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Big bowl of steaming porridge - keeps the munchies at bay till lunchies Posted Image

*looks at big muscley Scottish guy on porridge packet and thinks Mike must be an imposter*

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A lot. I eat a lot. A bowl of chocolate drink with toast as breakfast, at least one huge plate for lunch, but I eat very little dinner when compared with my lunch. Thank God I have this awesome metabolism. I would have been very fat by now.

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I eat a big breakfast...enough to gag me up stupid. It'll be something like toast with peanut butter, yogurt, fruit, and either a protein bar if I'm on the go or I make my own shake with like 20-30g of protein in milk...and a cup of coffee at the office. I don't do sugary cereal...that's basically asking for a 11am crash. Now that I think about it, breakfast is prolly my biggest meal of the day. Lunch is whatever...usually leftover food from the night before or if I have time, I go home and make something like grilled chicken with veggies. Avocados are my thanggg, couldn't live without em. Dinner is always my mom's cooking. I also practically munch on stuff all day long...it's better to space it all out anyways.


If you wanna eat healthier, timing and portion are important. Stuff your face earlier in the day and cut back in the evenings, especially starchy food.

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My breakfast is always the same, one piece of whole wheat toast and a cup of tea. Lunch is a little heavy, a nice salad and fruits. Dinner varies a lot, usually I cook, but most of the time I don't eat what I make. So, I usually settle for another salad.

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I'm with Mike on the coffee and nothing else. It's the only way I can get my chores done. Lunch is maybe a roll with some of my own ham and dinner is usually home cooked and I eat about half of it lol

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My brekkie is typically a full English, so not very healthy.


Egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomato, beans, fried slice (fried bread), and when I'm feeling peckish I'll add some liver, kidney and occasionally black pudding. The diet of the British Heart Foundation.

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My brekkie is typically a full English, so not very healthy.


Egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomato, beans, fried slice (fried bread), and when I'm feeling peckish I'll add some liver, kidney and occasionally black pudding. The diet of the British Heart Foundation.


Yeah - they call it Heart-Attack-on-a-Plate ... Posted Image

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Yeah - they call it Heart-Attack-on-a-Plate ... Posted Image


And it's delicious! :D:P Though I could stand it only on Saturdays or Sundays, once a week at most, and usually when I expect to be active so that I burn it off. :)


Otherwise I'm trying to stuff myself at the beginning of the day but so far it's not going as easy as I would wish :P also the smaller portions are not what I succeed in... but I'm getting there, hopefully :P

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Egg, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomato, beans, fried slice (fried bread), and when I'm feeling peckish I'll add some liver, kidney and occasionally black pudding. The diet of the British Heart Foundation.


I feel sluggish just reading that! :lol:


I start my day with a cup of coffee or a can of soda (Cherry Dr. Pepper or Cherry Pepsi) depending on the weather. I can't drink something cold when it's freezing outside just like I can't drink something hot during the summer.


Lunch is a granola bar and dinner is whatever the hubby has made. He's been experimenting in the kitchen which is awesome since I suck at cooking!

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Well on Weight Watchers so they recommend small meals and lots of fruits and veggies.


Breakfast can be an egg, toast, and an orange with a glass of water or oatmeal with bananas. They tell you to eat within an hour of waking to get your metabolism going. Was never much of a coffee drinker but will have it depending on who I am with.


Lunch is my big meal of the day. Sandwich - usually turkey and muenster on whole wheat with lettuce and tomato, no condiments, two pieces of fruit, and bag of some sort of snack.


Dinner I try to go light on. Chicken grilled with a salad or some such.


Dessert is sugar free jello and more fruit. lol. Taken thirty nine pounds off that way. It is nothing to see me snacking on carrots or celery now or any piece of fruit I can get my hands on.

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I'm still used to my old working timetable, so in the morning it's just a huge mug of coffee (I don't like coffee, but I need it to get going). Then around ten am or something a bowl of yoghurt or some fruit, and that's it for breakfast. Lunch used to be a sort of canteen meal complete with dessert (best about the whole meal), now I cook about the same portion for myself. I can't eat everything due to my medication, so it's often potatoes and vegetables, pasta, or salads. Recently the occasional Flammkuchen (this is German/French, not exactly like pizza but something in that remote style) to treat myself. In the evening it's just bread, cheese and mixed pickles with me. I'm often not really hungry at night because I have afternoon snacks of cake or pastry with tea, but I need to eat for my stomach to take the medication, so I always take special care in arranging that "evening plate" for myself. In case I have the god-kids over for evening dinner it might be salad for me and fries and fishfingers (their favourite) for them, though.

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I have a slice or 2 of toast, or a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Lunch is probably the biggest meal I have, I normally either have left overs from dinner the night before or something easy like subway or a burger.

Dinners normally something small, like homemade pizza on pita bread or chicken and veggies or some pasta thing. I don't like eating much for dinner unless I'm starving hungry.

and if I'm hungry after that I normally have yogurt or anything else that's small and easy

Soft drinks are my weakness, but I prefer the diet cans cause I don't really like the taste of sugar in a drink.


Though if I'm at a show or don't get much of a lunch break (anything under 2hrs for lunch is considered short) then I basically find anything easy and shove it down (chips, pies, chocolate, muesli bars that sorta crap) Or I just skip lunch.

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I don't eat breakfast usually. When I do it's usually just bacon and eggs and maybe some Belgian Waffles. Lunch is almost always a rotisserie chicken and dinner is either cereal and soup or steak and a backed potato. Unless I eat out then it's horrible for me, yet so, so tasty fried chicken, lol.

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well for breakfast what I usually have is either like a few pieces of toast with butter and peanut butter/or english Muffins


or and i preffer this more a bowl of a granola cereal with milk on it


top these off with orange juice and i am a happy little camper.

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Oatmeal or three waffles for breakfast with milk, sometimes coffee. Lunch varies depending on where my co-workers are going for lunch and whether I've packed my own, but it's usually about the size of a sandwich, and dinner's the same size. I was under the impression I ate a lot more than I do, but I guess now that I'm thinking about it, I really don't eat all that much. :/

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I forget to eat. Especially in the morning. I try to fit a ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread or cereal in... but I slack alot.


Actually, I completely forgot to eat anything yesterday and only ended up eating two fish things my boyfriend made today. I dont mean to forget... I just never think about food really. :s

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Wow...I wish I never thought about food. :/


It's easy, I've got reminders set on my phone otherwise I can go the whole day without eating. Here's a typical food day for me:


Breakfast: 2 x coffee

Lunch: Sandwich, or maybe some soup and a roll

Dinner: Sandwich


Apart from the weekends when I can spend some quality time in the kitchen, that's me for the day, and I don't normally have my dinner till about 8 at night ;)

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That doesn't sound so healthy though Mike Posted Image You need some real food apart from coffee or sandwiches every once in a while. And what about veggies and fruit? I was doing so good today...until I stuffed myself with a big fat Pizza with my friends tonight. I dunno why I can't just let it be since I always feel bad afterwards Posted Image

Edited by Anya
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