now, but I think it might explain a lot of bad attitude.  Wow...I wasn't ready for that Mark!  Poor kid, Jesus!


Actually it doesn't explain JJ's attitude "somewhat", it fits all the classic signs of molestation; dropping grades, a personality change, mood swings, clinging to an authority figure (be it a parent, coach, minister, etc),


The files would copy to Will's computer (the original one) the way they were on the memory card of the digital cam and they were far in advance of memory sticks that came later for computers. Jeff when he uploaded the files would have assumed any permissions to load the hidden file were system files and until the new computer asked for permission Will wouldn't have noticed them since he had his hidden files hidden.

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Personally, I think that you tie Paya up, read the chapter to him, then torture him until he tells you what's going on.  (I'll bet Paya likes it.)   :P


That's some ego you've got to think that once tied up we....read your stories?? Personally I can think of much more interesting activities to do when tied up.....


And who says it's paya that likes being tied up, huh?

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Putting aside the actual technical details of file attrbutes of Windows 2000, it is fitting that Will is the person that found those pictures.  I thought at the time Michael got away too easy.  Will does not hate JJ, he hates the way JJ has been acting.  Brothers may argue and fight but they are still brothers.  We have been warned that there are a few chapters coming soon that are tear jerkers.  Lets hope they will be tears of joy.

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I'll have to hope you guys humor me on the various possibilities of hidden files in 2000; I'm not a tech geek, but I do remember such things.  If I'm wrong, let's chalk it up to poetic license.  


Nothing you wrote struck me as out of place.... the only thing that really jarred was that Windows 2000 was predominantly a business version of windows, the consumer variant at this time being Windows ME.  However, I chalked this up to them being a wealthy family and probably wanting a more secure setup than the standard consumer version.

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Actually it doesn't explain JJ's attitude "somewhat", it fits all the classic signs of molestation; dropping grades, a personality change, mood swings, clinging to an authority figure (be it a parent, coach, minister, etc),


The files would copy to Will's computer (the original one) the way they were on the memory card of the digital cam and they were far in advance of memory sticks that came later for computers. Jeff when he uploaded the files would have assumed any permissions to load the hidden file were system files and until the new computer asked for permission Will wouldn't have noticed them since he had his hidden files hidden.

I was merely referring to my understanding of JJ's attitude, as I had no personal experiences with molestation in my life, thank god.  I am sure I would have been as lost as JJ is portrayed.

Just as immoral are "chicken queens", probably just as damaging, and most certainly very prevalent within the gay community.  I've seen it, but I certainly don't like it.  

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    JJ really did sacrifice his childhood for this shot at Olympic Gold. Which is actually never going to happen for him. (Unless Mark decides to re-write figure skating history.) Poor guy.


   There was one scene from Poor Man's Son that I'm looking at differently now- the scene where Will masturbates in front of JJ and JJ tells him he doesn't like porn. I'm betting that at that time the coach was already trying to start "grooming" him by plying him with alcohol and porn, but JJ being physically immature just wasn't that into it. But he had to watch it anyway because the coach was telling him to.


    I think it's going to be interesting to see what JJ is thinking when he's around 17- giving him a few years to process what happened to him.

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StoriReder left a really long review following Ch. 88 which some may find interesting.   However, his explanation as to how a rich family could get in contact with someone for a hitman seems more convoluted than this story would need.   I seem to remember that Brad has some personal connection to some of the Mob in Mexico.....I'm sure he could borrow Steff's yacht and take a short cruise and set up a meeting if he was so inclined. 

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Just as immoral are "chicken queens", probably just as damaging, and most certainly very prevalent within the gay community.  I've seen it, but I certainly don't like it.  


Then I am not sure why you are reading the CAP series since inter-generational sex seems to be a staple including this book with Brad & Wade and Will with his succession of over-aged lovers over the last two stories.


Going to the police and USAFS would be the right thing to do. It doesn't mean that the case has to be high profile, especially when there is photographic evidence.


Just because some people got whacked in previous books doesn't mean Brad solves every issue with a hitman.

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I've got to agree with Tim whilst I think he'd be more then happy to kill him, the focus really has to be on JJ for long term positive outcomes not retribution. Child Sexual Abuse cases and there impact are highly dependant on the individual, whilst over-arching themes are found premature assumptions should be avoided to not distort survivor material. Recovery is often dependant on the childs other interpersonal relationships and if they are healthy and loving. At the moment this is my biggest fear for JJ, I worry he feels isolated in a very large family with a wide range of large, powerful personalities and people. This is why he clings to a single person in additon to this new informaton as an anchor to feel some security to counter-balance whats been happening.


His whole self image is built around skating and this is going to shatter not only his world but his image, how he reflects on who he is. Issues around that, shame, sexuality would all have to be considered. It really wouldn't surprise me that as JJ looks up to Will (god forbd he'd ever admit it) and intially watching Will who is vastly more mature, thinking it was alright to emulate his behaviour with older guys. But its been manipulated and he has ended up a survivor because he can be made to toe the line and obey. He'd of had great turmoil over being aroused and being gay then taken advantage of also. What many people have to be taught is that gay, straight, bi, the bodies somatic nervous system has a way of responding to sexual advances which you can't control. Many abusers manipulate this with "well see you do wat it just as much", which is of course inaccurate, especially at that age.


Ideally i'd like this to be a catalyst to get everyone to pull together because he'll need that to get through this. Robbie hopefully will see that despite him apparently looking out for JJ 24/7 and always being in his corner wasn't that at all. JJ's been used as a pawn between the infighting between Brad and himself. This is different between Brad and Will simply due to Will not being anyones pawn and being legally an adult. Thats how I see it, anyway blame isn't what counts moving forward if that happens then it'll just get a whole lot worse before it can get better.

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Actually it doesn't explain JJ's attitude "somewhat", it fits all the classic signs of molestation; dropping grades, a personality change, mood swings, clinging to an authority figure (be it a parent, coach, minister, etc),


The files would copy to Will's computer (the original one) the way they were on the memory card of the digital cam and they were far in advance of memory sticks that came later for computers. Jeff when he uploaded the files would have assumed any permissions to load the hidden file were system files and until the new computer asked for permission Will wouldn't have noticed them since he had his hidden files hidden.

Thank you Tim. I thought that was the case, but as I said, my knowledge of pre-2002 technology, and what it could do, was fairly limited. I knew I could do that with a camera now, but not necessarily then.


Also, to build off your later comment, going to the USAFS would be the correct thing to do. I'm curious if they will. 

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Going to the police and the USFSA may be the right thing to do, but it's questionable whether they actually do that or not.  Regardless, I'm pretty sure this ends up in a way no one is anticipating right now.  :devil:

Cliff hangers are one things, but cliff-spoilers/hints?  Not cool man ;)

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Going to the police and the USFSA may be the right thing to do, but it's questionable whether they actually do that or not.  Regardless, I'm pretty sure this ends up in a way no one is anticipating right now.  :devil:


Are you sure?  My devious mind has rolled around some really bazaar possible outcomes.  Hell, some of them were even legal.

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Let the guessing games begin. Hopefully Mark will post rapidly for the duration of this cliffhanger.


A quick google search


Perpetrators of child abuse or neglect are most often the child’s own parents. According to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, in 2005, 79.4 percent of perpetrators were parents and 6.8 percent were other relatives.

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Going to the police and the USFSA may be the right thing to do, but it's questionable whether they actually do that or not.  Regardless, I'm pretty sure this ends up in a way no one is anticipating right now.  :devil:


C0*k teasing effin bitch! :P

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Then I am not sure why you are reading the CAP series since inter-generational sex seems to be a staple including this book with Brad & Wade and Will with his succession of over-aged lovers over the last two stories.



Going to the police and USAFS would be the right thing to do. It doesn't mean that the case has to be high profile, especially when there is photographic evidence.


Word on the first point. In my thread, "The Rules of CAP", one of the rules is that every protagonist must have sex with someone either significantly younger or significantly older. This goes all the way back to when 26-year old JP was having sex with 16 and 17-year olds with Stefan, Jeff, and Sam. (The black son of Vella, his family housekeeper.) There's never been a single protagonist who hasn't had sex with someone where there was a significant age difference. Mark once joked that the reason why this is so is because he's so hot for Adam Phillips and he's keeping that fantasy of being the Mrs. Robinson to Adam's Benjamin Braddock alive. LOL.


I'm wondering though if JJ will break that trend, because I'm thinking he'll wind up being pretty screamish around older guys who try hitting on him because it might evoke memories of his own abuse. I think JJ, because of what happened to him, will have a strong need to forge sexual connections to people his own age when he's ready to start having a voluntary sex life, because the opportunity to have his first sexual encounters with his peers was taken from him.


As for the other bit...there's no possible way this wouldn't be high-profile. If JJ believes this guy is taking him to the Olympics, then it means that his coach HAS taken skaters to the Olympics. That means this coach must be very high profile, and El Segundo has to be a well-known figure skating club. This is a post-Meghan's Law, post-Mary Kay Letourneau, post-Catholic Child Sex Abuse Scandal United States. CNN would be all over this like vultures. If it were the 80's, I could see the media being quiet, but no way in 2001.


As for the techno stuff...Mark's team has been pretty good about catching goofs. The only goof in recent years I remember was when Mark was having Gathan showing cell phone photos to his Claremont friends in Poor Man's Son...cell phone cameras were in existence, but they weren't on the U.S.  domestic market until 2002.  I do like that Mark likes incorporating then-cutting edge technology into his stories, like when John Hobart showed Will his USB flash drive, or Matt's plasma screen t.v. in Bloodlines. I figure that Mark's love of new technology was likely ingrained on him because he grew up in the Silicon Valley in the 1970's and early 1980's, when it truly was the cutting-edge home of everything going on.


It's almost 2001, which means that the IPod is getting ready to arrive. If I understand correctly, it was first getting used by affluent 30-somethings, so Brad, Robbie, and Jack should probably be getting them soon. The teenagers would probably get them in 2002-2003. I remember how huge the first ones were. It's almost boggling when you think just how swiftly technology changed in the 2000's- even faster than it did in the 1990's. I found an old newspaper artcle this week that showed one of my friends working at a video store in 2002- now there are very, very few left.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Except that, even if it never happens again to JJ, it already has. So the rule ticket has still been punched.


As to it never happening again..well, everyone is different, but I didn't avoid older guys. Eventually, anyways. At first, I could barely stay in the same room as guys that reminded me too strongly, to everyone's consternation. Eventually, that eased, and the triggers are hardly ever at all. And when they do, I can deal.

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