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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards

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8 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

For @Headstall @clochette @Drew Espinosa, and anyone else here who owns a cat.  :P



Thanks Pagey :hug: Looping does the thing when the alarm goes off except I don't set it earlier, we just snuggle until I'm about to be late :lol:

How many cats do you have this season @Headstall?

Edited by clochette
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Moon Flower:yes:

Under the moon’s silvery gaze, Gary Headstall and his eclectic crew embarked on a quest—a pilgrimage into the heart of the desert. The air smelled of sagebrush and anticipation as they followed the ancient trails, their boots sinking into the sandy soil. 

Clo, with her gentle touch, whispered to the horses, urging them forward. The stallions snorted, sensing the magic in the night. Spike, the gruff mechanic, adjusted his hat and scanned the horizon. He believed the moon cactus flower held secrets—a map to forgotten oases or perhaps a portal to other realms. 

Drew, the lanky cowboy, hummed an old tune—a melody passed down from his grandfather. He claimed it guided lost souls. Nick, the dreamer, sketched the moon’s reflection in his notebook, capturing its luminous essence. 

And then there were Gary’s best friends: 

  • Buckert, the rodeo champion, rode ahead on his faithful steed. His eyes squinted against the desert winds, searching for signs. 

  • Man, the silent Navajo elder, walked beside Gary. His moccasins barely left a trace, as if he floated above the earth. 

  • Albert, the geologist, examined the rock formations. He believed the moon cactus flower grew where ley lines intersected—a convergence of energy. 

As they ventured deeper, the desert whispered. The saguaros leaned in, their arms pointing the way. The moon cactus flower was elusive—a nocturnal bloom that defied logic. Its petals glowed like moonlight, and its fragrance promised answers. 

They reached a rocky outcrop—a natural amphitheater. The moon hung low, casting shadows on the sand. And there, nestled among prickly pear cacti, they found it: the moon cactus flower. 

Its colors shifted—a gradient from pale silver to deep indigo. Its center pulsed, as if it held the universe’s heartbeat. Gary knelt, his weathered hands cradling the fragile blossom. 

“What do you seek?” the flower seemed to ask. 

Gary closed his eyes. “Answers,” he whispered. “For the paddock, for the horses, for all who wander.” 

The crew watched, breathless. Clo touched the petals, and they shimmered. Spike muttered a prayer. Drew’s tune wove through the air. Nick sketched furiously, capturing the flower’s essence. 

Buckert dismounted, his old bones protesting. “What’s the secret, flower?” 

Man stepped forward, his eyes ancient and knowing. He spoke in Navajo, a language older than time. The flower listened, nodding as if it understood. 

Albert examined the soil. “This place—it’s a crossroads. The moon cactus blooms where worlds converge.” 

And so, Gary Headstall and his companions absorbed the flower’s wisdom. They carried it back to the paddock—a luminescent gift. The horses nuzzled the petals, their eyes reflecting galaxies. 

As dawn approached, the moon cactus flower closed, its purpose fulfilled. But its glow lingered—a promise that even in the desert’s harsh embrace, magic thrived. 

And Gary? He knew the paddock held more mysteries. The moon cactus flower was just the beginning—a whisper in the vastness of Headstall’s land. 

Edited by Albert1434
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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Moon Flower:yes:

Under the moon’s silvery gaze, Gary Headstall and his eclectic crew embarked on a quest—a pilgrimage into the heart of the desert. The air smelled of sagebrush and anticipation as they followed the ancient trails, their boots sinking into the sandy soil. 

Clo, with her gentle touch, whispered to the horses, urging them forward. The stallions snorted, sensing the magic in the night. Spike, the gruff mechanic, adjusted his hat and scanned the horizon. He believed the moon cactus flower held secrets—a map to forgotten oases or perhaps a portal to other realms. 

Drew, the lanky cowboy, hummed an old tune—a melody passed down from his grandfather. He claimed it guided lost souls. Nick, the dreamer, sketched the moon’s reflection in his notebook, capturing its luminous essence. 

And then there were Gary’s best friends: 

  • Buckert, the rodeo champion, rode ahead on his faithful steed. His eyes squinted against the desert winds, searching for signs. 

  • Man, the silent Navajo elder, walked beside Gary. His moccasins barely left a trace, as if he floated above the earth. 

  • Albert, the geologist, examined the rock formations. He believed the moon cactus flower grew where ley lines intersected—a convergence of energy. 

As they ventured deeper, the desert whispered. The saguaros leaned in, their arms pointing the way. The moon cactus flower was elusive—a nocturnal bloom that defied logic. Its petals glowed like moonlight, and its fragrance promised answers. 

They reached a rocky outcrop—a natural amphitheater. The moon hung low, casting shadows on the sand. And there, nestled among prickly pear cacti, they found it: the moon cactus flower. 

Its colors shifted—a gradient from pale silver to deep indigo. Its center pulsed, as if it held the universe’s heartbeat. Gary knelt, his weathered hands cradling the fragile blossom. 

“What do you seek?” the flower seemed to ask. 

Gary closed his eyes. “Answers,” he whispered. “For the paddock, for the horses, for all who wander.” 

The crew watched, breathless. Clo touched the petals, and they shimmered. Spike muttered a prayer. Drew’s tune wove through the air. Nick sketched furiously, capturing the flower’s essence. 

Buckert dismounted, his old bones protesting. “What’s the secret, flower?” 

Man stepped forward, his eyes ancient and knowing. He spoke in Navajo, a language older than time. The flower listened, nodding as if it understood. 

Albert examined the soil. “This place—it’s a crossroads. The moon cactus blooms where worlds converge.” 

And so, Gary Headstall and his companions absorbed the flower’s wisdom. They carried it back to the paddock—a luminescent gift. The horses nuzzled the petals, their eyes reflecting galaxies. 

As dawn approached, the moon cactus flower closed, its purpose fulfilled. But its glow lingered—a promise that even in the desert’s harsh embrace, magic thrived. 

And Gary? He knew the paddock held more mysteries. The moon cactus flower was just the beginning—a whisper in the vastness of Headstall’s land. 

Wow. :worship: 

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2 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Moon Flower:yes:

Under the moon’s silvery gaze, Gary Headstall and his eclectic crew embarked on a quest—a pilgrimage into the heart of the desert. The air smelled of sagebrush and anticipation as they followed the ancient trails, their boots sinking into the sandy soil. 

Clo, with her gentle touch, whispered to the horses, urging them forward. The stallions snorted, sensing the magic in the night. Spike, the gruff mechanic, adjusted his hat and scanned the horizon. He believed the moon cactus flower held secrets—a map to forgotten oases or perhaps a portal to other realms. 

Drew, the lanky cowboy, hummed an old tune—a melody passed down from his grandfather. He claimed it guided lost souls. Nick, the dreamer, sketched the moon’s reflection in his notebook, capturing its luminous essence. 

And then there were Gary’s best friends: 

  • Buckert, the rodeo champion, rode ahead on his faithful steed. His eyes squinted against the desert winds, searching for signs. 

  • Man, the silent Navajo elder, walked beside Gary. His moccasins barely left a trace, as if he floated above the earth. 

  • Albert, the geologist, examined the rock formations. He believed the moon cactus flower grew where ley lines intersected—a convergence of energy. 

As they ventured deeper, the desert whispered. The saguaros leaned in, their arms pointing the way. The moon cactus flower was elusive—a nocturnal bloom that defied logic. Its petals glowed like moonlight, and its fragrance promised answers. 

They reached a rocky outcrop—a natural amphitheater. The moon hung low, casting shadows on the sand. And there, nestled among prickly pear cacti, they found it: the moon cactus flower. 

Its colors shifted—a gradient from pale silver to deep indigo. Its center pulsed, as if it held the universe’s heartbeat. Gary knelt, his weathered hands cradling the fragile blossom. 

“What do you seek?” the flower seemed to ask. 

Gary closed his eyes. “Answers,” he whispered. “For the paddock, for the horses, for all who wander.” 

The crew watched, breathless. Clo touched the petals, and they shimmered. Spike muttered a prayer. Drew’s tune wove through the air. Nick sketched furiously, capturing the flower’s essence. 

Buckert dismounted, his old bones protesting. “What’s the secret, flower?” 

Man stepped forward, his eyes ancient and knowing. He spoke in Navajo, a language older than time. The flower listened, nodding as if it understood. 

Albert examined the soil. “This place—it’s a crossroads. The moon cactus blooms where worlds converge.” 

And so, Gary Headstall and his companions absorbed the flower’s wisdom. They carried it back to the paddock—a luminescent gift. The horses nuzzled the petals, their eyes reflecting galaxies. 

As dawn approached, the moon cactus flower closed, its purpose fulfilled. But its glow lingered—a promise that even in the desert’s harsh embrace, magic thrived. 

And Gary? He knew the paddock held more mysteries. The moon cactus flower was just the beginning—a whisper in the vastness of Headstall’s land. 

Albert, you should seriously consider author status and post these. What you are writing is beautiful and fascinating. :hug: :kiss: 👏 👏

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5 minutes ago, raven1 said:

I see Drew beat me to the news.  Thailand has legalized gay marriage.  It will go into effect in 120 days.  We were out tonight celebrating Gay Pride and the new law.😁

Oh! Hi Everyone! :glomp:

Hi Terry. The news about Thailand is great, I hope you and Aod, and all of the gay people in Thailand, enjoy the celebrations. I noticed that some have already started planning their weddings. :hug: :kiss:

What do you think of Albert's posts about Headstall's paddock. 😃

Edited by Mancunian
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