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Get Ready for the Final Frontier



Star Trek is coming back on streaming video in 2017 and it's bringing in new characters, a new story arc set in the Klingon War prior to TOS. It's a vaguely referenced piece of Canon, but it is Canon, Fuller picked a good starting point for a 5 year mission. This period was referenced in Trouble With Tribbles on the disputed K-7 stations being a battle for Fed/Klingons in 2240's, in Star Trek VI the undiscovered country Spock referenced "an end to nearly 70 years of conflict" which was in late 23rd century so I'd estimate around this period as well.


I'd prefer the lost era of the late 23rd and early 24th Centuries with the Cardassian war and Tomad Incident with the Romulans, but I will settle for early/mid 23rd century. Yes, I am Trekkie.


What I hope for this series:


1. Wohoo, we have a main gay character!

"Please CBS don't make him too campy :o " I know he's supposed to be a scientist, but I don't want Dr. Smith clone.

2. Black Female Lead, Wohoo!

It's about time, Kate Mulgrew was an okay Captain Janeway, but she was bland as the Idaho farm she lived on. I hope this character has a bit more aggression like Sisko and complex personality like Kira with some tact of Riker and just a pinch of Spock's cold hand. :D

3. An Arc based story, wohoo!

I love this kind of storytelling, I employ it as well and I know mainstream Science fiction has seen its use rise along with conventional mediums. It worked well for Babylon 5 to set up a multi-year storyline like this. DS9 also had a good run of episodes during its war arcs.

4. Please for Trek's Sake, less Time Travel if you can manage it, Star Trek Fans love the storyline, but hate how gimmicky Time Travel imploded on Enterprise as a bad anachronistic concept. If it is needed, make it appropriate for the show.

5. No Borg = smartest move you can make

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Another prequel to the original Star Trek.  I can't wait to see how it goes, but I'm somewhat disappointed that it will be on CBS All Access, rather than just CBS.  

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I think that if we had too pay extra to see the original Star Trek, that the Trek world as we know it would not now exist. It was the ability for anyone(everyone) with a TV to see it that made it what is was and still is. I for one will not pay extra to see this latest adventure.




(beam me up, Scotty)

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I think that if we had too pay extra to see the original Star Trek, that the Trek world as we know it would not now exist. It was the ability for anyone(everyone) with a TV to see it that made it what is was and still is. I for one will not pay extra to see this latest adventure.




(beam me up, Scotty)


Well, international member of Netflix will get for free with their subscription, only US viewers hve to "Pay Per View".


I'd rather CBS license it completely and make this a Netflix exclusive series like Daredevil or House of Cards, I like both shows and it works on a streaming platform. Basic channels and Cable are limited due to commercials and ads, streaming video let's show-runner's explore their stories without  "a word from Peyton Manning about his chicken Parm sandwich and Nationwide :P "


I guess I am part of the Binge-ing generation, we absorb pop culture and TV shows like sponges over a weekend from Vikings to American horror story (I stopped after Freak show) through Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu, if Tivo doesn't have it recorded.

Edited by W_L
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Anything available over the air, via cable or satellite, or streaming will be available via the usual Dark Web sources too.


I'm part of the LP-to-Cassette Generation that expects to be able to share content at little to no cost – a legacy of the Hippie Generation that came before me.

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Get Ready for the Final Frontier



Star Trek is coming back on streaming video in 2017 and it's bringing in new characters, a new story arc set in the Klingon War prior to TOS. It's a vaguely referenced piece of Canon, but it is Canon, Fuller picked a good starting point for a 5 year mission. This period was referenced in Trouble With Tribbles on the disputed K-7 stations being a battle for Fed/Klingons in 2240's, in Star Trek VI the undiscovered country Spock referenced "an end to nearly 70 years of conflict" which was in late 23rd century so I'd estimate around this period as well.


I'd prefer the lost era of the late 23rd and early 24th Centuries with the Cardassian war and Tomad Incident with the Romulans, but I will settle for early/mid 23rd century. Yes, I am Trekkie.


What I hope for this series:


1. Wohoo, we have a main gay character!

"Please CBS don't make him too campy :o " I know he's supposed to be a scientist, but I don't want Dr. Smith clone.

2. Black Female Lead, Wohoo!

It's about time, Kate Mulgrew was an okay Captain Janeway, but she was bland as the Idaho farm she lived on. I hope this character has a bit more aggression like Sisko and complex personality like Kira with some tact of Riker and just a pinch of Spock's cold hand. :D

3. An Arc based story, wohoo!

I love this kind of storytelling, I employ it as well and I know mainstream Science fiction has seen its use rise along with conventional mediums. It worked well for Babylon 5 to set up a multi-year storyline like this. DS9 also had a good run of episodes during its war arcs.

4. Please for Trek's Sake, less Time Travel if you can manage it, Star Trek Fans love the storyline, but hate how gimmicky Time Travel imploded on Enterprise as a bad anachronistic concept. If it is needed, make it appropriate for the show.

5. No Borg = smartest move you can make


You get extra likes (somehow) for mentioning points 4 and 5. I'm done with time travel and the borg (and especially time traveling borg) as a plot device in Trek. Both of them have been done to death, and very rarely to any good effect. 

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Anything available over the air, via cable or satellite, or streaming will be available via the usual Dark Web sources too.


I'm part of the LP-to-Cassette Generation that expects to be able to share content at little to no cost – a legacy of the Hippie Generation that came before me.


Well, A-Tracks went away when people realized CD's were cheap and plentiful, then the CD got killed with MP3 players and Napster, and now we are in the age of Streaming.


Technically, those websites are not the dark web, it's still part of the Light side of the Web, sort of like Han Solo shooting first or Luke kissing his own sister :o:P (I love Star Wars too, but since this is a Trek thread, someone has to make a few digs at Star Wars)


The story outline looks decent and I like Fuller's work (Hannibal was awesome for a sociopathic homoerotic cannibal, glad he went off the cliff with his beloved :D Try binge-ing that show you will be pleasantly surprised and hungry at the end of Season 1)




You get extra likes (somehow) for mentioning points 4 and 5. I'm done with time travel and the borg (and especially time traveling borg) as a plot device in Trek. Both of them have been done to death, and very rarely to any good effect. 


Borg + Time Travel = Dead plot after First Contact and Star Trek Voyager, plus "cough" Enterprise "cough"


ST: Discovery is a good new beginning, maybe we will get to meet old friends again, I wouldn't mind seeing a cameo from Michael Dorn aka Worf as his ancestor and even a little more backstory on the Forehead ridges. I only consider Enterprise Star Trek under Manny Coto, he at least gave us in-universe explanation for the Klingon problem and it opens up some deep wounds for Federation and Klingons that would escalate to full scale war in TOS. There's some good complex story lines there, not to mention Romulans are still skulking around trying to do re-unification, Big Lizards called the Gorn (please do prosethetics no CGI, I'd even accept another Godzilla suit), and of course we still have new intros for species like the Omni-sexual Trill (Dax had girlfriends, boyfriends, and everything else in between, I'd love to see the 23rd century incarnation prior to Curzon). 


Yes, I know I am geek or a Gayk, but still, I love Science fiction.

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Well, A-Tracks went away when people realized CD's were cheap and plentiful, then the CD got killed with MP3 players and Napster, and now we are in the age of Streaming.


Technically, those websites are not the dark web, it's still part of the Light side of the Web, sort of like Han Solo shooting first or Luke kissing his own sister :o:P (I love Star Wars too, but since this is a Trek thread, someone has to make a few digs at Star Wars)


The story outline looks decent and I like Fuller's work (Hannibal was awesome for a sociopathic homoerotic cannibal, glad he went off the cliff with his beloved :D Try binge-ing that show you will be pleasantly surprised and hungry at the end of Season 1)





Borg + Time Travel = Dead plot after First Contact and Star Trek Voyager, plus "cough" Enterprise "cough"


ST: Discovery is a good new beginning, maybe we will get to meet old friends again, I wouldn't mind seeing a cameo from Michael Dorn aka Worf as his ancestor and even a little more backstory on the Forehead ridges. I only consider Enterprise Star Trek under Manny Coto, he at least gave us in-universe explanation for the Klingon problem and it opens up some deep wounds for Federation and Klingons that would escalate to full scale war in TOS. There's some good complex story lines there, not to mention Romulans are still skulking around trying to do re-unification, Big Lizards called the Gorn (please do prosethetics no CGI, I'd even accept another Godzilla suit), and of course we still have new intros for species like the Omni-sexual Trill (Dax had girlfriends, boyfriends, and everything else in between, I'd love to see the 23rd century incarnation prior to Curzon). 


Yes, I know I am geek or a Gayk, but still, I love Science fiction.


More Dax would be good, but as I recall, early-mid 23rd century was around Audrid and Tobin Dax. Audrid was only on the homeworld... and Tobin was just a little too neurotic to be a good main character. 

But yes, more Trill and other species that didn't get a lot of screentime in the other series. Shran kind of killed things for Andorians, but Tellarites are a canon founding member of the Federation, and we've never had a Tellarite MC. 

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I'm always up for more Star Trek. From what little I've read, it sounds like it's worth waiting for. I saw some preliminary Discovery (ship) concepts on YouTube,

and frankly I think they still have some find-tuning to do on it. But the characters sound exciting -- and there NO limit to the story possibilities. Can't wait to see what they come up with at $7 million an episode. Most expensive Star Trek Series to date. Edited by SolarMaxx
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just want to take a moment to give some love to Janeway/Mulgrew. It's hard to play a competent female leader without getting some unpleasant terms slung at you - case in point, this last election.


But I didn't like her when I was younger... I think that may have been partially because, unlike Kira Nerys, Seven of Nine, or even B'Elanna Torres, she was already all grown up, and thus less relatable to me that age. While she did undergo character growth, she didn't finish her adolescence on screen with us.


Also, I am happy that some of the gay/lesbian content that didn't quite make it out of the books will finally be on the screen! I will cry if it is terrible, I've waited so long for new Trek...


(P.S. @Hunter Thomson - Tobin Dax would make a high-larious guest character, at least!!)

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(P.S. @Hunter Thomson - Tobin Dax would make a high-larious guest character, at least!!)



The episode must be written and directed by Woody Allen :P


Based on the show and books, Tobin would have been a relatively older guy and near death at this point, if not already.


It would likely be Emony Dax, the same Dax who had an affair at Ole Miss with Doctor Leonard McCoy, while he was still in Med school (I imagine a young McCoy to be a futuristic Southern Rogue). Remember, Dax said in DS9 episode Trials and tribbulations that she was around as a Gymnast in the early to mid 23rd century, Curzon was late 23rd to early 24th century.

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I just want to take a moment to give some love to Janeway/Mulgrew. It's hard to play a competent female leader without getting some unpleasant terms slung at you - case in point, this last election.


But I didn't like her when I was younger... I think that may have been partially because, unlike Kira Nerys, Seven of Nine, or even B'Elanna Torres, she was already all grown up, and thus less relatable to me that age. While she did undergo character growth, she didn't finish her adolescence on screen with us.


Also, I am happy that some of the gay/lesbian content that didn't quite make it out of the books will finally be on the screen! I will cry if it is terrible, I've waited so long for new Trek...


(P.S. @Hunter Thomson - Tobin Dax would make a high-larious guest character, at least!!)

I have a really good feeling that it's going to be worth waiting for!

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(P.S. @Hunter Thomson - Tobin Dax would make a high-larious guest character, at least!!)



The episode must be written and directed by Woody Allen :P


Based on the show and books, Tobin would have been a relatively older guy and near death at this point, if not already.


It would likely be Emony Dax, the same Dax who had an affair at Ole Miss with Doctor Leonard McCoy, while he was still in Med school (I imagine a young McCoy to be a futuristic Southern Rogue). Remember, Dax said in DS9 episode Trials and tribbulations that she was around as a Gymnast in the early to mid 23rd century, Curzon was late 23rd to early 24th century.


I'm afraid that I'm not as conversant with the timeline of the Klingon War in particular - I thought that it had gone on for quite some time... is it not possible that it would be before Emony was joined?


Tobin was probably so eccentric as an old man  :funny:

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I'm afraid that I'm not as conversant with the timeline of the Klingon War in particular - I thought that it had gone on for quite some time... is it not possible that it would be before Emony was joined?


Tobin was probably so eccentric as an old man  :funny:


Really long cold war with a few flare ups and border wars. It was supposed to be a reference to 20th Century US/Soviet cold war.


As for Dax and McCoy, I wouldn't mind seeing a young McCoy on Discovery, it would make a lot of sense to see him as a junior doctor in training around this period just like our doctors work in the field before they practice. Also around this time, McCoy had a pretty steamy relationship with Dax and with Dax you could imagine the interesting menage a trois and poly-relationships she'd get involved in, we could finally know why Kirk calls him "Bones" :P

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I love how I come back to this thread only for it to have turned into the Dax Symbiont lifeline timeline. God bless you fellow Trekkies, live long and prosper.

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This book has become our collective source material for this thread, methinks.  0:)


It was a very good book though, and one of the few that's generally considered canonical that gives us any insight into this era when Discovery is set. I've always found it somewhat difficult to know where to draw the line of canon with most of the books... but aside from Dax, few primary characters could have been considered relevant during that era.


I was very sad, however, when I learned that Discovery would be in the earlier era. I appreciate each series distinctly, but I think that this time frame is best suited to a retelling that highlights the "frontiersy" sort of feel that was so appreciated during the airing of TOS. I don't really trust modern TV trends to be able to capture it effectively.


Additionally, I think there is still a lot of untapped potential going forward, and I would like to see that. I feel as though I might be the only fan who would actually welcome a series centered on Time Travel - a la "Relativity" (VOY)

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  • 9 months later...

I just want to say I'm loving Discovery. It is so different from previous franchises, especially in it's overall mood. I like that the captain isn't squeaky clean, and I like how Michael Berman is so polarizing a figure. It has a somewhat Stargate Universe feel to it, a series I loved. I hope viewers give Discovery a chance. This shit feels real. :) 

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