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Wind Dancer

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I'm interested in reading a story about a gay witch...I read gay vampire stories all the time, but I've yet to read a very moving gay witch story. Anybody interested in fufiling my deepest darkest desire please let me know!

ALSO if you already have a gay witch story...let me know...I'd probably like to read it...

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Warlock is the masculine form of witch.


A gay witch would be... a lesbian witch or are you looking for a story about a gay warlock (like Uncle Arthur)?


Charmed took major liberties with the world of arcana. Bewitched created its own mythos of nose twitching witches and warlocks.


There are many, many kinds of magic users.


Some of the most ancient schools of magic were based on the use of the elements. You can imagine that creating water and throwing fireballs would enhance a persons reputation in the ancient world.


Another very old school of magic is astrology which was not only used for reading forecasts of future trends, true maters were said to be able to manipulate those trends.


There are many other schools of magic- some of which use quite different energies to do their thing and DO NOT mix.


A few are:


Conjurers cast spells that bring creatures or material.


Illusionists merely create illusions but the more powerful ones can warp reality.


Deviners cast spells that gather information.


Evokers cast spells that create something from nothing.


Alchemist try to transmute some common (or vulgar) material into a rare (or noble) material.


Abjuration spells protect, block or banish. Many powerful white magic users practice this school of magic exclusively.


Necromancers use spells that manipllate life forces. They are not always evil. White necromancers are powerful healers that often pose as monks or physicians.


Enchanters cast spells that can magically enhance an item or control a person or creature.



One of my favorites was introducted during Babylon 5 and later appeared in Crusade- the techno-mages. And no. They didn't produce magical dance music. Their bag was micing magic and technology.


I was actually considering doing something along these lines for the Fall anthology. 0:)

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Warlock is the masculine form of witch.


Wizard is also a commonly used term for the male witch, but the word witch can still be unisex.


Witches are either sorcerers or magicians, and Comicality's "Magic Man" is about a a young magician. It's still in its early stages, but should be updated soon. You may be interested in that.

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James, did I mention you're my favorite person from mississippi? I bet you're a trivia KING! hehe


Neat, another Mississippian, and an interesting one at that :D


jamessavik, put away the DnD books, or crack 'em open and lets get gaming!


That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the list :P We need to have a GA DnD meet sometime! *rofl*

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A few are:


Conjurers cast spells that bring creatures or material.


Illusionists merely create illusions but the more powerful ones can warp reality.


Deviners cast spells that gather information.


Evokers cast spells that create something from nothing.


Alchemist try to transmute some common (or vulgar) material into a rare (or noble) material.


Abjuration spells protect, block or banish. Many powerful white magic users practice this school of magic exclusively.


Necromancers use spells that manipllate life forces. They are not always evil. White necromancers are powerful healers that often pose as monks or physicians.


Enchanters cast spells that can magically enhance an item or control a person or creature.

Thanks, James! Most of them I had heard of and new about, but "Necromancers" were new to me, and I never realize the true definition of an Enchanter. Awesome thanks :D:2thumbs::great:


One of my favorites was introducted during Babylon 5 and later appeared in Crusade- the techno-mages. And no. They didn't produce magical dance music.



Have an awesome day everyone!


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Just a side note to this topic. I have several friends that are Wicken and I am told by them that they do not worship the devil and are more earth-energy based. (quick def. did not want to go into to much detail) but they refer to themselves as Witches all men and women. They explained to me that a Warlock is what they call Dark Magic or Devil Worshipers. There is a big difference in all these names. They are usually linked to a specific religion except for the word "Witch" that seems to flow through a lot of them. I will also be looking up these stories as well. They are really great.


http://jamie.awesomedude.com/tsoi/scrolls_...a__chapters.htm Here is a link to another great story by "Jamie" and he rights a lot of stuff having to do with magic. This story here is fantastic, it is about "Angel Boys" boy's with wings and they are all gay fighting evil forces. It is really cool.







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http://jamie.awesomedude.com/tsoi/scrolls_...a__chapters.htm Here is a link to another great story by "Jamie" and he rights a lot of stuff having to do with magic. This story here is fantastic, it is about "Angel Boys" boy's with wings and they are all gay fighting evil forces. It is really cool.



Actually, Boxerdude, and not that I intended to give any spoilers to the story here, the Icarian's may be referred to as Angel Boys, they are actually, boys with wings. This and more will be explained as the story goes along. As for the boys all being gay, maybe, maybe not. The story is more about tolerance and exceptence on who you are and not what you are. The story does have two Wizards, Jamie and his Brother Loran. Jamie has a mate, Nikolas (Nic for short) and they are a mated pair. This too, is explained.


The Scrolls of Icaria is by for my favorite online Sci/fan story. If anyone else here follows this story and would like to know more about the Orbs in the story, then follow this link to The Talon House where I have all the orbs posted, with Jamies permission.

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Witches, Wizards and Warlocks- OH MY!


There are a number of mythologies/traditions around magic and the people and creatures that use it.


In Norse mythology, there are magical creatures called elves which can be good or evil. Good elves may befriend a person and help them. Evil elves are tricksters and betrayers of people.


In Egyptian mythos, Pharaohs are the kin of Gods. The Pharaoh and their families are supposed to have magical abilities. The Priests of various Gods were also supposed to be endued with magical powers.


In Greek mythology, people that play with magic are not very nice nor do they do it well. Magic is used by the Gods who are very active in human affairs and take a dim view of humans using magic.


In Roman mythology, the Gods bestow magical powers on favored people- Cesare or his Generals, or a favorite gladiator.


In native American mythos, magic is everywhere. Every tribe had a Shaman or Medicine-man. People went to the Medicine-man to learn, ask questions or get in touch with an animal guide.


In a genre of popular fiction in the sixties, witches(female) and warlocks(male) were a race of their very own with magical powers. They were indistinguishable from ordinary humans but they aged very slowly. Their powers were extreme but they would get in trouble if they exposed their existence or meddled too much in human affairs.


In another genre of popular fiction, Mages could be either male or female. Magic was black (evil), red (neutral) or white (good). Mages had to pick one and use it exclusively. If they used a spell outside their "school", they would lose their powers.


In a popular television series from the ninties, Friday the 13th, humans with knowledge of the arcane tried to find and secure magical or enchanted items with horrific side effects.


This is a VERY deep well with plenty of room for all sorts of good fiction.

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