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A happy ending...


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So, in some news, an article was posted on The Huffington Post. We often hear the tragic stories of LGBT individuals, as we should. These suicides are indeed tragic and simply shouldn't be happening. "A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are." 


However. I'm posting for a happier reason today. A story about a guy who had his dad unexpectedly find out he was gay. And then... something so kind.. so admirable happens. 

Warning... This story might just put a tear in your eyes! 

You can check out the story here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/levi-a-miles/my-fathers-unexpected-response-to-my-coming-out_b_3072636.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false



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While seeing this kind of thing does make me happy, it also pisses me off to no end that we have to hope for happiness like this. Why can't people just be fucking happy for everyone. Who cares if you're gay, straight, bi, or what ever the hell you want to be. Its fucking Society is what does it this shit. Theres a redneck dude where I work and we're cool but hes got that mindset, that if he ever knew, I might have to worry about my physical well being. But you know what? Society taught him to behave that way. No one pops out of a woman with the thoughts that go through some peoples heads. I just wish the day any of us can walk holding hands without anyone having to comment or say anything otherwise.

Alright, I just had to get that out. I'm done now. *steps off soapbox*



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I'd like to see it one step further... I'd like to never see anybody have to come out. It should be as simple as falling in love, and everyone simply being happy that you're happy. That, to me would be ideal. No assumptions about who you like... No hints at who you're supposed to like... ya know? That... that is what I want.

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I have a friend who has been very accepting and supportive as much as he can. He tends to look at things in black and white. I'm still pretty shoved back into the closet. He can't seem to understand my....hangups I guess. I told him he is lucky he can walk down any street holding his wife's hand without a care in the world. He can kiss her and no ones going to bat an eye. But if I were to walk down the street holding a dude's hand, can you imagine all the crap that would be flying in our direction? Society is fuckin evil. I'm not out to my parents. I hope I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I would kill my parents, particularly my mom when/if that day comes. He's like you might as well just tell them and get it over with. In a way he's right but its just........ergh! I guess what makes it hard is inside, a part of me still hasnt accept that part of myself. I told him while I appreciate him, he'll never understand all thats going through my head and why I can't he so black and white about the whole 'being gay' thing.


Sorry for the hi-jack!



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dude, awesome. thanks for sharing.


and on another positive note, let hope things are changing for the better. my school (where i work) has a GSA, and pretty much every classroom has a StoneWall poster of some kind. teenagers now are way more tolerant than we were at their age. sure they make jokes, and 'gay' is a word that has slipped into their vernacular to mean 'pants' but as human creatures with blossoming sexuality they are way more secure than i ever was at their age. straight teenage boys still hug each other. it's endearing.

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