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This woman is worse than the devil himself

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She's is the definition of a cu**. She has kids and too. They should be shot.



Holy COW! Ok, yeah I'm not usually big on violence...but by the time that video was done I'd have to agree with Drew. That women was just creapy!!! She freaked me out. Good grief, what a loon. Arghhhhh....now I'm mad! I've always kind of gotten sick chuckle out of how many people invoke God into their battles...when it's the same God on both sides :blink: ?



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Everytime I see those people protesting, I want to wreck something. To be so arrogant to believe that they have it all figured out, and know that dead soldiers, 911, and IED's blowing up Americans is Gods way of getting back at gays... well it is such a stretch that I can hardly make the connection. The whole bunch of them need to be run over with an Abrams Tank at their next protest. I'll drive if they let me.



Aka: Ex-terminator

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That woman needs to have a nasty accident involving her own hair strangling her. And for another thing, surely they're more of a cult than a religion, I mean, less than 100 members, 80% of which being her family? Its a sick perversion of a religion...How can anyone think that protesting outside of anyone's funeral, let alone a soldiers funeral, is right? Surely that itself is a sin. I really hope when she and other members of her cult die that someone will go and protest at their funeral. I will happy make a huge 'God Loves Fags' sign complete with glitter.

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The real problem with that kind of people is that the medias gives them the soap box and the audience. Saying that a gathering of a mere hundred very obviously perturbed people had occured at the funeral was the only line they deserved.


Furthermore the family of this soldier certainly did not deserved to see them on TV along with the coffin. Grieving is bad enough as it is without seing it associated to blind hatred.


They did that to shock and gain attention. They definitely won. Because after seing it once, I remember the name of that woman but I have no idea of the name of the soldier. It gives them far more importance than they have (it's a 100 weirdos fer chrissake) nationwide and worldwide.


I turn off TV or change the channel when I see people like that. They do NOT deserve my attention and my time. At least not this way.


What pisses me off is not them. Laughing at them, critisizing them, hating them for 5 min is meaningless. I'd rather turn my back on them and use my energy and my time for constructive purpose. What's piss me off is that they won 5 min of national TV audience.


This 5 min bashing of bigots gives people clear conscience. Thet feel good that they're not like them and that's about the only reaction for most of them. Thx Ms Hannity and Colmes for this piece of collective self-satisfactory anesthetic.


Geez, I really can't stand Fox News... >_>

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do these people actually exist? isn't this just all put up to make a show or anything? I can't believe there are people in this world that are so ... so... I'm lost for words. These people are as bad as the Taliban and other religious fanatics from any religion. These are the people that condamn the world to make it a living hell for many.


The most horrible thing to my opinion is that they also raise their kids with these believes. I don't know how long these people are around like this. Must be a while, you can't get like this in a fortnight. It must be the reason we kicked them out of europe centuries ago. We must have hoped they wouldn't survive it.


I showed this file to a friend and he said he heard before about this. He actually mentioned that some hells angels were guarding those cemetarys to keep these people away. If that's true and hells angels are the only ones that are keeping them away, well, than I hope many more are comming to some sence and counter these fanatics at every event they show up!


I hope someone finds a sollution to silence them and make an end to this.

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I have to wonder if we aren't doing ourselves a disservice by allowing this pond scum to have some form of voice on a forum as beautiful as this one ??? I would hate to think they get some form of demented satisfaction from having a link to that video here. We already see the distance they will go to get their hate filled message out, protesting at funerals. Why??? Because that was the only way to get noticed. I feel the less avenues they have to spread their hate, the better.






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I seriously enjoy watching shit that crazy. Its funny. Like watching a skit from Monty Python or something but the actors take themselves way too seriously. It makes me feel all the more normal. And the assholes I might have to deal with on a day to day basis are all the more tame, cause there are complete whackos out there like that.


It is sad we don

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  • 3 weeks later...
Arrests At Phelps Clan Funeral Demo

by The Associated Press


May 22, 2006 - 1:00 pm ET



(Seaford Delaware) Five people face criminal charges after a weekend confrontation with members of a Kansas group that believes U.S. military casualties are God's retribution for America's support of homosexuality, authorities said Monday.


Members of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., gathered in Seaford on Sunday for a protest in conjunction with the funeral of Marine Cpl. Cory Palmer, who died earlier this month from injuries suffered in Iraq.


The Kansas group, carrying signs reading "God Hates Fags," "Fags Doom Nations" and "Vengeance is Mine, Sayeth the Lord," was met by a crowd of about 1,000 angry counter-demonstrators shouting "USA! USA!," as well as various taunts and obscenities.


Passing motorists honked their horns and hundreds of motorcycle riders revved their engines in an attempt to drown out the church members' shouts. Some counter-demonstrators hurled eggs, stones and water bottles.


State troopers and Seaford police officers were between the two factions, but authorities say a Bridgeville man broke through the police line and began assaulting two of the Westboro protesters shortly before the demonstration ended.


David Jones, 29, was charged with two counts of third-degree assault and one count of disorderly conduct. He was released on $1,500 unsecured bond.


A 16-year-old Seaford boy was charged with criminal mischief and disorderly conduct after a tire on the Westboro group's rented van was slashed. He was being held at a detention center Monday in lieu of $1,000 bond.


Christopher Daudt, 19, Stephen Carson, 19, and Allen Dunn, 56, all of Seaford, also were charged with criminal mischief and disorderly conduct after several counter-demonstrators threw rocks and bottles at a fire department vehicle carrying the Westboro protesters away from the scene, breaking several windows. Each was released on $1,000 bond.


"Tempers got very high," said Stephanie Hansen, an attorney for the city. "The city provided plenty of police protection and did everything in its power to protect the members of Westboro Baptist Church as they exercised their First Amendment rights."


Despite the violence, police department spokesman Capt. Gary Flood said he believed area residents showed "good restraint."



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If the Phelps clan sincerely believes in the word of God and Jesus, then they should know Jesus didn't advocate hatred and in fact advocated its opposite. They should be trying to help and show love for those they believe are living in sin. "God hates fags" does not accomplish either of those aims. Thus, they are logically inconsistent or do not believe in Jesus at all. Assuming for a minute that they are not incapable of using basic logic, that would mean they deliberately used dubious rhetoric for the purposes of deceiving those who aren't able to recognize the obvious logical flaws and they [the clan] aren't really interested in God other than for the ability to invoke his name as a tool to their agenda. Without a claim to God/Jesus to lend them support they have nothing but hatred as a reason for what they advocate, which is obvious to everyone with basic cranial functions.


I do wonder though, why does this little cult feel so strongly about this? What damned difference should it make to them who anyone lives with?

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