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Circumnavigation (99+55) Doomsday

C James

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well, almost 3.30 am, so i guess i'll have to go to bed and stop refreshing the index to see if the next chapter is out.


For a moment, I entertained the notion of saying to our beloved author, "cjames, your costing the website bandwidth with everyone having to come back searching and yearning for the next chapter", but I decided not to, cause from the little i've read (being new here), I think he would enjoy it.


The geek in me would be interested in the site analytics tho, i can totally imagine that the page visits to the index page keep going up and up each day as people come back and check more often.

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This thread has 5,822 5,832 views.

Please edit....this figure is out of date :)


December has changed it's name to Don'tRemember and gone on strike.


new name for coming chapter will be "NeverMore"

Edited by bayoudreamn
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5858 as of right now BayouDreamn :)


I too wondered if Jamaica had a navy, but I think CJ mentioned that they were all busy with the evacuation and such. I don't think there was a ship in Puerto Rico either. Maybe Cuba can come to the rescue :P

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B) .........Possibly a fishing trawler caught up in the storm comes acroos our heros, but that would lead to a non-conclusion of the battle with Bridget and Trevor. Nope this battle needs to be completee here in it's entiriety, no I see the battle being finished in this next chapter, with Bridget coming out the loser. The final chapter being relief for our heros and maybe some relief from the cartle, which maybe to busy fighting of the other cartel to bother with them anymore. Afterall the news is out and the other cartel is aware of it, they might welcome the facts brought before them from Trevor as they engage in the cartel trying to kill him.

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The only option seems to be to take over Bridget's boat after killing her (you do not want her alive --or all aboard for that matter-- for all sorts of reasons) and then Trev will not want to give up the Cat which means they will tow it to safety...

Edited by AZmtns
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The only option seems to be to take over Bridget's boat after killing her (you do not want her alive --or all aboard for that matter-- for all sorts of reasons) and then Trev will not want to give up the Cat which means they will tow it to safety...


B) ...........Yep, I promoted that scenrio already!

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OK, CJ, no pressure or anything, but it will still be my birthday for another 73 minutes. Again, no pressure. I'm just sayin'.........

Sorry I missed your birthday but happy belated birthday. Hope it was great

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Bridget's already turned away from the chase because she knows that she's running out of time to escape Dean. I don't see how anyone could escape on Sea Witch if she were also towing Atlantis.

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Maybe our Dear Leader has painted himself into a corner and is pondering how to exfiltrate himself out of that trap. Whatever the reason, it is beyond cruel to keep us on our toes for more than a month now !!!.... Please come to your senses and give us the answer to the riddle ...

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Just a note to anyone watching this thread who might have missed the other thread... the chapter will be appearing within 2 hours - and sooner if I can. 

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OMG, I'm sitting here at 3:24 PDT and our Great Leader posted at 1:54 PM that the story will be appearing within 2 hours. I'm on the edge of my seat hoping 1:54 PM was also PDT! 

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