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Pet Peeves


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  • People who wear their heart on their sleeves. And I mean when it's not about an important thing such as social drama, emotions that don't need to be shared with the general public, etc. I guess I'm more of a logical/rational person, so I don't mesh well with people who are overly emotional. I simply do not know how to interact with them in a way that meshes.
  • Another one of mine is anything to do with people driving like an idiot: 1) slow drivers, 2) people who cut you off, 3) people who tailgate, 4) people who do not use their turn signals, 5) people who make a left or a right hand turn from the middle lane on a three-laned, one way street... (yes, I've had this happen), 6) people who don't know how to park; although this one can be funny watching folks try to parallel park. Just general asshattery of people who DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE.
  • Drunks or people that do not understand and treat you like you're an alien when you say you 'do not drink'. Basically, people who act like drinking is an expectation at social or isolated events.
  • People who try to act like they're better than you, who put you down and just your average d-baggery when really you've accomplished so much more. Sad.
  • Oh... OH! Work pet peeves (I work at a rather large shoe store, DSW): 1) People who don't put the shoes back in the boxes and leave them scattered on the floor...in FRONT of where you got them, 2) People who leave single shoes lying around as it makes it harder to indentify which box they came from, 3) People back in clearance who leave shoes lying on the floor in front of the open box that's there for you to put it back in with ease, 4) People who come in with an attitude complaining about something that is out of our control or not our fault... The list goes on for that one.
  • People who wear clothing that is two times too small for their bodies... *shudder*
  • Excessive use of emoticons, chat speak and 'glompage' (you know who you are)


Let me tell you, the list can go on and on and on. I may add some more later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, agree with pretty much all that's been said.


Mine? Well, it's supermarkets again. Bit of a theme going on here.  To add to all the woes from andy021278 and Greg_A and Cyhort:


You join a queue and the person in front of you has a gargantuan sized trolley so full of stuff the wheels have left grooves in the floor, and having off-loaded onto the conveyor her (sexist? Moi? But it's true!!) month's worth of provisions is just standing there doing nothing for the next 5 minutes before she finally gets to have her turn at the checkout, when she struggles with packing her horrible (but sometimes quite interesting) purchases into enough plastic bags to keep a chemical plant in business for a whole day until - oh joy! - she packs the final revolting item AT WHICH POINT she then gropes around for her handbag and, after struggling to open it, rummages through its completely disorganized, and quite possibly unsavoury, contents until she finds her wallet / purse - which also has to be opened via a fiddly catch - then flicks through 100 different payment cards until she finds the one that hasn't already gone over its credit limit before presenting it to the now-nearly-dead-from-boredom checkout girl / boy (not always obvious) with a triumphant and completely unnecessary flourish, as if expecting a round of applause from the now very restless and positively hostile queue.


Peeve? Peeve is far too polite a word to describe the murderous feelings that flood through me every time this happens. Now where did I put my blood pressure tablets ...

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The word "nice". ARGH! What does that even MEAN???


As a banal adjective it is meaningless. But it does have uses e.g. it can be funny and effective as an ironical response, or used as a dismissive put-down.

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People who drive with their GPS on all the time. They can’t possibly not know where they are going all the time. Do they really need it to get to work or the store?
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People who drive with their GPS on all the time. They can’t possibly not know where they are going all the time. Do they really need it to get to work or the store?


I've met a few people who need it to get from their bedroom to their kitchen.... Posted Image

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I know everyone has their qualms... I suppose my biggest pet pieve would be those people who cannot seem to use a turn signal. I hate to drive enough already... please don't make me guess when you're going to turn and crush me in traffic. If it's not asking too much, I'd like a little notice before you kill me.


Another I suppose would be cell phones in public. I do NOT need to hear about your personal pap smear or genital discharge in the check-out line at Wal-Mart. NO one needs to be on the phone that much. Get that thing out of your hand and pay attention to what the hell you're doing. If you can't remember what you're shopping for, there is this old fashioned thing called a pen and paper. Write it down.


Sorry if that sounded a little hostile... I suppose it riles me up just thinking about it.


Finally.. I suppose I would have to say those people that perpetuate idiocy. (though I'm sure I've been guilty of it as well) Do NOT send me a chain letter, or a picture of someone harming animals. 99% of the time it's a load of CRAP. Check Snopes. I love animals... particularly my dog. Scooter! He's my baby. For those that don't like animals... keep this in mind...


That dog was here before you got to my house....

That dog lives here.... you don't

That dog will be here after you're gone....

So if you don't like the dog.... get bent and don't let the door drill you in the arse on your way out.

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I've met a few people who need it to get from their bedroom to their kitchen.... Posted Image


My husband is one of those people!


So I need to add: I hate when someone really needs their GPS and they don't have it because they have a bad habit of leaving it at home. Why the heck isn't it in the freaking car? :D

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1 - The thankless - You lend a hand and do something for someone is it really so hard to say thank you?


2 - The thoughtless - This extends to many people and many areas. From those who run conversations on their phones at the checkout, to the boss who alters your schedule without letting you know, to the idiot on the road who pulls into your lane - in front of you without so much as a signal light on, and the people who just show up uninvited to your house because 'you are such a close friend'. To them show a little consideration to your fellow human beings.


3. - The stupid - People who read your name tag and ask if that is really your name. No, I had nothing better today than try to make a fool out of you. People who try to use a coupon that is six weeks expired but can't seem to understand why the store can't take it. The people who show up to make a return of something they bought a year ago, but it isn't open, so you should just wait while they scream how they don't understand why the store won't return this and how they are such great customers. Sorry, but if you were a great customer, you wouldn't wait a year to return something. Hell if I have something I don't need I'm back with it within a day or two, not eleven or twelve months. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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Bubble gum.




Children's toys sealed in military strength clear plastic packaging with the seams welded together by an industrial laser to create an impenetrable package designed to turn normally-well-behaved children into screaming balls of anger and frustration.  Parents / older children / passers-by eager to help release the toy from its plastic prison will suffer broken nails and lacerated skin or hospitalization.

Edited by Zombie
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Bubble gum.




Children's toys sealed in military strength clear plastic packaging with the seams welded together by an industrial laser to create an impenetrable package designed to turn normally-well-behaved children into screaming balls of anger and frustration. Parents / older children / passers-by eager to help release the toy from its plastic prison will suffer broken nails and lacerated skin or hospitalization.


Which is one reason I always carry a pocket knife. Speaking of which,


I hate it when somebody hands me a blunt knife. Might as well give me a rock to beat myself with. People, if you carry a knife, learn to sharpen it, and keep your tools in good repair.

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Manufacturers who want you buy and use their product. It's something that you can use so you buy it. Then when you get home you find that you forgot to get the jack hammer, C4 or small nuclear device so you can get the package open so you can use said product.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slow walkers on the sidewalks blocking people who want to get pass them.


I confont this daily. I'm a fast walker and biker. I avoid buses and subway as much as I can.


It gets worse when there is snow on the sidewalks (the snowbanks make them more narrow).



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Good one. And "sidewalkers" who don't indicate before swerving in front of you or just stopping altogether and causing a "crash". And horrid little shopping bags on wheels. Uuuurrgh.

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1.) People who take pictures of their food when eating with me.


And then post the picture on FB!!!!!!


2) People who stack larger free weights over smaller plates (really, it is annoying. I probably spend more of my time at the gym arranging plates properly on the racks). Oh, and don't get me started on putting dumbells in their properly assigned spots.


3) Guys who use Axe (or some other body spray) in lieu of a shower

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The thoughtless - people who just show up uninvited to your house because 'you are such a close friend'.


Haha I use to do this all the time as a kid and I never realized it was inconsiderate...but then again, I don't think it was a big deal. You knock on your friends doors to hang out sometimes, nothing wrong with that. The first time I had an actual issue with showing up uninvited to someone's place was in college. A really good friend of mine had lent me a spare copy of his apartment keys (I forgot the reason) and now that I think about it, it was definitely not an open invite to show up whenever I wanted to. But somehow I had thought - oh we're so close I can just show up anytime I want - so I kept the key and literally treated his place like my own place for a week or so before his roommate (who was my friend too sorta) told him to take the key back. LOL

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When people at the supermarket just leave their shopping cart in the parking lot instead of taking it to the corral or heaven forbid, back into the store. It takes up an entire parking spot!

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When you take the train, and you just want to listen to music, but this old lady sits next to you and begins incessantly telling you all about her newfound relationship with her deceased best friend's hunky octogenarian husband--they met at the funeral, their eyes locked over the casket, he's all dreamy and makes her go gooey inside, the usual--and she won't shut up all the way from York to Edinburgh. When she's done with that discussion she takes to analysing your accent and declares that you can't possibly be a Northern boy because you don't talk like a farmer. And you have to explain all about your private school education, and that your parents are Southerners, and that not everybody in Leeds speaks like a farmer anyway... And when you get slightly pissed off and tell her that, really, she can't tell one British accent from the other anyway because she's from Australia for Christ's sake, she gets all angry and calls you rude. And when she finally gets started on the general lack of respect of youths of today you're forced to whack her over the head with your thermos flask, shove her under the chair in front of you, and switch to a new compartment.


Okay, the last bit didn't happen.

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