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Sexual Prejudice


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Okay. So I've got this english assigment I need to do on prejudice. (I know. It's holidays and they give us homework. :thumbdown: ) It states that I can choose any type of prejudice, so i chose sexual prejudice. I'm not out yet so I know this is gonna earn me a few awkward questions, but I guess gay pride got the best of me.


Anyway, one of the requirments is that I conduct an interview on this type of prejudice and I must include people's opinion towards it.


This is where you guys can help me. I haven't experienced sexual prejudice and unfortunately, I know some people have. If you are willing to contribute your experiences or opinions with this please do, it would help me greatly.


All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I haven't experienced sexual prejudice and unfortunately, I know some people have.


It would please me if you never experienced it but I doubt that will be the case. Sexual prejudice will be different in the US and Australia so I doubt that I can help you much.


I wrote some notes about anti-gay bias and its origins that might help.



There appear to be several distinct "flavors" of anti-gay bias which tend to overlap in many cases.


I have observed that often when a person exhibits extreme bias, some underlying pathology may be involved. When one of these lines of reasoning is shown to be false, another one of the reasons will be brought forward.


I will try to list the typical reasons for bias and the pathologies because it is important for us to look at the reasons why people hate us.



1. Typical Bias


a. the Ick factor- the idea of two people of the same sex having sex is gross to some people.


b. religious objections- the Judeo-Christian tradition and the Islamic faith have strong taboos against gay sex. In some cultures this has been taken so far as to criminalize gay sexual acts.


c. It's not natural- this school of thought seems to think that same-sex attraction does not occur in nature despite all evidence to the contrary. They do not seem to have the same objections to organ transplants or in-vitro fertilization.


d. Gays are all Predators- despite all evidence to the contrary.


e. plain old garden variety bigotry- these guys hate anything different be it race, religion or sexual preference.


f. Erroneous Misconceptions- these people have heard something or have some belief about gay people and their behavior.



2. Atypical/Pathological Bias


a. ego defining bigotry- in this type of bias, the bigot believes that he is superior because of a defining characteristic like his race, gender or sexuality. Typically, this person doesn't have a lot going for them so their ego depends on a characteristic like race or orientation for their self-esteem.


b. Homophobia- this is a person that has some same-sex attraction but turns their self-loathing outward against others. Gay people constitute a serious threat to their identity


c. Post-Victimization Projection- this person has been sexually abused or sexually assaulted and turns his anger toward all gay people as potential sexual abusers or assaulter's.


d. Religious Fanaticism- this person has an underlying psychosis and believes that their actions are guided or directed by god. This is sometimes what is going on with many ritualistic serial killers.



The difficult part of this analysis is that the reasons for bias usually overlap and sometimes cover an underlying pathology. There is no single reason for anti-gay bias and it's layers and psychological complexity make it a difficult issue to pin down.


As a writer, I do a good bit of research to develop my characters. This is a result of the information that I've gathered.

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Justin, as a suggestion, do some research on Warren Entsch. He's a Queensland Liberal backbencher in the federal government that is sponsoring a gay rights bill. Here's an article from The Australian from last month about it:




A report from the Sydney Morning Herald on gay rights in Australia (also from last month):




And finally an article from The Age on a group of teens and young adults called WayOut that try to educate the community in rural Victoria:




There's lots there for you to work with. You could look at the link between legal discrimination and how it feeds society prejudices, as one option. You could discuss how ignorance and prejudice are often related.


I'm sorry you've got homework over the school break, but I think that's more common now than it was in my day. My seven year old son is starting to get homework regularly now, though not for the school holidays.

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It is not certain that it will out him, but it will certainly get some people wondering. There was a "youth parliament" in Melbourne last year that debated, amongst other things, same-sex marriage. The topic can be tackled as a social justice issue and there are (straight) people who do so on that basis. However, it is a risk to use this as a topic for a class paper and it should be acknowledged. Only Justin can make that call.


One of reasons I suggested he research Warren Entsch is because 1. he's straight, 2. he's a federal politican and 3. he believes passionately in gay rights. He's also from one of the most conservative parts of the country.


An email to Warren Entsch may get a response in time, as could an email to Justice Michael Kirby (an openly gay judge on Australia's High Court). Other public figures he could email would include Senator Bob Brown (the leader of the federal Greens Party, also gay) and Dr. Kerryn Phelps (former president of the Australian Medical Association, also gay).


I can't guarantee any of these will respond, and I'm not sure where to get Dr. Phelps's email address from, but the email addresses of the rest are public information (check out the Australian Government web site).

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Well I doubt that I would have to show it to the whole class. My teacher is pretty openminded, so she wouldn't care. Anyway this girl in my class presented a speech about gay marriage to the whole class and no one said anything about her sexuality or ridiculed her of her choice. Anyway i think my class is a pretty safe one.


Anyway... thanks for all the help

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Hi Juss.


You have received a lot of advice, and I wanted to help you with sorting out this information and writing your paper. I suggest 3 sections:


I. The sources of sexual prejudice. Jamessavik wrote a very exhaustive list of sources of sexual prejudice. You can add some facts about the widespread and acceptance of same sex relationship in pre-modern societies (ancient Greek and Romans, China). You can find information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality


II. The costs to society of sexual prejudice. Some examples are: (1) violence, including violence in school, (2) suicide rate for gay teens and (3) other costs that cannot be quantified. Who bears the costs of sexual prejudice? Is it only the victims or the society as a whole? It is important to provide some evidence or data in this section. If you want to convince people, you need to provide some supporting evidence, data and facts. This section will lead naturally to the following one. Maybe people on this forum can point to sources of data on this.


III. What can we do to fight sexual prejudice? Birdsofafeather provided excellent sources about legislation. Maybe, if you feel comfortable, you can say something about what can be done at the school level.


Good luck,


Edited by Xiao_Chun
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Well if you're not out and doing this paper here is a suggestion that you can think on.


Now Sexual Biasness isn't limited to how homosexual relationships and homosexuals are treated. There are also stereotypes surrounding women as well as men that you could also research. It would add a diverse opinion and others may think that you're doing your paper on a whole idea instead of just a singled out bias.


Of course in the end it is your decision.



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Well if you're not out and doing this paper here is a suggestion that you can think on.


Now Sexual Biasness isn't limited to how homosexual relationships and homosexuals are treated. There are also stereotypes surrounding women as well as men that you could also research. It would add a diverse opinion and others may think that you're doing your paper on a whole idea instead of just a singled out bias.


Of course in the end it is your decision.




Hi Juss11,


You've had some good comments concerning your topic. First, can we be a little more specific on the "topic?"


I'm sure you are thinking about prejudice of sexual orientation (orientation, not preference)? To piggyback onto Krista's suggestion, look in the macro-world of sexual prejudice - men vs. women. This would include cultures such as the Muslim practices of treating women differently to the subtle issues in the modern business world.


Then, examine other prejudices. Sub-groupings should include M/M and F/F relationships. A very interesting side-bar would be how society more readily accepts F/F relationships.


Graeme is not only a fellow Aussie, but a thoughtful man who is a father...and also happens to be gay. Listen to his advice. You're examining a very volatile subject for a 14 y.o. guy.


Best wishes on your project. Bottom line; cover your ass.


Jack B)

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Well I agree that caution is wise, but mostly I want to say how proud I am of Juss for tackling this issue! It's my opinion that the best chance for true social acceptance is to change people's opinions while they're still in their formative years. I don't think people do come "pre-designed" for prejudice; if Juss and the other girl who argued for gay marriage feel that it's safe to take a positive stand among their peers then I whole-heartedly commend them! :great::2thumbs:


disclaimer: but yeah be safe and excerise caution ;)


Anyway, I had thought that Juss was asking for our specific experiences involving sexual prejucide (but perhaps I did misinterpret). Anyway I've been very fortunate in not having experienced much negative attention because of my sexuality. The only thing I can think of off hand is once before I moved from Lousiana I was on Bourbon Street in New Orleans and I was walking toward the "gay section" and I had to walk past these three guys. Two of them were friends and from the area and they were talking to this other guy from out of town telling him about the "hot spots". Anyway when I walked by one of them said in a very loud voice, "Don't go that way (and he pointed in the direction I was walking), that's where all the queers (may have said fags I can't remember) are!", but I just ignored them...so yeah I don't really have much of a story to relate.


Good luck though, take care, and have an awesome day!


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Hi Juss


I am sorry you have homework over your holidays!! I am also from Melbourne and also a bit of a lurker on this site. So we have something in common. :D



I am aware of an organisation here in Melbourne which works to enhance the lives of Victoria's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. I am sure if you e-mail them they would help you with your project. Here is a link to the website.




I also think that you are brave to do this topic for your essay. I agree that it is a bit of risk but I think it is unlikely that your fellow students would found out what you did your essay on. But I agree with Krista - I think to cover the bases you should include a bit about sexual prejudice based on gender so that it appears you are covering all angles. But that is up to you - it is your essay after all!! :D


I hope that helps and that you get your homework done so that you can enjoy your break.



P.S As I said am a lurker but I love these icons - so I may post more!! :lmao:

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Anyway, I had thought that Juss was asking for our specific experiences involving sexual prejucide (but perhaps I did misinterpret)


Actually. Yes. I am looking for specific examples in which sexual prejudice has affected you or somebody else directly. (Eg. Matthew Shephard)


Anyway... I read somewhere that homosexuality is punishable to death in Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries. I don't understand why people should be killed due to something they have no choice over. So i think doing this paper will help people (at least my teacher) to see the effects of sexual prejudice worldwide.


So thanks again to EVERYONE who has helped me out. Your advice is aiding me greatly and I think i've got my paper well under control. :2thumbs:





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Hi everybody.


Today I had a bad incident that I wanted to share with you. I am not even sure that it is related to sexual bigotry or not.


This morning before I walked into my office I found on the announcements board the following statement


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I guess I am very surprised to see something like this in San Francisco State University. This is one of the most liberal and diverse places in the world.
(Sigh.) Pre-teens apparently need a catch-all mindless insult. I hope to live to see the day when "fag", "gay", "lesbo", etc. are no longer favorites.


I too am surprised, not only for your reason but also because most college students have better aimed insults at their disposal. Not all, obviously.

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if you're doing sexual prejudice--man vs. women-- just look at the english language: most of the collective pronouns are on default masculine (e.g., use of 'he' instead of 'he/she').

also, think of how women dress. for guys, we can throw on anything and no one would care; if women threw "anything" on, people will think they're slutty, disorganized, or don't care about anything; it's messed up.

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Anyway... I read somewhere that homosexuality is punishable to death in Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries. I don't understand why people should be killed due to something they have no choice over. So i think doing this paper will help people (at least my teacher) to see the effects of sexual prejudice worldwide.



I have been to Saudi Arabia.... Is not easy beeing gay there....you have to hide it very well except the case you want to be a Martyr for the cause.....But also I am looking in my country that all gay people are rejected.....And more or less you are excluded from most of the activities if they would find that out....But the people are getting open minded and works much better...I am glad that you have the chance to have open minded than I do here in my country....


Wish you all best Addy

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I have been to Saudi Arabia.... Is not easy beeing gay there....you have to hide it very well except the case you want to be a Martyr for the cause.....But also I am looking in my country that all gay people are rejected.....And more or less you are excluded from most of the activities if they would find that out....But the people are getting open minded and works much better...I am glad that you have the chance to have open minded than I do here in my country....


Wish you all best Addy

:hug: aww I'm sorry, Addy :(


Take care and I hope things do get much better in your country

all the best and let us know if you need to talk or anything :)


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Hey Juss,


My advice is pretty simple: DON'T!


If a straight guy did that speech it wouldnt lead to anything, but if you do it people are probably going to start wondering. You're 14 so that means year 9/10, right? One speech about discrimination at year 9 isnt enough to out you, but what about all the other little things, the signals you arent even aware of? The fact that you dont have a girlfriend (an assumption, i couldnt bring myself to do it), the fact that you dont make fun of homosexuals, maybe you even get angry and defend them a couple of times publicly? All these little things are what add up to an outing. You've got to think about this long-term. When you come out you want it to be your choice. I've seen it happen to someone else when I was in High School and it really messed up his life. I don't know what your situation is, but for me that would have been a disastrous situation.


Seriously, you'd be better off doing the 'White Australia Policy'. If it wasnt so horrible it would be funny, if you mention the riduculous entrance tests you may even score a couple of laughs. There is plenty of information out there and it's an important part of Australian history. It was blatant prejudice and discrimination and you can approach it quite easily, it only officialy stopped in the 70s so you'll be able to find immigrants who faced discrimination to interview. Link it in to the recent cronulla riots and u've got a piece of cake assignment.


Hope this doesnt sound too bossy but I can understand why you want to do this and thats exactly why I wouldnt. I got into an argument with my religion teacher about christian attitudes like 'hate the sin not the sinner' and it raised a few brows. I think he understood because in the end and he subtly told me to drop it in a nice way with a knowing look and a nod toward the class who'd all started watching.


Anyway, hope this helps.



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Hey Juss,


My advice is pretty simple: DON'T!

Wynter, thanks for the concern. I know this paper is risky, but I am not obliged to read it to the class. The only person who is going to see it is my teacher. (Unless she shows it to my parents at teacher interviews coming up :( ). And if the other pupils do read it, I'm almost certain that they would not speculate. I know it would be much easier to do racial prejudice, especially with the riots and the 'White Australia Policy', but I do feel comfortable doing this.


Anyway... thanks to everyone who has helped. I never though about doing Man VS Woman. I guess if I include a whole range of sexual prejudice and not just prejudice against homosexuals, then it would decrease the chance of specualtions. :)

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  • 2 months later...
Okay. So I've got this english assigment I need to do on prejudice. (I know. It's holidays and they give us homework. :thumbdown: ) It states that I can choose any type of prejudice, so i chose sexual prejudice. I'm not out yet so I know this is gonna earn me a few awkward questions, but I guess gay pride got the best of me.


Anyway, one of the requirments is that I conduct an interview on this type of prejudice and I must include people's opinion towards it.


This is where you guys can help me. I haven't experienced sexual prejudice and unfortunately, I know some people have. If you are willing to contribute your experiences or opinions with this please do, it would help me greatly.


All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


You could write about the sexual prejudice you are subjected to in your daily life, how you can't say a guy is hot like most guys say about girls, how you can't take a guy to a school dance, how you can't hold hands with a boy at school. Think of all those times where you have to omit something in your daily life and write about that. *** haha...all late ***

Edited by philipryanreynaldi
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You could write about the sexual prejudice you are subjected to in your daily life, how you can't say a guy is hot like most guys say about girls, how you can't take a guy to a school dance, how you can't hold hands with a boy at school. Think of all those times where you have to omit something in your daily life and write about that. *** haha...all late ***


lol..ok, fortunately that paper was due MONTHS ago..hehe, but thanks for the advice anyway. Anyway.. I did get A+ on that, and I let a few people read it. I dont think they suspected me being gay or anything like that, nor did the teacher.

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lol..ok, fortunately that paper was due MONTHS ago..hehe, but thanks for the advice anyway. Anyway.. I did get A+ on that,

Hey Juss

congratulations for the A+ :worship:

I dont think they suspected me being gay or anything like that, nor did the teacher.

Are you sure ? When time passes, you could change your opinion....

Wish you good luck anyway.

Take care

Ols Bob

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Okay. So I've got this english assigment I need to do on prejudice. (I know. It's holidays and they give us homework. :thumbdown: ) It states that I can choose any type of prejudice, so i chose sexual prejudice. I'm not out yet so I know this is gonna earn me a few awkward questions, but I guess gay pride got the best of me.


Anyway, one of the requirments is that I conduct an interview on this type of prejudice and I must include people's opinion towards it.


This is where you guys can help me. I haven't experienced sexual prejudice and unfortunately, I know some people have. If you are willing to contribute your experiences or opinions with this please do, it would help me greatly.


All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


OK, I'm sure we're all wondering: Any comments or giggles while you read it to the class? Or didn't you have to read it to the class? :huh:


Colin :boy:

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