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55 minutes ago, Starrynight22 said:

I'm doing just fine here.  No wine. Or fireplace.  I'm trying to decide my Halloween outfit for work tomorrow.  I know... Leaving it late.  

How about flannel jammie pants, oversize tee, mussy hair, like bed head, open bathrobe and carry an empty  coffee mug.  Instant harried parent. When my hair was longer I put one side up in curlers and then the other half falling out.

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1 minute ago, Kitt said:

How about flannel jammie pants, oversize tee, mussy hair, like bed head, open bathrobe and carry an empty  coffee mug.  Instant harried parent. When my hair was longer I put one side up in curlers and then the other half falling out.


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18 hours ago, Brayon said:

Suffice it to say, that some in your thread of requesting that abomination was wanting it as a negative reaction. Otherwise, you're not worth the time to respond to. 

I should not respond, but I have to repeat, there was never any desire to implement a negative reaction. A negative reaction is perhaps the ANGRY button, but not the I READ IT button. You don't anyhow have to click it. I am very sorry you see it that way and I am very sorry that you are so upset about it. If you can accept my apology perhaps we can leave the debate and leave people to use it as they feel like or if they feel like. Thanks.

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Good Sirs and DiC friends 


my wish is that you have a Scary Thursday and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN 

I want to share with you this thought we all need to remember everyday.

When you make a mistake – you learn,

When you learn – you grow,

And when you grow – you are unbeatable.

everyone in DiC is UNBEATABLE.


Edited by rickproehl
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2 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

Took tomorrow off, and all of next week.  Have the funeral for my Aunt to go to on Saturday then I've no idea what I'll be doing the rest of the week. Might just drive in some random direction.

Fae sorry to hear about Aunt. Sometime a unplanned trip is the best kind. Just go south and find some warm sunshine. Enjoy you week. 

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@Fae Briona a road trip to somewhere warm sounds like a great idea

@Brayon i didn't realize Samhain was the start of a new spiritual year, hope you are well

@rickproehl my day started really lousy, and got better over time, but still wasn't spectacular

hope everyone is well tonight

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14 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:


 my day started really lousy, and got better over time, but still wasn't spectacular

hope everyone is well tonight

molly sorry to hear the day  started lousy - right now we have a weather issues - high winds and a hard freeze warning so it is colder by the minute. They even cancelled trick or treat until Saturday afternoon . So the weather has changed 

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1 hour ago, mollyhousemouse said:

@Fae Briona a road trip to somewhere warm sounds like a great idea

@Brayon i didn't realize Samhain was the start of a new spiritual year, hope you are well

@rickproehl my day started really lousy, and got better over time, but still wasn't spectacular

hope everyone is well tonight

Doing well. Only three kids for trick or treating came to the house, so we have lots of candy left. Yeah, I learned this past week that some Pagans see Samhain as the turning of the spiritual year, as it's the thinnest between this realm and the next, and then strengthens again over the year to thin again next year.  I get that, and like it.

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Good  Sirs and DiC friends 

Good morning,  

I hope you all have a Good Friday .

This day has started out eventful - Steve called needing help (4 am) He lost a large walnut tree in his backyard and i went out to help clear the branches and helped fixed the damage fence. 

So how has your day been?

Edited by rickproehl
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37 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:


what tim said

PS: I have a surface tear in my right shoulder muscle - big name which included bicep is all I remember - hence my online presence is going to be limited for lots of weeks. Finger pecking is hard....

Reader sorry to hear that it’s not fu to hurt. 

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