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new Batman Ben Affleck n man of steel


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Vote yer new Batman!!

Holy mixed reactions, Batman.
A flurry of activity on social media and in pop-culture circles ignited Thursday night when Warner Bros. announced Oscar-winning actor Ben Affleck as the newest guy to take the cape, cowl and mantle of the Dark Knight and his billionaire secret identity as Bruce Wayne.
Affleck will make his first appearance in the Man of Steel sequel opposite Henry Cavill as Superman, slated to open July 17, 2015.
Fans in favor of the move used hashtags such as "#Batfleck" to voice their approval of Affleck joining the list of Batman actors, which includes (most recently) Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton and, on TV, Adam West. Others were more snarky about the casting, opining with "#BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck."
 Sorry, Ben Affleck! 5 Better Choices for Batman
1. Joe Manganiello: He may have played Flash Thompson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, but where the 36-year-old hunk really made a name for himself was playing werewolf Alcide Herveaux on HBO's True Blood. And after getting a taste of major box office success as a stripper in Steven Soderbergh's Magic Mike, Manganiello's really ready to let his inner beast go wild—and what beter way than to kick butt as the Bat?!
2. Eric Bana: Aside from making him The Dark Knight From Down Under, the 45-year-old Aussie actor could have infused Bruce Wayne with the intensity he's known for in such critically praised roles as his breakthrough in Chopper, a Mossad agent in 2005's Munich, and more recently in 2011's thriller Hanna. Alas, perhaps the dud that was 2003's The Hulk prompted Snyder and company to look elsewhere, but we've every confidence Bana could have brought it as Batman.
3. Ryan Gosling: The 32-year-old was rumored for the part, and though he might have been on the younger side, Ryan's versatility as an actor (The Place Beyond the Pines; Crazy, Stupid, Love; Drive) could have given Wayne and his alter-ego an unpredictability that would have fit perfectly with fans' expectations for whomever followed in Bale's footsteps. And of course, Warner Bros. could have capitalized on Gosling's avid female fan base.
4. Idris Elba: There may not yet be a black James Bond, but there are plenty of talented actors of African heritage ready and able to play Batman, starting with the 40-year-old Elba. He's already rocked movie geeks' world with his role in this summer's blockbuster Pacific Rim and as anyone who ever watched him play Russell "Stringer" Bell in The Wire and Detective John Luther in the BBC's Luther can tell you, he'd have brought serious acting chops to the Man of Steel follow-up.
5. Richard Armitage: Elba's fellow Brit is probably best known stateside for playing dwarf leader Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. And while that may make him sound like a risky choice for the Caped Crusader, the handsome Armitage does, after all, stand at a solid six-foot-two and is known for being one of his generation's best Method actors. And he's already done a stint in the Marvel universe, appearing as Nazi spy Heinz Kruger in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger, so stepping into the DC universe would probably be a cinch!



Edited by hh5
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I think Richard Armitage and Idris Elba would both be awesome choices!


That said, I actually like Ben Affleck. I think he's a good actor who has, sadly, been saddled with some really bad scripts in his day. I thought his performance in Dogma was fantastic.

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Here's an idea: Batman has been done to death.


Why doesn't Hollyweird make something else?


How about:




or maybe




Either would be much better than



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something new would be nice? something not batman/spiderman/xmen/iron man. can we not have some new super heroes maybe?


Marvel were gonna make Ant Man. I'm still waiting for that, it would be awesome. Also, in Iron Man's defence, he got three movies, and when the first one came he had never been portrayed live action on screen before, ever. I'd call that pretty "new". Also, Robert Downey Jr. :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be a better Batman then Ben Affleck. 


You probably need to  be Nightwing.  :yes:


You are too young to be Batman. But maybe in another 20 years.  :thumbup:

Edited by Ron
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I'd like to point out that Daredevil wasn't a bad movie because of Ben Affleck. It was just a bad movie that Ben happened to be in. It's like all the people blaming the suckiness of Twilight on Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and saying that they're terrible actors when this is demonstrably untrue and they've done very well in other films (and both hate Twilight). One does what one can with a script. Personally, I think Ben Affleck might end up surprising many of you if you just give the movie a chance.

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George Clooney Says Gravity Gear Was "Not as Bad as the Batsuit" (He's Probably Thinking About the Nipples)


At least George Clooney's space suit didn't have built-in nipples.
Talking about the astronaut gear he wears in his latest film, Gravity, the actor told VanityFair.com that his space suit was indeed pretty uncomfortable—but he's had to wear worse!
"Not as bad as the Batsuit, but just about," he quipped, referring to his turn as the stiffly attired Caped Crusader in 1997's Batman & Robin. (No word on his feelings about the Solaris suit seen above.)


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