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In Need of Cover Suggestions


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If this is the wrong place for this then my apologies to the Gods! - er, sorry! the Mods! :)


I have a completed novel I'm looking to get published. The person I usually trust and value comment from has been having a rough time for the last 5 months and so I'm looking for cover suggestions as to what would be (a) good examples, or (B) just rough comments.


If anyone is interested then I can post the blurb here (short, around 150 - 300 words) - or if you really want to, then I can put up the novel. However, after a particularly nasty experience with Authornomy (long story involving magazine serialisation that didn't happen, etc) I'm loath to drop the whole 87,000 words in one go, but will do so if you want.


Anyone interested?

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It sounds interesting. I would suggest posting a blurp with story discription that will help visualize some bookcover concepts. :)


Kc is right a description creates a visual. Details would help, i.e. If its a road trip by a middle age guy trying to find himself after coming out to his family, a shirtless guy's back with his car staring at the horizon of a rising sun would be cool. Or, a writer trapped in struggle with his fictional world, you could be more conceptual with brilliant colors and effects that reflect imagination.


I am not an artist and I am blind in one eye so take this with a grain of salt.

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My understanding is that if you're looking to have something published, the publisher is generally not too happy if the story is already published online. That's obviously not true if you're self-publishing (at least I hope it's not true), but I would still recommend that if someone needs to read the story to get cover ideas, you should email it to them privately.


Otherwise, good luck! It's always great to hear of another author getting published :)

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if you don't want to put up the whole thing (which if you plan on publishing with a publisher I would suggest NOT doing) then post a synopsis of a thousand words or so to give us an idea what you have.


One of the things I have done with covers is to pull one or two elements from the story and make them into the cover. The idea is to intrigue....


HOWEVER with ebooks a cover is ok, but they have to look good in color as well as greyscale.... which makes it all that much more difficult (not everyone one has the color e-book readers)


Any particular plans on where you were going to publish? Anyone looking at it? Most publishing houses have artists who do their covers.

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At the moment the novel is with Three-Legged Fox (I know the graphics guy there, he worked on the UK magazine Interzone for years, before that we ran Nexus SF magazine) Paul is, however, going through a rough patch, so I'm looking to help him out in regard to suggestions. I have about as much graphic nounce as a dead polecat - I write, I typeset, but I don't do graphic design etc.


Lugh - good point re colour & grey scaled - again, something to take up in regard to eBook publishing. Hopefully this will run eBook and PoD Paper - still negotiating the percentage, but the start was 60/40 post overheads.


The Blurb:-


California Twist – Modern Private Investigator, first person narrative with occasional second character viewpoint.


Being dumped sucks. Big time. So when Harry Rhimes helps Lindsey Fairfax walk into his office, and she dumps a runaway fiancé case in front of him, Harry knows exactly what’s driving her to look for Preston Llyle.


And that’s where the problems start.


What should have been a simple hide-and-go-seek missing persons case explodes into a rolling life and death situation as Harry becomes more and more involved with murders – old, new, and some yet to happen – old family money, even older malignant greed, calculating siblings, the city police, hot IT specialists, cold relationships, college football, drugs, Californian girl gangs, the Richardsons dog, and not forgetting a sadistic killer who has a taste for opera.


But that’s just one week in the slightly surreal world of American born, but British bred, ex-Army major turned Californian Private Investigator, Harry Rhimes.


California Twist sees the start of a new series of novels featuring the life and times of Harry Rhimes, a Private Investigator who likes to think he’s funny – as in ha-ha, rather than just peculiar…




I have a full 950 word synopsis if anyone feels like carrying on with this.


BTW - in regard to publishing experience, etc - Between 1979 & 2000 I used to edit and often print magazines, chapbooks and the like - so I'm coming at this with a good idea of how the prospective publishers might feel if I suddenly come up with the comment about it being up on the Internet. It was bad enough in regard to the version which was on Authonomy for a time.

Edited by Xtro
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Xtro, Lugh is right, pick a concept or two from the list. Preferably the major ones, and ones that might stand out as important in the story. From your list Opera stands out for me, but that may only be a small part. Rmember that simplicity is usually best in cover images - a fast communication of two or three main points.


Lastly, if there is anybody on this site can do it, then it's Cailean. Ask him for ideas. Visually he can turn them out ten a penny and good quality to boot.

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actually there are a few people who can do it.... I would suggest asking around (like you are) and requesting to see examples of their previous cover work. I've had four covers done now... each were done by different people and have different styles. It's all in what you like/need.

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