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1 minute ago, mollyhousemouse said:

good night Sirs and friends

it was a good day and i hope you all have good nights

i'll put the light in the window to guide that that wander in the night

Sleep Well, miss molly.

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Good morning and happy Sunday, DiC! :hug: I have a dinner thing at my mum's today, but I'm not sure if I'll be going or not as I feel like shit. We'll see what the next couple of hours bring. 


Hope you're all well! 

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4 minutes ago, Thorn Wilde said:

Worth thinking about.


Morning, tim! :hug: How are you?

I'm okay thanks. Just on my way to work. See you later.

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2 minutes ago, Kitt said:

Been better Thorn, but I am not gonna put a dark cloud over a bright day.  Hopefully today will be better than the last two have been.

I hope things improve for you.

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2 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

sentient Audio pronunciation

adjective | SEN-shee-unt  
responsive to or conscious of sense impressions
 having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge : aware
finely sensitive in perception or feeling


You may have guessed that sentient has something to do with the senses. The initial spelling sent- or sens- is often a giveaway for such a meaning. A sentient being is one who perceives and responds to sensations of whatever kind—sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. Sentient ultimately comes from the Latin verb sentire, which means "to feel" or "to perceive," and is related to the noun sensus, meaning "sense." A few related English words are sentiment and sentimental, which have to do with emotions, sensual, which relates to more physical sensations, and the trio of assent, consent, and dissent, which involve one's expressions of agreement (or disagreement in the case of dissent) in thought and feeling with another.


i love this word

first, it just sounds nice

second, one of my favorite Star Trek, Next Generation episodes deals with proving that Data is, indeed, a sentient being and it was so very powerful!   (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Measure_of_a_Man_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation))

2 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:



probably true, but very scary

letting go of fear is a hard thing for me


@Mikiesboy thanks for always putting these up!

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12 minutes ago, Kitt said:

Been better Thorn, but I am not gonna put a dark cloud over a bright day.  Hopefully today will be better than the last two have been.

Hope the day improves. :) 


8 minutes ago, Wayne Gray said:

I hope things improve for you.

Morning, Wayne! :hug: 



Well, i’m going to the dinner thing. Lots of church people. Ugh. I am prepared for an entire evening of misgendering.

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1 hour ago, Kitt said:

Good morning everyone.


13 minutes ago, Kitt said:

Been better Thorn, but I am not gonna put a dark cloud over a bright day.  Hopefully today will be better than the last two have been.

i'm sorry that things are dark for you @Kitt

here's hoping today is better  :hug:

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Just now, Thorn Wilde said:

Well, i’m going to the dinner thing. Lots of church people. Ugh. I am prepared for an entire evening of misgendering.

Some day gender and/or sexuality will no longer be an issue. Hopefully I will live to see that day!

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1 hour ago, Kitt said:

Thank you Wayne. Pleasure to meet you. Welcome to the Centre, though I am sure the others have already welcomed you to the family.

They have indeed.  Thanks.  🙂

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