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What does the fox say?


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In my culture, the fox says, "Hukka hua'. It's a pun on hindi "Kya hua?" meanning "what happened?". How come the fox got associated with that weird sound, I have no idea.


On an unrelated note, someone actually had time to write that lyric, then compose the music, record it, then make that riddiculous video...

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Not sure where those last two vids were made, but I didn't realize there was any place that would allow you to keep a fox as a pet. They are adorable and make some strange noises. 

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Not sure where those last two vids were made, but I didn't realize there was any place that would allow you to keep a fox as a pet. They are adorable and make some strange noises. 

They certainly were adorable!  I've heard similar noises coming from the woods behind my house with the reaction of 

WTF  critter makes THAT noise?"  We've never had fox around here before but now I will be watching for them!

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Wild animals are what they are: WILD (unpredictable and quite capable of causing harm).


It's not a good idea to try to make a pet of any wild animal except in very special and rare circumstances.


In very, very RURAL circumstances with people who know what they are doing.


I once knew a man with a pet bear. It was a big and gentle thing and quite playful. I scratched its back and he licked my face.


It still broke four of his human pals ribs and it wasn't even being aggressive- just hugged him a little too hard.


They were completely inseparable and lived together for many years.

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wth...what kind of song is this?!


It's a song written and performed by a pair of Norwegian comedians just for shits and giggles.


What amuses me about this song is how some people seem to think they're meant to take it seriously or something when actually, it's just something some guys did for a laugh, because they could. Like, it made it pretty high on the charts and all these people are being all, yeah, well, it'll drop again soon, it's just a fad, blah blah blah, and I and everyone else I know and probably the people who made it are like, yeah, so? :P

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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I think part of the reason some people don't get this song is because I think some people have this attitude that music produced in any country beside the UK and the US is probably unprofessional, bad shlock because you know silly kid, those fureners obviously don't know how to make cool music like we do. (BTW, this is not an attack on anyone on this board or thread, this is just something I've noticed as this song spreads around the internet in other places.) You saw this last year with Gangnam Style, where some people were actually under the impression that the song wasn't also meant to be silly in Korea and had no idea it was a scathing parody of Korean consumer culture (in the same way Eminem single sometimes blasts away at pop culture with jokes) but some people were just "those goofy Koreans trying to make music, how adorable."


In any event, Ylvis is fantastic, but I think my favorite track of theirs is the deliriously funny

They do a lot of great stuff. If you've ever seen their "tribute" to a UN superstar (Jan Egeland), you know these guys are very sharp and witty, but sometimes they just do deliberately nutty things too, like when they did this one song that was for the most part a beautiful and epic Broadway-esque show tune that would suddenly break down into obnoxious dubstep. It's absolutely hilarious. As are more lyrically clever songs like Pressure where they parody ridiculous rap videos by rapping about the scientific concept of pressure and making it sound "sexy." They really aren't just a one-hit wonder. They're just a fantastic comedy act in general.


But if you were ever looking for other cool Norwegian music (you know something beyond just Sissel), I recommend Elisabeth Karsten:



and King Midas:


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Thanks for that, Brink, saved me the trouble. ;)


If one is after something a bit more... alternative and Norwegian, here's some Kaizer's Orchestra, which is my favourite Norwegian band:



Some more straight up rock, this is Madrugada:




And here is trad-folk-rock band Valkyrien Allstars playing a Norwegian translation of Lord Byron's Fill the Goblet Again.


(It would only let me embed two vids....)

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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