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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

How would you react?


Disruption at work  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Your reaction to your significant other barging into your place of work and professing their love for you?

    • Awww, how sweet! I'm totally gonna jump up there and dance with/sing to them
    • It's really nice, I may blush and protest but I'm secretly enjoying it
    • This is so embarrassing! Stuff like this needs to be done/said privately. Get down NOW.
    • I can't believe you'd pull this! We're through!
    • I'd so be the one to do that at THEIR workplace

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So I was watching music videos at Launch.com when this video called "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada came on. Basically it's about this guy who works in a library and his girlfriend comes in and starts dancing on the furniture, messing around with the card catalog, and all around creating pandemonium while professing her love for him. The guy is bewildered and attempts to calm her down and clean up the mess she's making.


So I got to thinking, "how would I react in his situation"? I mean if my S.O. started doing that, I'd like to think I'm the kinda person who would grin and hop up on the table too, but on the other hand I also realize that there's a practical side of me that might be thinking, "Oh my gosh, you're going to get me fired!", or "you're making a big mess and your feet are dirty!". I dunno in the end I guess it would depend on how much I loved my boyfriend and how much I loved my job :boy: (and obviously there's a problem if I love my job more :/ )


So anyway how would YOU react?


If you want you can watch the video at Launch.com, all you need is a (free) yahoo ID. Besides it's a really nifty site anyway ;)


Take care all and have a great day!


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I'd want to hit them. I've only worked in retail as the cashier, so if they did that while I was handling a line of customers... I'd tell them to go wait in the car so I can see if I can get a break. Now if I was working in the department and not helping a customer or talking to my supervisor or manager, then I wouldn't mind :P

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Does :


Kick their ass and -depending the depth of my own feelings- kick again or drag them to the first seculded place avalaible in the vicinity.


count as :

This is so embarrassing! Stuff like this needs to be done/said privately. Get down NOW.

No, most likely, I'd just be pissed. I don't like PDA and I'm usually more serious about my work than my bf.

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One Valentines Day, my husband sent a 'singing telegram' to my place of employment. This guy was dressed like cupid, including wings and played the kazoo. Does that count?? And, yes, I was embarassed as hell. :blink:



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I would love it. I would probably get as red as a beet, but I would love it. He can do that anytime he wants. I wouldn't do it to HIM though--he is a teacher and schools are SO funny about such things. Absolutely no sense of humor.

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I would love it. I would probably get as red as a beet, but I would love it. He can do that anytime he wants. I wouldn't do it to HIM though--he is a teacher and schools are SO funny about such things. Absolutely no sense of humor.


LOL! I have the same problem Luc, schools are *so* uptight about somethings.

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I hate to be a spoil-sport but it is probably not the smartest thing to do unless you are very secure in your work place.


Thankfully the days of firing people for being gay are behind us for the most part BUT some employers will decide to find a reason to get rid of you if they discover that you are gay. There is a perception among some business people that gay employees will drive up their health care costs, steal or may sexually harass subordinates. [even though repeated studies have shown that gay employees are actually LESS LIKELY statistically that their breeder counterparts to do so].


Sex really does not have a comfortable spot in the work place. Given the litigious legal climate in the country today, employers are pressured to create a sexually-neutral workplace because they are libel for substantial damages if there is a "hostile work environment" and they don't do anything about it.


I practice what I preach in this regard. I have NEVER, EVER dated guys from work. The simple reason is that it is not smart to s**t where you live.

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Moral: Always work at a place with a very secure entrance :D


I didn't see a poll response for "curl up in a fetal position and try to crawl into the floor through a little knot hole." I expect I'd probably react like a typical high school story wuss if someone kissed him in the cafeteria.


But I probably wouldn't divorce him (though I might be a bit cool during the job-hunting period.)


In 1974, I was working in Manhattan, in a small computer department at the headquarters of a big corporation. I was 36, and my black lover was 19 - and not exactly a boy-next-door type.


He expressed an interest in seeing where I worked. I gulped, and thought "I love him, right?" So, I took him in on a weekend, and introduced him (by name only) to the skeleton staff, and showed him the refrigerator-sized mini-computer boxes and the washing-machine-sized disk drives, and invited him to sit in my desk chair. And then we left and went home. Never heard a peep about it.



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I wrote: Moral: Always work at a place with a very secure entrance.


Haha. This brings to mind another anecdote. The company I mentioned moved its headquarters to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1975, and I suspected that I and my young black lover would not easily fit into the social scene there.


So, I sought other employment, and found a spot in the notoriously conservative bastion of Orange County, California. At least we could commute and spend weekends with our good friend in Hollywood.


On the plane ride west, I read a Time Magazine article exposing that the company I was joining employed group prayer in its board of directors' meetings to seek guidance in running the business. So you might imagine that, if my non-boy-next-door lover had come and danced on my desk, I probably would have fainted dead away.


Fortunately (?) the premises were protected by a security guard. He ran the switchboard, and sometimes, when I worked late, he would patch through a call from my mate. Well, it seems that, on occasion, they would engage in conversation. I had the unnerving experience of chatting with this prototypical fat, redneck guard (of this eccentricly religious company) about my love life - he could understand sex with a black man, but love was beyond his comprehension.


Sometime thereafter, my enterprising lover made me a gift of a nude portrait of himself, painted by that same security guard!!!



Edited by Jingjok
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Just out of curiousity are you guys still together?


Alas, there were other issues, and we grew apart and separated. I remember him fondly.


His successor was a similar type, who used to drive me to work and drop me off at the door, but he never came inside, nor did any modeling. The next one I didn't find until I'd retired, so outing myself was never a worry. On the contrary, it was he who had to grit his teeth and introduce me to his family and friends :wub:

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Basically, it's a great idea. :2thumbs: Obviously, it would have to be set up properly - while keeping the fun, romantic elements intact.


Relationships, gay or straight, need that sort of thing...especially if you want to get laid regularly. :P



Conner :boy:

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Seems to me that while this kind of thing may seem sweet and romantic, it is bringing a very intimate part of your life into the open (and no, I'm not referring to gay vs. straight...I think this is a universal). I'd be real sure that the receiving partner was comfortable with sharing that level of intimacy with all of his/her coworkers.

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Seems to me that while this kind of thing may seem sweet and romantic, it is bringing a very intimate part of your life into the open (and no, I'm not referring to gay vs. straight...I think this is a universal). I'd be real sure that the receiving partner was comfortable with sharing that level of intimacy with all of his/her coworkers.


Ahhh, but the question isn't whether YOU would do it. It's about being loved by this wild, free spirit. There he/she/it is - and whatever will happen next will happen. Give 'em a hug and get on with your day. You can spank 'em when you get home from the unemployment office.


Better to have worked and lost, than ne'er to have loved at all :pickaxe:

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