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So two of my betas decided to quit simultaneously, which is rather inconvenient and disappointing.


Nonetheless: I am seeking a replacement beta for the final chapters of Veil of Shadow. If you have a good grasp of English and the language's intricacies, a mind for detail and the grand plot, and you really 'get' the sort of tale I am telling ... then this might be a role for you. Send me a message if you are interested in doing so. Potential to carryover into the third book also, if interest exists.

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Not applying for the role because I don't think I am qualified...

But "Third book"!! Of course there is some interest!


Not qualified? Why on earth are you not qualified? You probably would be easily qualified, in honesty.


As for the third book, I think I have mentioned this maybe twice before? This is certainly not the first time, but I am happy to confirm it. This is indeed a trilogy and there will (and HAS to be) a third book after Veil of Shadow. The 'potential to carryover if interest exists', is in reference to whomever becomes the beta wanting to continue for that next book.

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Not qualified? Why on earth are you not qualified? You probably would be easily qualified, in honesty.


As for the third book, I think I have mentioned this maybe twice before? This is certainly not the first time, but I am happy to confirm it. This is indeed a trilogy and there will (and HAS to be) a third book after Veil of Shadow. The 'potential to carryover if interest exists', is in reference to whomever becomes the beta wanting to continue for that next book.


I'm not being overly modest here. I can proofread, because I easily catch grammatical errors and typos. I have done it for a couple of authors here in the past. However, I am not generally very good at being a beta because when I read I immerse myself completely in the story and I don't tend to question the writer's intent and method. You need a critical eye to be a beta, and I don't think I am suited for that role.


You had mentioned a third book in the past, but this time it seems to be a more affirmative statement. Also, I might have worried unnecessarily about an earlier "this story will be the death of me" comment ;)

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I'm not being overly modest here. I can proofread, because I easily catch grammatical errors and typos. I have done it for a couple of authors here in the past. However, I am not generally very good at being a beta because when I read I immerse myself completely in the story and I don't tend to question the writer's intent and method. You need a critical eye to be a beta, and I don't think I am suited for that role.


You had mentioned a third book in the past, but this time it seems to be a more affirmative statement. Also, I might have worried unnecessarily about an earlier "this story will be the death of me" comment ;)


Well, it's unfortunate that you don't think yourself suited, because I think you'd be fine at it. However, I dare not second guess someone else's own mind, so I'll leave it at that.


As for this story being the death of me? Veil of Shadow became a headache to produce somewhere in the middle, and the time taken to get anything done was ridiculous once the chapters reached into the double digits. It's taken much longer to write than I ever intended. Should have finished it maybe a year ago, but here I am approaching the end of 2016 with the last of it still to come. Just thinking about what I will need to do to get Number Three done is already making me feel exhausted ...

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  • 2 years later...

Bumping this topic, because it has become relevant again.


Unfortunately, one of my betas has been ignoring me for several months despite best efforts to get a response, so I'm seeking a replacement. The job description is the same as in the original post, with the exception that it will be for Spirit of Fire and future works instead of Veil of Shadow, since that's long been completed.


EDIT: I wish to add that the above novel is nearing completion (and currently has a *very* long chapter needing beta work), so there won't be too much work for it before it's done. This is as much about helping with the next book I write as it is about the current one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 hours ago, Buddy1691 said:

Hi. When do you plan to complete the next part of aspects of dawn?


I Have some free time and could give the Beta part a try


I have no set plans beyond the immediate completion of Spirit of Fire. There is not even a guarantee that the next thing I write will be the final part of Aspects of Dawn either, because there is more than one possibility following the current book. So, if you are holding out to somehow be involved with the trilogy end, please do not consider it a sure bet at this point for my next work, because it isn't -- not right now.


Beta work is a longer term commitment as far as I'm concerned. It's inconsistent timing-wise, but I'm kinda looking for someone who at least somewhat fits the description in the original post and will be available into the future. Obviously, you would get earlier access to my new chapters than most, though you'd need to be helping me in some meaningful way. If you think this might be something you can do, then please message me.

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