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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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1 hour ago, Marty said:

Happy Sunday, everyone! :hug:

Today is the shortest day of the year here in Ireland. :yes:

That's because at 2:00am this morning the clocks were moved forward an hour for the start of Summer Time. So today is only 23 hours long.

It's often called British Summer Time, but here in Ireland we usually drop the "British" part for some reason ;) and just call it Summer Time. In fact a good number of Irish people refer to it as New Time - a hang over from when it was first introduced back in 1916. I've not changed my wall clock yet, or the clock in my car, but of course my electronic equipment (smartphone, laptop, and desktop) did it for me behind my back. 

I'm just happy that the change means I'll be getting an extra hour of light in the evenings. Whereas it was 7:01pm that the sun set yesterday, it will be 8:03pm that it sets this evening (the extra two minutes are the natural increase this time of the year).


We did that a couple of weeks ago. Hey, Marty. :hug: 

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3 hours ago, dughlas said:

Greetings of the day y'all. Mum and I are hosting 3 couples today for a meal in celebration of the season. Traditionally since I was a small child mum would host both sets of my grandparents and another couple they knew for dinner on Palm Sunday. Easter dinner was always a celebration with mum's extended family. After mum and my stepdad moved to SC they would host a small group of friends. Last year Covid put paid to that tradition. However, all of the attendees this year, with me as the exception, have been vaccinated and can safely gather. We are serving fresh spinach salad, jaeger-style roast pork, mashed potato casserole, glazed rainbow baby carrots, asparagus casserole. Dessert will be lemon meringue pie. I had intended to make a chocolate creme pie but have been coping with nasty migraine since Friday and decided it best to visit a nearby pie maker to purchase something instead.

Sounds wonderful, bro. Have a great and peaceful day. :hug: 

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8 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Well I didn't escape unscathed my arm is sore from the shot:yes:

Mum would tell you to use that arm to do things. She actually requested they put the shot in her dominant arm then came home and dry mopped the floors. Using the arm helps ease the the ache.

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8 hours ago, Marty said:

It warms my heart to read that there is at least some semblance of normality returning, @dughlas! I hope you and Mum have a great celebratory meal. :heart:

Thank you. The meal was a success. It was also good to see the one couple as we last saw them briefly at another friend's memorial service last July.

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8 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I know that but it still hurts pretty good:yes:

Hmmm, I can think of a good kind of hurt but it doesn't require a needle.

8 hours ago, Marty said:

I suppose it could be worse. It could be hurting pretty bad. :yes:


Yep, it could ...

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