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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards

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7 minutes ago, Bucket1 said:

Ask Albert about the Sundew family of flowers. Covered in glistening droplets capturing the light and looking so pretty…

except the glistening droplets are actually digestive fluids and slowly dissolve the insects caught in the trap. Hey we have very poor soils and a plant has to do what a plant has to do to get some nutrients.

We have the Cobra Lily in Oregon that does the same.  


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3 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

While Drew plays games with glitter nukes, we have our own biological warfare going on. The group of plants known as Poisons are naturally full of 1080, a deadly toxin. There a couple of nature reserves that are surrounded by sheep corpses, the plants are so deadly that the sheep nibble on the leaves and die. Not good for people either. Pretty members of the pea family but definitely not for eating.

Those pea flowers are pretty, a lovely orange shade.

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40 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Why am I not surprise that you would see it that way:rofl: And of course your wrong once again!:rofl:

I mean I get it, you must be pretty frustrated still waiting for Bucket red speedo pics all this time, no wonder you'd want to see if the grass is greener at Terry's -_- :lol:

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4 minutes ago, clochette said:

I mean I get it, you must be pretty frustrated still waiting for Bucket red speedo pics all this time, no wonder you'd want to see if the grass is greener at Terry's -_- :lol:

As I said before your wrong yet again! But keep trying you might get it one day:rofl:

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